Could you please point out where they are supposed to be? A search through the disk did not find any files named "arenanet".
I want to help out, and get this <ugly word> banned

Free Runner
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
No one will be unbanned for the Mallyx incident. We're done with that.
The company will not capitulate to blackmail, threats, or malicious acts. We are not yet able to verify this information. If you have been crashed, go into your Guild Wars folder, make a copy of the ArenaNet.Log file, and send to [email protected]. Do it now -- this is very important. For one thing, it will give us helpful information. For another, it will help establish if these crashes are happening at all, whether they're coincidental, and whether they're being externally caused. Please know that I do not mean to insult anyone with expressing any doubts about the comments here. But sometimes, these reports are based on urban legend and a sort of hysteria that results from someone relaying false information which then gets passed along like "It wasn't me, but a guild member..." or "I was online and heard someone else say..." I am not denying this may be an issue; I cannot confirm yet that it is or is not an issue. Please don't think we are trying any sort of cover-up, but until we have the logs, we can't prove (or hopefully disprove) the nature of these incidents, so please do help us out with your log. |
Originally Posted by LeoX
Update - Wednesday February 13
* Fixed a rare bug that would crash the game client. |
Gaile Gray