1. If I can not carry it I will not have it - No going to storage at all… until you are done with all campaigns.
2. I will not buy from other players – Weapons and off hands must be found or you can purchase from crafters if you have the material in your pack.
3. Armor from collectors - For upgrades on armor I am going to try for collector sets…. but since I am not using storage if I have the material in my bags which I found along the way it is ok to buy.
4. (This is an optional restriction) Skills- well here is the fun part since I am choosing a Mesmer its Mesmer only skills. This restriction will go into effect when you get to post (so in pre you can use whatever skill you get) I am going to do quests for most of my skills. You can buy skills if you wish for your primary class only and no tomes can be used.
5. Runes - Find them do not buy (ok to sell them)
6. Gold - See how much you can get but do not go to storage. If for some crazy way you have made a 100k then buy ectos, rubies, or onyx to offset your wealth and enable you to gain more gold.
7. No Running- You can not buy a run or mission run ever. You are playing the game for fun not… paying the game.
8. No Campaign Jumping- When you start one you finish it then move to a new one. (No jumping to factions buying max armor and jumping back to prophesies, or going to nightfall getting heroes and jumping back)
9. Hero’s can be used in Nightfall and GWEN only.
10. No mission skipping do them in order and enjoy it. You do not have to stress about getting masters/bonus it is for fun.
11. At least three times during the campaign do something nice for someone else. Help on a quest, randomly give something to someone, take the time to explain to someone new hints and tricks etc…
12. Explore anywhere you wish
13. And most of all Have Fun
I hope to see you in pre