hi guys,
i just played guild wars for the first time yesterday and i just love the game.
but i have a few questions or more wonderings. would be great if you guys can answer them.
- Is the main quest line a long one?
- How can i get more gold, because i just get hardly any
- I unlocked some nice skills but how many skills i get for example a ranger
- and maybe some tips from the people that have some experience
Some basic information
Originally Posted by Elessar18
hi guys,
- Is the main quest line a long one? - How can i get more gold, because i just get hardly any - I unlocked some nice skills but how many skills i get for example a ranger - and maybe some tips from the people that have some experience |
Then, after reaching level 20 the game is by no means over, and there are near infinite possibilities for pvp due to the vast amount of skills and combinations, plus around another 40-60 hours of pve, and after joining a guild the game gets so much better.
The gold will come to you as you progress through the game..but if you want a bit more, go on expeditions to farm monsters in order to search for decent drops. (Remember that purple and yellow items are worth a lot more than the shopkeeper will offer for them, and they are rare drops.)
Every class has 75 skills, and as you are multiclassed you have a maximum of 150 skills, only 8 of which can be used at a time. However, they can be switched in towns.
Hmm..do some research into a guild before joining. Read their website and forums, get a basic idea of what they are about, and attempt to find one to suit your play style.
If, when standing in a town or outpost looking for a team you by some fluke find a group not populated by idiots, by all means ask to add them to your friends list..people like that are very rare, and you should quest with them more often.

Friar Tuck
Originally Posted by Elessar18
hi guys,
i just played guild wars for the first time yesterday and i just love the game. but i have a few questions or more wonderings. would be great if you guys can answer them. - Is the main quest line a long one? - How can i get more gold, because i just get hardly any - I unlocked some nice skills but how many skills i get for example a ranger - and maybe some tips from the people that have some experience |
In Pre-Searing, my advice is to simply SELL everything. Don't worry about salvaging, because you're just going to spend money on the kits and you don't really need to worry about armor at this point. Just pick up everything you find and sell it. That'll give you a good base of funds once you get over to Post-Searing. Once over in post, just salvage the items for which your profession would gain the most benefit. Identify the unidentified items as they will potentially yield a better profit. Find a high-damaging weapon on your adventure? Might want to sell it to someone in Ascalon City. I sold a high level axe for 200g and it would've only sold for 20g on an NPC merchant. There are other ways to make money, but that should help you along at first.
The above poster pretty much hit on skills above.
I got to about lvl 7 in Pre-Searing then moved on to Post-Searing. I asked a lot of questions in game after I immediately found a guild to join. Being in a good guild is fantastic. I would highly recommend finding a good one once you go over to post. I started PvPing one I hit lvl 9ish. And I'm glad I did. It gave me a lot of practice and I actually seemed to be wiser in PvE as you have to REALLY think ahead in PvP. Also, go do cooperative missions. It's fun. Take your time, imo. The game is fast. No reason to hurry into everything. Oh yeh, if you buy something off someone, check the stats in your trade window before you make the purchase. Some will try to rip you off. Especially if you're new to the game.
Good luck!