ANet, please add Nine Rings to this year's Canthan New Year Festival
I don't remember if Nine Rings was part of last year's Canthan New Festival, but if not, it needs to be. Please, Anet, add Nine Rings as one of the Festival games.
I really got let down when I saw the Nine Ring boards at Wintersday, only to find out that they weren't for Nine Rings. :'-(
I really got let down when I saw the Nine Ring boards at Wintersday, only to find out that they weren't for Nine Rings. :'-(
Ya...nine rings is part of the boardwalk games...and they said the board walk will be returning so...nine rings shuld be available this weekend, despite their not specifically mentioning it.
AW Lore
in most of the canthan festivals, nine rings has always been part of it.
here i come, weekend of leaving my computer on all night long!
now, if only anet hadnt put that thing that boots you from server after 10 hours of spending time in one single place...i mean, i can sleep more than 10 hours from time to time...
here i come, weekend of leaving my computer on all night long!
now, if only anet hadnt put that thing that boots you from server after 10 hours of spending time in one single place...i mean, i can sleep more than 10 hours from time to time...
i missed 2nd festival .. but i was hoping those would be available this year
I pwnd U
/signed 9 rings was a pretty awesome game. I enjoyed AFK'ing it would love to see it come back. So here's to making sure it is back.
Shayne Hawke
There hasn't been one festival in Cantha past the Dragon Festival without them. Worthless thread.
Hoorah for afk Lucky/Unlucky title?...
Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's been in every Canthan Festival so far, so, thread = no point.
/signed, I guess?
Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's been in every Canthan Festival so far, so, thread = no point.
/signed, I guess?
wu is me
lol i think they granted ur wish
It will be there lol dw.
It will be there lol dw.
lmao lmao. It MUST be there. lol lol lol. It happens every year lol lol