Protection Monk Equivalencies in other Fantasy RPGs
I haven't played GW in a while, but it seems like whenever I migrate to a new game I always want to roll that game's equivalent to a Protection Monk - seeing as they were one of my favorite builds to play in GW.
So far:
WoW - Priests were a ...disappointment... to say the least. Heal Heal and Heal some more. (It's funny reading forums where someone brings up this suggestion every so often: "Hey it'd be cool if priests could throw out a variety of short-term defensive buffs to make the class more interesting")
D&D - A healer in plate always kind of bugged me, and the defensive spells there seem to be too situational and not very powerful. Not something you could really build a character around.
I'm pretty much burnt out on GW and don't think I'll be coming back soon, but I really do miss playing a protection monk. I'm curious if anyone else has successfully ported a protection monk type character into another RPG?
So far:
WoW - Priests were a ...disappointment... to say the least. Heal Heal and Heal some more. (It's funny reading forums where someone brings up this suggestion every so often: "Hey it'd be cool if priests could throw out a variety of short-term defensive buffs to make the class more interesting")
D&D - A healer in plate always kind of bugged me, and the defensive spells there seem to be too situational and not very powerful. Not something you could really build a character around.
I'm pretty much burnt out on GW and don't think I'll be coming back soon, but I really do miss playing a protection monk. I'm curious if anyone else has successfully ported a protection monk type character into another RPG?
I think some of the elder scrolls games that let you customize your spells give you that option.
6am3 Fana71c now all we have to do is to wait for Bethseda to finish their Elder Scrolls that time, GW2 will be out.
Dungeon Siege 2 - you can develop a nature mage specialising in Embrace-type spells. A lot of incredibly powerful protective buffs ranging from handy to stupidly overpowered - the challenge in using them is that you can only have two of these buffs stacked at any one time and they last for a very long time, so you need to be able to plan ahead on the fly and stack the right buffs at the right times on the way across the map. Embrace specialists also gain access to the ultimate in protective magic; the Invulnerability power (which turns your whole party invulnerable for up to 12 seconds at power level 3).
On top of that, in mercenary (easy) mode you'll also find yourself with enough points to specialise into a second field; the nature mage also offers ice magic, summoning magic, wrath magic (offensive buffs, which also count towards the 2 buff limit) and healing magic. Healing/embrace hybrids are very common setups in mercenary mode, with most players starting to push into wrath and ice when veteran and elite mode come along (haven't met a nature mage who specced into summoning yet despite it having the most damaging power in the game).
On top of that, in mercenary (easy) mode you'll also find yourself with enough points to specialise into a second field; the nature mage also offers ice magic, summoning magic, wrath magic (offensive buffs, which also count towards the 2 buff limit) and healing magic. Healing/embrace hybrids are very common setups in mercenary mode, with most players starting to push into wrath and ice when veteran and elite mode come along (haven't met a nature mage who specced into summoning yet despite it having the most damaging power in the game).
Stormlord Alex
I've played a fair few RPGs, and... well... of all of them - Guild Wars is the game where Protection is the most prevalent - indeed, up to the point where pure healing = utter fail in GW.
By comparison, most other games have smaller protection abilities that are an addition to a healer's ability, rather than the main focus (as with good GW monks)
I'd probably use it as an excuse to pick up FFVII again. Master Barrier on Cloud makes him a prot monk... right?
By comparison, most other games have smaller protection abilities that are an addition to a healer's ability, rather than the main focus (as with good GW monks)
I'd probably use it as an excuse to pick up FFVII again. Master Barrier on Cloud makes him a prot monk... right?

But Elder scrolls games are single player so that stuff would be mostly selfheals - not really something that would make person enjoying healing others happy.
I think that OP is out of luck, pretty much every healer class does straight red bars go up thing with some condition removal. Best you can do are minor but longterm defensive buffs.
Btw: DnD Monks work morelike Paragons - party wide buffs (which you can stack a lot) while dealing (meele) damage.
