Bonus Multiplier for Consumeables
Phoenix Tears
Wouldn't it be cool, when you would receive a bonus multiplier for Points, so more consumeables you use, while being under the effect of them over time ?
Say you get your character drunk, for the next 15 Minutes you get only 1 Minute per Drunk Minute.
After being Drunk for 15 Minutes, the next used alcoholic drinks to keep up the drunk level will give you then 3 Points per Drunk Minute...
After again 15 Minutes, the Drunk Bonus raises again to 5 Points per Drunk Minute max.
This Bonus Point System should be granted to characters, which use up in short time very much alcohol. In real life its also so, so more you drink, so more you become drunk, so stronger is the effect of being drunk.
But in the Drunk System of GW, there is not such a effect, somehow sad, because it makes no difference, of how much alscohol you drink in a certain time period, you will ever receive only this odd 1 Point per Minute.
Same Bonus Points could be done with Sweettooth Title and Party Animal.
After eating for example within a given time more than xx sweets, then will give all swwets after that double points...if you eat more than xxx sweets within xx minutes, the next sweets after that will give again double points further.
Same way with Party anime ...
This way would have people a certain bonus therfore, that they use up in short time big amounts of those consumeables ...
Therefore it would become more senseful, to collect of such a consumeable first some stacks and then use them up as quick as possible all at once, then using every single item instantly and it would be a way to reduce the grind of those titles.
What do you think about a Bonus Point Way for Drunkard, Sweettooth and party Animal Title, for consuming in given time periods very much of those items, to raise a point multiplier to receive then more points for those titles for using consumes after the multiplier has raised up..
it would alto motivate people, to collect those stuff in stacks first and it would maybe make those consumebles more valuale, because the demand would surely raise, when there would exist now a Bonus Point way for Alcohol, Sweets and Party Stuff, that is given to character, which use those things in high sums in short time.
Speed Drinking makes you much more drunk, as when you drink only every x minutes something.
The Sugar Flash of Sweets is surely also much more strogner, when youeat in short times tons of sweets, as when you eat only every now and then some tiny amounts of sweets
And usign up in short times very much amounts of party items makes much more FUN, then waiting ever x minutes, before starting the next rocket XD
Compare that with syvester, ^^ do you wait there after havign shot a rocket first 10 minutes or so, before you shoot the next ? I think not XD
Say you get your character drunk, for the next 15 Minutes you get only 1 Minute per Drunk Minute.
After being Drunk for 15 Minutes, the next used alcoholic drinks to keep up the drunk level will give you then 3 Points per Drunk Minute...
After again 15 Minutes, the Drunk Bonus raises again to 5 Points per Drunk Minute max.
This Bonus Point System should be granted to characters, which use up in short time very much alcohol. In real life its also so, so more you drink, so more you become drunk, so stronger is the effect of being drunk.
But in the Drunk System of GW, there is not such a effect, somehow sad, because it makes no difference, of how much alscohol you drink in a certain time period, you will ever receive only this odd 1 Point per Minute.
Same Bonus Points could be done with Sweettooth Title and Party Animal.
After eating for example within a given time more than xx sweets, then will give all swwets after that double points...if you eat more than xxx sweets within xx minutes, the next sweets after that will give again double points further.
Same way with Party anime ...
This way would have people a certain bonus therfore, that they use up in short time big amounts of those consumeables ...
Therefore it would become more senseful, to collect of such a consumeable first some stacks and then use them up as quick as possible all at once, then using every single item instantly and it would be a way to reduce the grind of those titles.
What do you think about a Bonus Point Way for Drunkard, Sweettooth and party Animal Title, for consuming in given time periods very much of those items, to raise a point multiplier to receive then more points for those titles for using consumes after the multiplier has raised up..
it would alto motivate people, to collect those stuff in stacks first and it would maybe make those consumebles more valuale, because the demand would surely raise, when there would exist now a Bonus Point way for Alcohol, Sweets and Party Stuff, that is given to character, which use those things in high sums in short time.
