When it comes to gold and wealth and well just about anything in GW most people think "if it happens to someone else it happens to everyone else EQUALLY" well folks it doesn't. I can play for 8 hours and maybe bring in 50k, that doesn't mean you can play for 8 hours in the same place and do the SAME. Luck is an important factor in this game and it's not "just because Joe got one that you should get one also".
Like above some dude said you HAVE to play in HM now to gain income...wrong. You don't. You just have to be lucky and KNOW what areas to play in in NM that have the best drops. Like the other day in my few hours of playtime I got FIVE yes FIVE green drops in this one area in just a few hours maybe 3 at most playing in NM (and even using 3 heroes), not to mention all the drops of other things I got as well. Even got a GOLD drop (shock) lol Thing is I was able to sell 3 of the 5 greens at 5k each and yielded a 15k income in just a couple or 3 hours. I also got the two drops I was after in the meantime.
Now, the next person that goes to that very same spot and plays in it for the very same time period might not be as LUCKY as I am and not get squat. That's just life in GW.
One thing that is fact though, you are going to get drops and income when you play, the other fact is you are not going to get exactly what the next guy gets or the guy after that or even before you. You're going to get what you get and that's all ever. So, it's best to quit worrying what the Joneses are getting or why and just concentrate on what you are getting and perhaps how you can increase your income. There are loads of places to gain a good profit income in NM, most people just don't know them or "experiment" in places and take down documentation of how much they make in a run. Those of US who do do that are the ones that are rich and one of the reasons why we are rich....along with LUCK of course.
I see all too many wanting someone else to do the WORK for them and then leech on others experience and come screaming WHERE! WHERE! WHERE! are these places where you make so much money??? Drooling and panting like a dog at the same time.
And then of course calling you a liar if you don't produce the information a sceenshot or a link to something. lol Those are the biggest losers I know who try to use that method of getting information. haha