So, I have a few ideas about what the next BMP should be:
1.Grenth's overthrow of Dhuum (Favorite)
2.Beginning or any of the Great Corsair Wars
3.Abbadon's Exile
4.The Exodus of the Gods due to King Doric's plea (Favorite)
5.Start of the Scarab Plague
6.Abbadon gifting powers to Jadoth to defeat the Forgotten armies (Favorite)
7.Lord Ordan discovering how to enter the Rift and opening up the portals to the HoH (Favorite)
All of these could work in some way, but my favorites are #1, #4, #6, and #7 because all of these have a definite "hero figure" that a player could be.
I also think that anet lacks alot of in-depth God lore, and that a BMP centered around the Gods would not only make the game a bit deeper, but be wickedly fun.
Can you say GOD SKILLS FTW?! And no, not lame-o false mursaat god skills, i mean the real stuff. For example, playing as a margonite (Jadoth) might be pretty awesome, and give us an idea of early margonite society.
For #1 id say ghostly/eternal weapons (remake for the older ones)- there are currently no ghostly/eternal scythes, dagger, spears, wands, offhands, or bows in existence. Mursaat hornbows and hammers existed before the first BMP, why cant they just remake the old stuff and finally give these other weapons this skin? ^^
For #4, There'd be no definite answer, but Id say a reskin of Ascalonian/presear weapons with improved graphics, that would definitely make me happy. Finally an Ascalon weapon that isn't a generic, ugly, core skin.
For #6... Tormented reskin? I dont know, I like the tormented weapons as they are, and I have very limited ideas on this one.
For #7 I'd like to say chaos remake, but I'm sure most of the community would think that'd be a criminal thing to do. Another idea for this is to make very lavish golden/gem laden weapons
Other Advantages of a 2nd BMP:
~Increased financing for GW2
~Increased financing for gw1 (to fix bugs, maybe improve HoM, etc...)
Note: For a second BMP to be able to have all this and STILL provide anet with a net gain, it would definitely have to be more than $10
Please post what you think about my mission selections, the rewards for them, and how you feel about a second BMP and its potential cost! Thanks!
And PS: The theme behind the BMP I mentioned is obviously "The Gods of Tyria"