Legion of Avalon [LoA] is looking for more members.
We're a relatively small guild (a little 20 members), with a focus on PvE (we do do some PvP, but we're kinda clueless in that department ). As for what we do, we do a little bit of everything-ranging from simple dungeons all the way to the elite missions and HM stuff.
We also have our version of all Paragon FoW that we are currently generalizing to work in other areas (ideally I want to be able to draw up a list of areas that we can just all Para ).
We're also part of an alliance with 7 members (including us) and we do weekly Alliance Lottos and various contests just for fun. We also organize Alliance runs into elite areas (recently just finished up DoA and now just finishing up Slaver's).
If interested in joining the guild, either PM me here on Guru or in game (Richardt Von Wien or Stavro Gerantro).
If interested in your guild join our Alliance, please contact Dies Fouth in game.
EDIT: Forgot to mention we're Kurzick
Legion of Avalon [LoA] recruiting