List Morale/DP in Character Name on Party Menu
Yah I would like that as well. I'm always wondering what my hench dp's are at since they are usually the ones that die when I'm vanquishing. Adding the moral boost or dp to the name bar is a great idea.
Shayne Hawke
/signed. The area where you put the numbers would be the place where hex, enchantment, and condition indicators go, but I don't know where else you would put that piece of data. I want it for the same reason you do: I have no clue how my henchmen are doing with morale.
great super ideA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im happy for you
i waste my life
do you?
im happy for you
i waste my life
do you?
Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke
/signed. The area where you put the numbers would be the place where hex, enchantment, and condition indicators go, but I don't know where else you would put that piece of data. I want it for the same reason you do: I have no clue how my henchmen are doing with morale.
|W/E20 Character Name.........+10%.^|
And if you had an enchantment and a hex, it could possibly appear like this (hexes represented as v):
|W/E20 Character Name......+10%.v.^|
And of course, the death penalty/morale and hex and enchantment indicator arrows would have priority over the character name in the Party Menu, so if someone was using a squished party menu it could appear something like:
|W/E20 Character Na..+10%.v.^|
Id like for them to implement it on the party menu as well as when you select/attack a team mate/opponent...its always nice when you're trying to DP out an ignorant team...spread the 60%s
Id like for them to implement it on the party menu as well as when you select/attack a team mate/opponent...its always nice when you're trying to DP out an ignorant team...spread the 60%s
But make it an option, I don't want that junk on bars in pvp
But make it an option, I don't want that junk on bars in pvp
I think it can help a lot for HA pugs w/out vent or arenas and also be a bit helping for GvG. So it is gd:P
added at edit:
And eh I think it shouldn't be visible for enemies, cause it's skill if you can see who is DPed for spikes, and I think that should stay:P
added at edit:
And eh I think it shouldn't be visible for enemies, cause it's skill if you can see who is DPed for spikes, and I think that should stay:P
Phoenix Tears
signed.. one of anets tiny fails from the begin on, they have ever overlooked....
It could be simple a black square with the numbers, a bit bluish if it's MB and a bit reddish if it is DP.
It would be a neat healp in many cases:
- Player lying about their DP...
- Allied parties' DP in Vizunah, Harvest Temple and AB...
- Henchmen...
Of course, in PvP you won't see enemy partie's DP, or they would go for you directly.
It would be a neat healp in many cases:
- Player lying about their DP...
- Allied parties' DP in Vizunah, Harvest Temple and AB...
- Henchmen...
Of course, in PvP you won't see enemy partie's DP, or they would go for you directly.