Ever played guildwars just to get away from it all?
Voltaic Annihilator
Do you guys ever just go to your comp just to play guildwars and get away from the outside world. Like you had a bad day, and just wanna forget about? Well share ur moments!
mm Usually mornings that i got hangover ..
Zahr Dalsk
Every day.
you mean guild wars is NOT the real world?!
yeah am here a lot---frustration at the real world is much easier to work off killing charr than trying to talk to someone I know!
yeah am here a lot---frustration at the real world is much easier to work off killing charr than trying to talk to someone I know!
Shayne Hawke
Every day. For me, Guild Wars is what makes my imaginations become more real.
ehh... i try and keep my RL seperate from GW. if i have a bad day, which 9/10 i do NOT, i just talk to my girl and just forget about it all. to be perfectly honest with you, there is almost nothing in this world that can piss me off. you can call my mom fat, a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO-- anything-- and i would just brush it off. but that's just me. i could care less for trash talk-- it's just my way of living my life the way i want it to be lived.
Yup, I play GW to escape from the real world.
That's what gaming is all about, isn't it?
That's what gaming is all about, isn't it?
Yep. I use GW to escape stress regularly but sometimes it still finds me (guild/alliance drama, ect)
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
Every day.
>.> |
I have a very high-stress job.
When I get home in the morning it takes me about 15 minutes to forget about all the BS I just got done dealing with.
Its a horrible game to play if you have had a bad day, IMO. There's no real instant gratification. You're better off playing an FPS online.
A few times I've logged onto Guild Wars to "escape." Not in a really emotional or desperate episode or anything like that. I don't think they were even bad days. But just to have my mind take a break from dealing with whatever I was doing at the time. And it's times like those when I wish GW had more Sims-like features. I know I've suggested and discussed this before but I know if they made a whole expansion just for that, they can really tap into the Sims and Second Life group of gamers across the world. It wouldn't compete with those games, but it would get more of those gamers interested in Guild Wars in general.
I'm still waiting for a Sims type of game, which would be a great one to "escape" into. I'm aware of Second Life and have read about it and seen pictures and footage of it. But I'm not sure if that's really the one for me.
I'm still waiting for a Sims type of game, which would be a great one to "escape" into. I'm aware of Second Life and have read about it and seen pictures and footage of it. But I'm not sure if that's really the one for me.
Operative 14
By day: A slightly stressed college student that doesn't get out of the house to do fun things often enough.
By evening: Elementalist/Dervish/Warrior/Ranger/Monk/Paragon who.. wanders about and collects money from dead bodies. Woot!
Yes, I definitely play to get away from the day. There's something fun about having an entire world to wander about and do whatever you want in that's pretty fun.
Though, usually, if I have a REALLY bad day I go onto CoD4 so I can shoot things. Much more effective I find.
By evening: Elementalist/Dervish/Warrior/Ranger/Monk/Paragon who.. wanders about and collects money from dead bodies. Woot!
Yes, I definitely play to get away from the day. There's something fun about having an entire world to wander about and do whatever you want in that's pretty fun.

Though, usually, if I have a REALLY bad day I go onto CoD4 so I can shoot things. Much more effective I find.
To get away from everything. I play to forget all my stressful job and shool stuff.
Malice Black
I play GTA or Tekkan <3
6am3 Fana71c
Instant win formula:
1) Get stressed / bored IRL
2) Log to GW
3) Get even more stressed in PvP by bad players and lame builds, or in PvE by some 13 year olds
4) ???
1) Get stressed / bored IRL
2) Log to GW
3) Get even more stressed in PvP by bad players and lame builds, or in PvE by some 13 year olds
4) ???
Usually I do play GW to get away from it all. And I'll enjoy myself when I goof around, but I find that once I start setting goals. Such as.. I mean how many of you have said this to yourselves?
"I really should start playing my _____ character more."
"My main should be working on his titles..."
Etc etc... Its a real sore and bore once you start doing that. I still have a warrior character whos supposed to be my final main (after ditching my necro and ranger who already have 6-7 titles each)...
"I really should start playing my _____ character more."
"My main should be working on his titles..."
Etc etc... Its a real sore and bore once you start doing that. I still have a warrior character whos supposed to be my final main (after ditching my necro and ranger who already have 6-7 titles each)...