I think that OP is out of luck, pretty much every healer class does straight red bars go up thing with some condition removal. Best you can do are minor but longterm defensive buffs.
Btw: DnD Monks work morelike Paragons - party wide buffs (which you can stack a lot) while dealing (meele) damage.
Stormlord Alex
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Btw: DnD Monks work morelike Paragons - party wide buffs (which you can stack a lot) while dealing (meele) damage.
I thought Monks in DnD were essentially invincible godmode characters that tore things to pieces barehanded?
... you meant Cleric, right?

Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
I'd probably use it as an excuse to pick up FFVII again. Master Barrier on Cloud makes him a prot monk... right?
![]() |
I need to play FF5 now, haha.
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
I thought Monks in DnD were essentially invincible godmode characters that tore things to pieces barehanded? ... you meant Cleric, right? ![]() |
[skill]Protective Spirit[/skill]
Just that skill alone makes Protection Prayers worth it.
Just that skill alone makes Protection Prayers worth it.
This has to be the most veiled anti-other game I have ever seen.
You can't compare GW to other MMOs, since they were not the basis for GW's skill system.
You can, however, compare GW's skill system to Magic: the Gathering, which ArenaNet admitted was the inspiration. When you do, the 10% damage cap of Protective Spirit seems kinda lame, as MtG in recent years is a far superior balanced game.
(Also, I despise Protective Spirit because it doesn't encourage intelligent play in an active game. It's 100% passive.
You just keep pressing buttons. Not much different from a healer in any game...)
You can't compare GW to other MMOs, since they were not the basis for GW's skill system.
You can, however, compare GW's skill system to Magic: the Gathering, which ArenaNet admitted was the inspiration. When you do, the 10% damage cap of Protective Spirit seems kinda lame, as MtG in recent years is a far superior balanced game.
(Also, I despise Protective Spirit because it doesn't encourage intelligent play in an active game. It's 100% passive.
You just keep pressing buttons. Not much different from a healer in any game...)
Originally Posted by Kusandaa
I was gonna say something similar; Final Fantasy spells like Barrier/Veil, Shell... ... and some more I'm totally forgetting right now.
I need to play FF5 now, haha. |
Reflect/Wall were always big defensive spells. In the original, white mages also had spells that improved your defense agaisnt one element.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
This has to be the most veiled anti-other game I have ever seen.
You can't compare GW to other MMOs, since they were not the basis for GW's skill system. You can, however, compare GW's skill system to Magic: the Gathering, which ArenaNet admitted was the inspiration. When you do, the 10% damage cap of Protective Spirit seems kinda lame, as MtG in recent years is a far superior balanced game. (Also, I despise Protective Spirit because it doesn't encourage intelligent play in an active game. It's 100% passive. You just keep pressing buttons. Not much different from a healer in any game...) |
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
To be fair, I don't think realized the potency of Protective Spirit/Bond when the game was first released. The skill combos that people have created today (hybrid monks, 55s, etc) were probablly unthinkable to back in the beta days. 3 million people can come up with a lot of wierd, unforseen stuff.
Farming potential, maybe, but the fact that Prot Spirit is a requirement for Hard Mode is bad game design.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
How the heck do you not see a spell which can reduce a 100-200+ damage attack to only 40-50 damage without any serious investment?
Farming potential, maybe, but the fact that Prot Spirit is a requirement for Hard Mode is bad game design. |
Yeah Final Fantasy has had Barrier/Protect and Shell/MBarrier. Blink to raise evasion (like Guardian). Ensuna to cure conditions.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
I'd probably use it as an excuse to pick up FFVII again. Master Barrier on Cloud makes him a prot monk... right?
![]() |
It's always as good as when you first played it.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by Zinger314
This has to be the most veiled anti-other game I have ever seen.
