The whole concept, is that someone has found a hidden area in the crevasse, the one we first encounter the Destroyers in. Turns out to be a certain Mad King's hidden lair, and we're out to loot it. Or something...obviously, we'll need some sort of motivation to go down there...
Starting quest
A new quest is available at the 3 NPCs who grant us the quest to access EotN.
The dwarves excavating the crevasse below have discovered something. There are reports that excavators have been attacked by large candy monsters. Why don't you head down and help the excavators with their problem.
After accepting the quest and heading to the crevasse, players will find a dwarf NPC right inside. Talking to him will load them into the instance.
The dungeon
It'll begin in a cave, where you will follow the dwarf to where they have been excavating. In the distance you see a large set of doors with two giant Candy Corn guards. Both level 28 Necromancer bosses.
After defeating these two bosses, you'll find yourself in a cinematic. Mad King Thorn appears, warning those who enter against the dangers of entering his lair, and that they would be fighting by his rules. It would then show your characters running through the gates after him.
Mad King's Rules
What do you think of when you think of Mad King and Halloween in Guild Wars?
In this case, I was thinking of the Mad King's military prowess, more specifically how he uses it during the play Rock-Paper-Scissors.
Think of the special snowball skills we get for the Wintersday missions. And the how the Dragon arena is set up. This is kind of what I'm going after.
A whole dungeon where you fight as rock, paper or scissors.
2 skills for each choice. For example, when you are rock, you have a stance which makes you immune to rock and scissors, but you die from paper. You also have an attack which will kill any scissors, but can do nothing to paper or rock.
You'd have to be in the correct stance to use the corresponding attack.
I figure, since the Mad King seems to love to kill people and bring them back, maybe there is no death in this dungeon. If you die, you revive in a 10 seconds automatically. Of course, if everyone dies, then you return to outpost. Some sort of environmental effect would do this.
The lair
I'm thinking of all those Halloween decorations we already have mixed in with the designs and looks of existing dungeons.
Remember the dead body in Lion's Arch that talked if you walked over him. I'm thinking a whole hallway filled with them. The Kind is mad, right? Scary, yet silly.
Enemies could be Chained Souls, Grasping Ghouls, Necrid Horseman, etc. All having the same rock, paper, scissor skills as the players. Just they don't return to life from the environmental effect.
Final Battle
I have no idea. This is where I'm really stuck. The King would be too easy if he had the same skills as you, as long as there were three players, one using each skill, the King then wouldn't stand a chance, it'd be pathetic.
I thought about maybe giving him some boss skills that work within the limits of rock, paper, scissors. Or just making him unleash waves of minions against you, and then giving up and letting you take his treasure....
I don't know....
The treasure
Got a couple different ideas here;
- hero armor - give any of your heroes armor to look like either the Mad King or maybe like one of the Candy Corn monsters...
- halloween masks - a way to release previous masks, every player gets a random mask, or even a new one...
- halloween items - just a way to farm all the halloween consumables, items, and alcohol...
- mad king mini - because i want one.
- ??? - your ideas here!
Well, thats what I got. Go to town. I need ideas, don't just /sign it. Add to it.