Speed Drinking makes you much more drunk, as when you drink only every x minutes something.
The Sugar Flash of Sweets is surely also much more strogner, when youeat in short times tons of sweets, as when you eat only every now and then some tiny amounts of sweets
And usign up in short times very much amounts of party items makes much more FUN, then waiting ever x minutes, before starting the next rocket XD
Compare that with syvester, ^^ do you wait there after havign shot a rocket first 10 minutes or so, before you shoot the next ? I think not XD
Meh making the titles easier to get will only piss off the people that already have them.
/not signed
ANet has already made the game easier. I'm not in favor of making it more so.
ANet has already made the game easier. I'm not in favor of making it more so.
there are already "levels" of drunkenness, so if you know how those levels work it's quite easy to hit drunk titles already.
Orange Milk
/not signed
"Please make easier" threads = /fail
"Please make easier" threads = /fail
Uber Mass
yes lets make the game easier and the titles also..... -.-
so basically, make things even easier
/notsigned at yet another of your 'make GW easier' thread.
I pwnd U
/notsigned, not that hard to obtain these titles, just need time and money, no skill required
It's annoying to get drunkard, but making it drunkbot-friendlier it's not the solution.
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
It's annoying to get drunkard, but making it drunkbot-friendlier it's not the solution.
Phoenix Tears, stop being a moron and asking for easy things to be made easier. This would actually benefit the rich people the most. Instead of buying a ton of alcohol and spending 10,000 minutes drunk, they could buy LESS alcohol, and get it in a few hours max. Because people would be buying alcohol more, the rich people could pay more, and the price would increase.
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
Then what is?
I wish I could just a bot that drinks the crap for me while I stand in an empty outpost... but then I might get banned...
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
Phoenix Tears, stop being a moron and asking for easy things to be made easier. This would actually benefit the rich people the most. Instead of buying a ton of alcohol and spending 10,000 minutes drunk, they could buy LESS alcohol, and get it in a few hours max. Because people would be buying alcohol more, the rich people could pay more, and the price would increase.
I don't believe in that dream, that a beginner can shit out in an instant 2000 Platin to buy direct enough alcohol to max the title ... so shut up.
I've enough of such selfish /notsigns ... give constructive criticism or get the **** out of here
Anything, important only is, thats somehow an alternative with that both sides can be happy
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
arent grind titles like drunkard from the begin on only for rich people u stupid fool oO
I don't believe in that dream, that a beginner can shit out in an instant 2000 Platin to buy direct enough alcohol to max the title ... so shut up. I've enough of such selfish /notsigns ... give constructive criticism or get the **** out of here Anything, important only is, thats somehow an alternative with that both sides can be happy |
Your idea is crap. Read what the people have said. Yes, it would make the title easy. That is why your idea is crap. It is already insanely easy to get those titles. You just want it to be fast, easy, and cheap. And I know English isn't your first language, but try to post with better English when you try to flame me please.

You can't see me
/Not Signed. Reasons above.
What are these Consumeables you speak of?
What are these Consumeables you speak of?
I hope you realize that this is just gonna help rich people finish titles faster.
I hope you realize that this is just gonna help rich people finish titles faster.
This doesn't make the game easier, it just makes it take less time.
/signed, why not? Maybe I could use some firewaters from zchest.
/signed, why not? Maybe I could use some firewaters from zchest.
Uber Mass
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
arent grind titles like drunkard from the begin on only for rich people u stupid fool oO
I don't believe in that dream, that a beginner can shit out in an instant 2000 Platin to buy direct enough alcohol to max the title ... so shut up. I've enough of such selfish /notsigns ... give constructive criticism or get the **** out of here Anything, important only is, thats somehow an alternative with that both sides can be happy |
Drunkard is not hard to obtain...You can do it also when you arent rich... Just be there with every event and play the games required to get alcohol or farm them..
