Underworld Solo Smite Runs Fastest Times..
Polgara Val
As the title suggests, how fast have you done smite runs in uw.
Also what proffesions did you use to achieve this fast time, this isint a discussion about builds just curious to see peoples fastest smite runs in uw, mine is 10 min with my W/Me build. On average how many ectos drop for you per run?
Also what proffesions did you use to achieve this fast time, this isint a discussion about builds just curious to see peoples fastest smite runs in uw, mine is 10 min with my W/Me build. On average how many ectos drop for you per run?
Originally Posted by MMSDome
did it really happen or was it just made up?
sorry no idea about time maybe 18 min as ele terra tank?.
no screenshot tho
Smite? Yeah, you might win the Underworld every odd run because of the high chance of encountering noobs, but you'll be rolled in Unholy, Forgotten, and definitely the Courtyard if you last that long.
Originally Posted by Esan
Smite? Yeah, you might win the Underworld every odd run because of the high chance of encountering noobs, but you'll be rolled in Unholy, Forgotten, and definitely the Courtyard if you last that long.
Originally Posted by Esan
Smite? Yeah, you might win the Underworld every odd run because of the high chance of encountering noobs, but you'll be rolled in Unholy, Forgotten, and definitely the Courtyard if you last that long.
Originally Posted by Esan
Smite? Yeah, you might win the Underworld every odd run because of the high chance of encountering noobs, but you'll be rolled in Unholy, Forgotten, and definitely the Courtyard if you last that long.
He wasn't talking about HA. He was talking about solo builds to solo smite crawlers in the Underworld PvE area.
Res Ipsi
Fastest time was 18 minutes (average is 20 minutes) with W/Rit build. Most ectos on a single run was 4 (sorry, didn't think to take a screenie). Fastest time with W/Me was 22 minutes (average 25 minutes). Not that it's a race
Polgara Val
Originally Posted by Res Ipsi
Fastest time was 18 minutes (average is 20 minutes) with W/Rit build. Most ectos on a single run was 4 (sorry, didn't think to take a screenie). Fastest time with W/Me was 22 minutes (average 25 minutes). Not that it's a race
Gun Pierson
Monks have the fastest time record ever imo. I'm talking about pre nightmare and pre aoe scatter, pre skill nerves, pre ecto drop nerf updates ofcourse. Think mine was around 10 minutes back in the days because I was still learning the art of smite runs but who cares and I can't proove it anyways. Getting +5 ectos a run was pretty common. I think there are people wo did it within 7 minutes if not less.
my friend runs this stuff
he's done in like 14 minutes or something
he seems to make good ecto's with it too
meaning i shall follow
he's done in like 14 minutes or something
he seems to make good ecto's with it too
meaning i shall follow
3 minutes and 14 seconds. considering that there are about 28 smites down there, I believe that on a good run I probably net like 30 ectos. ya ya
Feathermoore Rep
Used to do solo E/me Sandstorm Terratank runs in 10-15 minutes. Depends on how you pull the grasps in the beginning. Homerun pulls are way way faster, but more chances of interupts and thusly failure.
Most ectos per run...I think 3 or 4. But the subsequent runs would usually be 0, as the runs usually average out to aroud 1 per run.
Most ectos per run...I think 3 or 4. But the subsequent runs would usually be 0, as the runs usually average out to aroud 1 per run.
Um Yeah
Fastest (for me) was prenerfs E/Me Sandstorm, I believe at 12 mins/run consistently. Iirc highest ectos in a single run was 4. Sorry no screens.
Depends on patrols and spawns. But my best run with W/Rit was probably ~13 mins.
I just did a run there as an A/E. not rushing or anything, until the last 2 groups I pulled at the same time and died :| shameful death, but they still died on the spot, so every smite in the area was dead (which I'm assuming is a qualifying factor for this). Doing /age after they died tells me it took 13 mins. No ecto's on that run, but got 2 on the previous run.
Polgara Val
Originally Posted by Cargan
I just did a run there as an A/E. not rushing or anything, until the last 2 groups I pulled at the same time and died :| shameful death, but they still died on the spot, so every smite in the area was dead (which I'm assuming is a qualifying factor for this). Doing /age after they died tells me it took 13 mins. No ecto's on that run, but got 2 on the previous run.
The W/Me Thread by dont feel no pain
At the end on the guide you ll see me completing a uw run in 7 mins
The W/Me Thread by dont feel no pain
At the end on the guide you ll see me completing a uw run in 7 mins
Cale Roughstar
Originally Posted by Esan
Smite? Yeah, you might win the Underworld every odd run because of the high chance of encountering noobs, but you'll be rolled in Unholy, Forgotten, and definitely the Courtyard if you last that long.
Phane, you are my hero
Polgara Val
Originally Posted by Cale Roughstar
So what other profs people use to solo uw, if anything if someone does a quick run pls post a screenie so we can see the proof at some point and match up different proffs etc.