EOTN suitable for new characters?
i was watching this interview from a developer of the EOTN expantion, and he was saying that this release is focus more to characters lvl20, so i was wondering b4 buying this, im asking you guys that alredy played it , if it can be played for a new created charter cause i wanted to have the opporunity to use a paragorn or elementalist in this expantion ;p
Initially EotN was for L20 characters only. They have lowered that to L10, but there is no character creation in EotN - you need to bring an existing character from Prophecies, Factions or, in the case of a Paragon, Nightfall.
It's actually a good way to progress a character, if somewhat cheating. As soon as your L10 char enters EotN, it receives a blessing that makes its attributes and health/energy on a par with a L20 char - until it really reaches L20.
It's actually a good way to progress a character, if somewhat cheating. As soon as your L10 char enters EotN, it receives a blessing that makes its attributes and health/energy on a par with a L20 char - until it really reaches L20.
oh thats great
, so i can bring a lvl 10 character with no problem cause i will get a good buff then

Preatty much so yes