Originally Posted by the savage nornbear
pics or it didnt happen
Whenever I become low on money, I have a storage of platinum coming my way.
Karma is a strange thing. It seems like the more nice things I do, the more nice things comes my way. I'm not saying I got the money, I'm saying what money could have. The most I've got was 1000k. Blew almost all of it on z-keys.
A week after factions came out I get a perfect celestial hammer. Bling.
Sold it to a guildy for 3k. He just got scammed.
The second run I got a perfect zodiac sword and nearly perfect longbow (Had to buy one mod). Even More bling bling.
Kept the sword, gave the bow to a friend.
I bought 10 coffers and got a mini mallyx and armbrace. Bling the ka-ching.
Sold the mallyx got scammed of the armbrace. (I got a iron ingot as soon as i traded. WTF happened? no /report at the time)
A week after the October 12th update I got a perfect inscription Eternal Blade. Bling Bling the ka-ching
Gave it to my friend.
A week or 2 after March update I got a perfect caster Obsidian Edge. Bling Bling the big ka-ching
A few weeks when EOTN came out I got a perfect a Saurian Scythe. $x1000
a month after I got a perfect Crystal Flame Staff, perfect and for divine favor. $x2000
That is going to my Mini Ghostly.
Every ecto run always gives me 6 or more. I don't know why people get less than 2.
Farming for me gets boring... FAST. An hour of doing the same thing. I like getting my toucher and pwn noobs with a noob build.
Just because I got those things, doesn't mean I sell them all.
That's over 2 and a half years a playing. I had my share of bad luck.
Best 1st year present was a burning titan
I bought a mini necrid horseman for 100k (When minis first came out)
I bought a mini varash for 75k. The next day it was 20k.
I bought a elemental sword. A few weeks later it dropped by 1000%
I bought 100 z-keys not one everlasting
PuG's has always been bad with me
I've gotten close to my mini ghostly. Until ecto's went from 7k to 4k. Then I thought, screw it, I'm buying chaos gloves for some of my characters. Now they just got back up.