Phoenix Tears
Alcohol, Sweets and Party Stuff are Consumeables, because you use them up, you can't use them permanently, like the eternal bettle potions.
Like credit said, the titles doesn't become easier, it just would reduce the required time effort for people, which use in a short time period very much of those consumeables, instead of using the same amount of consumeables over a long time period.
Maybe the interval for the increase of the Bonus Multiplier by 15 Minutes is too short, maybe increase it to 30 Minutes, than peoples would have to use up for an entire hour alhohol ect. before they would reach the max bonus points of +4 to receive 5 Points then per drunken Minute.
This change wouldn't make those titles anyhow cheaper in kind of money effort.. its just the time effort, that would be reduced, therefore, that you use in short time big sums of these things
The Bonus Point Multiplier already exists in a form for the race titles like Asura and so on...and it raises by killing more and more enemies.. so why shouldn't have those grind titles also such a similar way to increase the bonus points over time, when you use up more and more of those consumeables, become more (drunk/sugar flashed/happy). ???
@Uber Mass: The "Rest" like you call all, which haven't maxed it yet include also all your other characters, that aren't your Main Characters and no Title Hunters would receive for all your characters, that aren't title hunters yet also this benefit from this change...but too much people are too blind and stubborn to realize this fact, that making those grind titles somehow easier to obtain would make the game again more player friendly, especially when they would become account wide titles.... that would finally stop then this silly transfers of unidentified gold items, keys, consumeables liek alcohol, sweets and party stuff ect. from character to another character on the same account and it would be again fun and motivating, to play with more than 1 character simultanously, because playing with other charas, othern than your title hunter main chara, wouldn't feel to you anymiore, like a big waste of time all the time.
GW MUST become back to its good gameplay roots, the game had, before factions and the implemention of those titles !!!!
And the stronger side for "yes" about more account wide titles in the poll for it shows, that I stand not alone in this oppinion, that Anet has to change something about the title concept to make GW again multi chara friendly.
Like credit said, the titles doesn't become easier, it just would reduce the required time effort for people, which use in a short time period very much of those consumeables, instead of using the same amount of consumeables over a long time period.
Maybe the interval for the increase of the Bonus Multiplier by 15 Minutes is too short, maybe increase it to 30 Minutes, than peoples would have to use up for an entire hour alhohol ect. before they would reach the max bonus points of +4 to receive 5 Points then per drunken Minute.
This change wouldn't make those titles anyhow cheaper in kind of money effort.. its just the time effort, that would be reduced, therefore, that you use in short time big sums of these things
The Bonus Point Multiplier already exists in a form for the race titles like Asura and so on...and it raises by killing more and more enemies.. so why shouldn't have those grind titles also such a similar way to increase the bonus points over time, when you use up more and more of those consumeables, become more (drunk/sugar flashed/happy). ???
@Uber Mass: The "Rest" like you call all, which haven't maxed it yet include also all your other characters, that aren't your Main Characters and no Title Hunters would receive for all your characters, that aren't title hunters yet also this benefit from this change...but too much people are too blind and stubborn to realize this fact, that making those grind titles somehow easier to obtain would make the game again more player friendly, especially when they would become account wide titles.... that would finally stop then this silly transfers of unidentified gold items, keys, consumeables liek alcohol, sweets and party stuff ect. from character to another character on the same account and it would be again fun and motivating, to play with more than 1 character simultanously, because playing with other charas, othern than your title hunter main chara, wouldn't feel to you anymiore, like a big waste of time all the time.
GW MUST become back to its good gameplay roots, the game had, before factions and the implemention of those titles !!!!
And the stronger side for "yes" about more account wide titles in the poll for it shows, that I stand not alone in this oppinion, that Anet has to change something about the title concept to make GW again multi chara friendly.
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
GW MUST become back to its good gameplay roots, the game had, before factions and the implemention of those titles !!!!
And the reason they don't have every title being easy to get is to keep their player base.
