Might not be the first person to notice this(forgive me if already been pointed ou)
Did anyone notice that Rata sum re-aranged is murssat?
Syco Masato
Nope, you're not.
Nope, you're not.
Yup, I knew that.
Ascalon City can become an anagram of Scaly Action.. which could possibly have something to do with Glint or dragons or something...
Ascalon City can become an anagram of Scaly Action.. which could possibly have something to do with Glint or dragons or something...
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by SPIRIT OF THE SEA
Did anyone notice that Rata sum re-aranged is murssat?
EDIT: One can spin that name in many ways. For instance, "Rata sum" means "to be calculated" or "to be measured" in modern latin.
I pwnd U
Congrats you win the prize for random well known thought of the day!
Wiki knows like everything now in days. o.O
But do you remember when Henge of denravi was overrun by mursaat, in TOWN? Now those were fun times, when devs played around with the live game while people were playing.
Shyft the Pyro
Originally Posted by vixro
But do you remember when Henge of denravi was overrun by mursaat, in TOWN? Now those were fun times, when devs played around with the live game while people were playing.

Frankly, I'm surprised we don't get more of these "OMG, Herta [Earth Henchman] is EARTH rearranged!!!1!" threads
Lmao, I didn't even notice that one Shyft.
no discussion = closed thread.