Captain Tickles Reform LF Mes



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Imagination Land [iMgn] is looking for a mes (playing other midline is also a bonus)

Peaked around 240 on the ladder, generally participate in monthly champs (though never without some kind of weird incident it seems...) and want to focus again on AT play

Usually play 8-9 est

Generally we're easy going low rage group, but also serious about continuing to improve and push up the ladder succeed in AT's etc etc. We tend to prefer flexible builds (more dR style not Sinsplit) so players must be vocal and able to aware of map movement and report relevant information not do stupid things that cause us to take unnecessary dp and generally not need to be micro'd. We don't have a one caller and everyone is expected to contribute info and ideas throughout a match. Also be able to the things mesmers are generally expected to do.

If you're interested pm me here or in game (Winstar Mandos) or if I'm not on I Guild Hero I or Yupik Eskimo or Heals like buffalo. Please give me some info on your experience (balth fac, champ points, ha, yadda yadda) we're looking for someone with some good experience at the position with at least top 300 exp and tournament experience.