You can't compare GW to other MMOs, since they were not the basis for GW's skill system. You can, however, compare GW's skill system to Magic: the Gathering, which ArenaNet admitted was the inspiration. When you do, the 10% damage cap of Protective Spirit seems kinda lame, as MtG in recent years is a far superior balanced game. (Also, I despise Protective Spirit because it doesn't encourage intelligent play in an active game. It's 100% passive. You just keep pressing buttons. Not much different from a healer in any game...) |
Also, I liked FF6 more than 7. Morph + double ultima is pro.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Zinger314
This has to be the most veiled anti-other game I have ever seen.
You can't compare GW to other MMOs, since they were not the basis for GW's skill system. You can, however, compare GW's skill system to Magic: the Gathering, which ArenaNet admitted was the inspiration. When you do, the 10% damage cap of Protective Spirit seems kinda lame, as MtG in recent years is a far superior balanced game. (Also, I despise Protective Spirit because it doesn't encourage intelligent play in an active game. It's 100% passive. You just keep pressing buttons. Not much different from a healer in any game...) |
Starting with Mirrodin and the Ravager debacle. It hasn't gotten any better.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
Reflect/Wall were always big defensive spells. In the original, white mages also had spells that improved your defense agaisnt one element.
Originally Posted by garethporlest18
Yeah Final Fantasy has had Barrier/Protect and Shell/MBarrier. Blink to raise evasion (like Guardian). Ensuna to cure conditions.
Heck even Pokemon *puts up flame shield* has prot-like skills... can't remember much of the names, but Double Team is one of them (raises evasion).
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost
D&D - A healer in plate always kind of bugged me, and the defensive spells there seem to be too situational and not very powerful. Not something you could really build a character around.
EDIT: DnD > Guild Wars, just so we have that clear and settled.
Stormlord Alex
Originally Posted by Kusandaa
Heck even Pokemon *puts up flame shield* has prot-like skills... can't remember much of the names, but Double Team is one of them (raises evasion).
Iron Defense / Amnesia / Baton Pass / Ice Beam
ID & Am a whole bunch, then Baton Pass it off to a Blissey or Heracross to do the real killing \m/ ^_^
Pokemon ftw
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c now all we have to do is to wait for Bethseda to finish their Elder Scrolls that time, GW2 will be out.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
How the heck do you not see a spell which can reduce a 100-200+ damage attack to only 40-50 damage without any serious investment?
Farming potential, maybe, but the fact that Prot Spirit is a requirement for Hard Mode is bad game design. |
Originally Posted by Isaiah Cartwright
Your not gonna get an argument from here on this one, I think Prot Spirit is one of the most insane skills in GW, it breaks PvE all over the place does crazy stuff to PvP and is just super powerful. In the end thou the skill is the backbone to the balance of this game, without it the game would quickly become a damage race and I think PvP would suffer greatly from it, I'm not a huge fan of the fact the game is so balanced around this type of an effect but that something I'll keep in mind when moving forward with GW2. Until then this skill probably wont see any change. ~Izzy
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
This has to be the most veiled anti-other game I have ever seen. |
Mainly what I dig so much about protection monks is two fold.
1. They're a healer class that is anticipatory instead of reactionary. You have a lot more choices than "Big, slow heal" and "small, fast heal".
2. It totally changes the dynamic of the game. Unlike straight up heals, protection becomes more and more efficient the more guys that wailing on the same target. Requiring a lot of fast and smart target switching on offense. Playing a warrior, I liked that had to be on the ball and try to find the weak point in an enemy's defenses (read where the protection magic wasn't). In that respect it seems like GW is the only RPG I've played that significantly punishes "OMG MOB THE HEALER!!11!" mentality.
This ,btw, is also why "Tanking" totally breaks GW PvE. I personally hope that in GW2 they throw the concept of tanking out completely. We might actually see people actually bringing OMG SHUTDOWN to PvE. Seriously this game needs better AI and more unpredictable fights.