Oh, the fact gameplay is worse compared to prophecies days doesn't help, since there's no good gameplay to be had. Plus, once most people learn how to play this game, it's really hard to think of new challenges for them without just beefing up monster levels/numbers/skills.
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by holymasamune
Then 90% of the community will just quit. When there's nothing left to strive for, what's the point?
And the reason they don't have every title being easy to get is to keep their player base. Oh, the fact gameplay is worse compared to prophecies days doesn't help, since there's no good gameplay to be had. Plus, once most people learn how to play this game, it's really hard to think of new challenges for them without just beefing up monster levels/numbers/skills. |
For example the missing elite realms of Dwayna, Lyssa and Melandru. Or implement a system, that lets players forge their own armor and weapons through for PvE only.
Theres still the Hall of Monuments, players can/will strive for, collectign "all" the elite armors, collectign all the destroyer weapons, collecting minipets, equipping all 25 heroes perfectly...
thats absolutely enough to strife for, before GW2 will get released, and would anet also imrpvoe the Hall of Monuments finally more, so that players will have a sense for collecting all green items, than they would have isntantly more stuff to strife for, when Anet woudl also implement then a NPC with festival hat re-create function for green items (re-created = automatically customized) so that collecting green items won't become a storage place horror scenario and the same also finally for minipets, so that minis can be re-created so that they don't fill up storage place anymore, once dedicated to the HoM and you won't sell them ...
God, please don't do so, as if players wouldn't have instantly nothing more to do, when some titles would become finally account based to reduce their massive grind grade from ridiculous to normal, that doesn't require to grind per character for several months, being based on only to drive players into online addiction, forcing casual gamers to play hardcore, when they want to have those titles...
People quit GW way more often, cause of the fact, that this game has become so extreme multi character unfriendly, than selfish players would ever rage quit, only because something got a bit easier to obtain after an update, that would also benefit all their non title hunting characters >.>
And why is that so ? because the game becomes because of it's multi character unfriendly gameplay way too quick too boring, because just ever wasting time on non main characters makes simple no fun, especially when you waste lots of time, ever transfering stuff from non main characters to main characte,r so that you can just use them with the title hutner character is extreme annoying over time, when you have to do this daily a couple of time,s very soon this progress lets you fall asleep and it wing hang out of your ears and you simple can't see the game anymore for this stupid gameplay, which would make fun, when it would be solved accountbased and it would be totally regardless, with which character I identify gold stuff, with with character I drink alcohol and so on.... then would fall away all those annoying item transfers forever and would be finally snow of yesterday !!!
but its sensless to discuss here about it further, people think ever only about, what would be best for those titles and their personal characters, which own still those titles, but never..what would be really best for the overall gameplay of the whole game ....thats the sad truth >.<
Ever thinking so small minded, looking ever only at one piece of a puzzle, instead of the whole puzzle picture >.> terrible *sigh*
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
This change wouldn't make those titles anyhow cheaper in kind of money effort.. its just the time effort, that would be reduced, therefore, that you use in short time big sums of these things
You apparently don't like the game, as mostof your posts want it to be 1)easier, 2) faster, or 3) simpler. Either find a new game, or realize your method of playing this one sucks.
Phoenix Tears, stop being a moron and asking for easy things to be made easier. This would actually benefit the rich people the most. Instead of buying a ton of alcohol and spending 10,000 minutes drunk, they could buy LESS alcohol, and get it in a few hours max. Because people would be buying alcohol more, the rich people could pay more, and the price would increase. |
Let me just pave everything else for you so you don't feel like life isn't unfair for you okay?
You like grinding in this game, some of us do not. You like wasting time, we don't. Someone's always going to complain about something no matter how you fix it, or even if you don't fix it. So what's the concern about "making people who have already gotten this title unhappy"?
You apparently don't like the game, as mostof your posts want it to be 1)easier, 2) faster, or 3) simpler. Either find a new game, or realize your method of playing this one sucks. |