Now we all understand that this is a type of race and ONE of the things to aspire to is having a top 100 score for the best time so you can get the mini. This is a great achievement and kudos to those players that have gotten that record and the mini that goes with it. And of course you get the most rewards for coming in first. However that is not the only thing this mini-game is about. Specifically Gamer Points and Lunar Tokens and Faction Points(first place only) people play this minigame for this reason also. If you get record score/mini in the process even better. But keep in mind that there are rewards for finishing at any level.
Having been in races/battles with all of the top record holders a few of them tend to have a hissy fit when shot and then they leave the game in a huff, without finishing the race. This is the epitome of poor sportsmanship. The high score is not the only thing to get here. Assuming that everyone plays the game for the same reason you do is a wrong assumption. To make matters worse this is often accompanied by some kind of name calling prior to their early departure from the race/battle.
To those of top record holders who do not go off the deep end when knocked down or distracted and finish your race and flash a GG across the screen to the winner, Thank you for being good sports! This makes the game alot more fun. Another point missed often in the quest for a mini/high score. This is supposed to be fun!!! Wow come to think of it that reason should be first!
I have been in some awesome battles where no one even came close to getting a base 2:30 score and it was the most fun I had! Four or five lead changes between 3-4 different people was a blast, Someone would get rammed only to be spit at and some one else would bolt them. Everyone ended up finishing within seconds of each other. Or crawling at a snails pace to the final checkpoint with a guy right next to you hoping you hit it first. This is what makes the game fun and exciting for the majority of us. People are too serious about getting a high score sometimes. Enjoy all the game. I bet that every one of us has a similar story of a hellacious battle/race they were in.
Perhaps if another incentive were provided by Anet to earn rewards it would really open up this often overlooked aspect of Rollerbeetle racing. Top 100 Knockdowns for a day or something like that would really flesh out the battle part of the game and give people something else to achieve.
Well I am off to enjoy all the things I got from winning BATTLES!!!