If we didn't have prot spirit, we'd either need a lot of other defensive enchantments and/or healing prayers would have to be omega buffed.
6am3 Fana71c
Prot Spirit isn't so neccessary for PvE, because there you can use broken PvE skills to keep your party alive (TNTF/SY! para) while in PvP it certanly is good, but again not only solution... *cough, SB, cough *
Uber Fireball = I don't need a healer.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
Reflect/Wall were always big defensive spells. In the original, white mages also had spells that improved your defense agaisnt one element.
Seef II
Ragnarok Online: there are some "Protection Prayers" spells in the sense of removing status ailments, but most of their stuff is passive. Cast and forget. Speaks volumes about the balance of that game.

Shyft the Pyro
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
MtG is fairly skewed in terms of balance right now.
Starting with Mirrodin and the Ravager debacle. It hasn't gotten any better. |
On topic: Magic does have some "protection" effects, chiefly among the white cards. Most center around the prevention of damage - which, I suppose, would be a close equivalent of "healing" damage in GW, - but some can replace or redirect it. Equal Treatment, for example, reduces all damage dealt in a turn to 2, regardless of how much damage would normally be dealt. Shaman en-Kor has the ability to redirect all damage from another creature to itself, and then distribute it to other creatures you control, one point at a time, which would sort of make it the Magic equivalent of a GW bonder.
But I shouldn't talk, really. I quit Magic when they changed the card layout for Mirrodin and 8th edition

As for D&D, it doesn't really do "protection" in GW sense. There is an "Invulnerability" spell that is effectively a clone of GW's Divine Intervention, but most divine magic in D&D doesn't do what it does in GW. Specifically, if we equate the GW "blocking" mechanic to the "miss chance" mechanic in D&D, it will suddenly become apparent that in D&D giving something a 50/50 chance of being missed on attacks is the provision of the mage (Displacement, Invisibility, even Darkness or Blur) rather than the cleric. What the D&D cleric has is the ability to increase the Armor Class of the party, but since GW doesn't use a similar "to hit" formula for attacks, these buffs do not equate to +AL buffs. They are "protection" only in the sense that they prevent damage by making enemy attacks more likely to miss.
This is not the case with energy attacks, however. D&D has spells that provide energy resistance and immunity, which actually function as "protection" spells might on damage. For example, there are spells that give a flat resistance of (10/20/30) damage per attack of an energy type, much as Shielding Hands does. The energy immunity spells are closer in their functionality to GW's Sight Beyond Sight and the way it interacts with the Blinded condition - they prevent energy damage while they are active, but once they're down, you're wide open.
Seriously, though, we're comparing apples and oranges here. If there were so many glaring similarities between GW and another game that you could play a virtually identical character in both, somebody would be heading to court veeeery quickly
This thread's beard-fu is strong.
Wow, if prot spirit is overpowered, then I'd hate to think what some skills in other MMO's would be classified as. Besides, mass degeneration can own prot spirit hard.
Oh, and quote a man : "More DOTS, give me more DOTS!!!! Lots of DOTS!!"
Oh, and quote a man : "More DOTS, give me more DOTS!!!! Lots of DOTS!!"
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c now all we have to do is to wait for Bethseda to finish their Elder Scrolls that time, GW2 will be out.
This message to us came in the form of TESIV: Oblivion.
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Also, I liked FF6 more than 7. Morph + double ultima is pro.
GW needs more Life3...
I vote for FF7 Phoenix as the ultimate prot rez
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
Prot Spirit isn't so neccessary for PvE, because there you can use broken PvE skills to keep your party alive (TNTF/SY! para) while in PvP it certanly is good, but again not only solution... *cough, SB, cough *
Had to laugh at this one:
Overpowered Sunspear Skills
← moved to Archive 1
"There's Nothing to Fear!"
← moved to Underpowered Skills/PvE and Monster
Originally Posted by Rift
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
You don't need an excuse to pick up FFVII again.
It's always as good as when you first played it. |