Cale Roughstar
Originally Posted by Nevin
Usually I do play GW to get away from it all. And I'll enjoy myself when I goof around, but I find that once I start setting goals. Such as.. I mean how many of you have said this to yourselves?
"I really should start playing my _____ character more." "My main should be working on his titles..." Etc etc... Its a real sore and bore once you start doing that. I still have a warrior character whos supposed to be my final main (after ditching my necro and ranger who already have 6-7 titles each)... |
Exactly why I dont go after titles.
But, I love guildwars for stress relief. Just hearing the login music calms me down. But if I had a REALLY bad day, then I'll usually do some FPS.
if i rly get overstressed i play highly violent games like Postal or FEAR and go for pure melee bloodshed
if i rly get overstressed i play highly violent games like Postal or FEAR and go for pure melee bloodshed
Every day.
My imagination's fuel is Guild Wars!
My imagination's fuel is Guild Wars!
I don't really play to forget about my IRL stuff; sure it DOES change from IRL, but honestly, I like spending time with my husband or my IRL friends. If I have a really stresseful or bad day, I talk it over with my husband, calm down... then yeah, I might log on GW and kill some stuff. But my ADHD acts up so sometimes, even after logging on GW, I'll log back off or go AFK because I can't focus, and wind up talking with my husband some more.
I play real life to get away from guild wars.
in gw i can be rich and have everything i want.
in real life... well i am also rich and have everything i want. NOT
in real life... well i am also rich and have everything i want. NOT
Some people have drugs, I have this game. GW is my escape.
Yeah, work is stressful. Guildwars is a distraction from thinking about work after I get home.
Every damn day.
I just hop on to help out some friends or do some RA lol.. I can live in the real world with out GW fine.
>.> I don't have anything to escape from
I have no life =P
I have no life =P
I use Gw/Video games to calm down my stress that I get from school.
If I'm too stressed out, I'll usually not play it all because then I'll just listen to my iPod.
If I'm too stressed out, I'll usually not play it all because then I'll just listen to my iPod.
Voltaic Annihilator
Well, I, go on gw when i fight with my brother, you know what im talking about if u have any older sibling
Agent Mold3r
I usually go into "FPS Doug" mode in BF2 or CoD4
or I trap and torture small animals
or I trap and torture small animals
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
Instant win formula:
1) Get stressed / bored IRL 2) Log to GW 3) Get even more stressed in PvP by bad players and lame builds, or in PvE by some 13 year olds 4) ??? 5) PROFIT! |
Every single day....
Every day I´m bored. If not Im reading a book or playing my uber Xbox360.
And I don´t like real life. Cause I hate the Northen society of Spain. All the discos fulled by drunken guys who smoke for prove they are machos, and chicks smoking and screwing with all the guys who smoke and drink. And they have 13-17 years. I think from the age of 18 people start to be real people. Im waiting eagerly when we all age eighteen
And I don´t like real life. Cause I hate the Northen society of Spain. All the discos fulled by drunken guys who smoke for prove they are machos, and chicks smoking and screwing with all the guys who smoke and drink. And they have 13-17 years. I think from the age of 18 people start to be real people. Im waiting eagerly when we all age eighteen
Play guild wars to get away from life.
Play life to get away from guild wars (OH WAIT. LIVE LIFE!).
I got caught there.
Play life to get away from guild wars (OH WAIT. LIVE LIFE!).
I got caught there.
Bryant Again
Don't really have a whole lot to get away from. I just play Guild Wars for what it is: It's a great, solid, fun game.
I play GW AND get drunk... now that is a way to get away from it all!!
Yep, video games are my stress reducers.
I play GW to contact my Husband and kids who are already playing. We can have a civilized conversation over teamspeak/vent or in alliance chat that way
Originally Posted by Voltaic Annihilator
Do you guys ever just go to your comp just to play guildwars and get away from the outside world. Like you had a bad day, and just wanna forget about? Well share ur moments!
I don't play GW to "Get away"...I play to relax after a tiring day, and chat with people from all over that I have met ingame.
it's like watching a nice movie after 'work'...except..you get to choose the plot..
it's like watching a nice movie after 'work'...except..you get to choose the plot..