Double Treasure Hunter points weekend :D
Or just Double chance-rare drops from Chest
Nah i dony see why Event like that would come it would be nice but nah. it would be better like -50% discount from merch it would me almost same. + ofc more drops then
I remember a "double-rare from chests" weekend being done once, so why not again?
Thanks for giving me false hopes.
Is this a suggestion? If it is, (and I'm guessing that it is because they haven't posted what the upcoming weekend will be), it goes in Sardelac!
Double rare has been already made some times.
Double treasure never, but it would be almost the same as double rares.
Bleh, they shoud make the title account based and change it to count when you PICK a rare assigned to you (including other rare drops like black dyes or elite tomes) not when you identfy.
We know it can be done thanks to the Easter weekend.
Double treasure never, but it would be almost the same as double rares.
Bleh, they shoud make the title account based and change it to count when you PICK a rare assigned to you (including other rare drops like black dyes or elite tomes) not when you identfy.
We know it can be done thanks to the Easter weekend.
Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
Thanks for giving me false hopes.
The next PvE weekend will be determining if I'm playing this weekend or taking another week off from GW.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Double rare has been already made some times.
Double treasure never, but it would be almost the same as double rares. |
Somebody please move this thread to Sardelac. Extremely misleading title that will be doubly misleading once the weekend is announced.
If it's just about Treasure Hunter points, maybe they'll do the Golden Egg thing again this Easter. I hope they do, that gave my main a huge boost on her title last year. Could use another one to motivate me to ever max it.
Originally Posted by Gli
If it's just about Treasure Hunter points, maybe they'll do the Golden Egg thing again this Easter. I hope they do, that gave my main a huge boost on her title last year. Could use another one to motivate me to ever max it.
Do u maybe know drop rate for golden eggs
is it a suggestion now?