The origin of Grenth?
Konig Des Todes
Dru, I don't think thats possible, as Dhuum is still VERY lively, as he is waging war on Grenth.
Dru Stratas
Yeah, very true, however if gods are all powerful, could Dhuum not've altered his Aspect to cope with such a major blow, its all very old norse, but I mean, is it not possible?
hmm could be a faun?
I dont think Grenth's skeletal face is a mask of some sort. Remember, he despises illusions and deceptions, and a mask is clearly the hiding of the true face. I dont get the point of the Gaki-theory either...As far as i have met gakis, they were pathetic foes...also not as tall (compared to the size of head) as Grenth. I dont think he was human either. 1st for the skull and then just the concept: To become a god of death starting as a mortal, u should accept and even worship death, but with Dhuum being a cruel god of death, its not likely possible. My vote is for the 'deity of the Mists'-theory. His physical appearance might be an instrument of what people fear the most. A skeletal face (decay) and not even a human skull (nothing to do with human values, thus u gain no symphaty).
I have always assumed it to be a mask, not his actual face.. Masks being worn by Death, and even more often Necromancers, is very prevalent in fantasy literature.
The most well known example is Kel'thuzad from Warcraft, a character worked on by many of the Anet team leaders while working for Blizzard.
The most well known example is Kel'thuzad from Warcraft, a character worked on by many of the Anet team leaders while working for Blizzard.
maybe its dhuum skull that he took as a trophy
Dru Stratas
Originally Posted by Ubin4
maybe its dhuum skull that he took as a trophy

On the point that Grenth may not be human, what could he have been?-- this is why I say it could be a mask, and it still could be Dhuums mask, but thats looking less likely.
If you read about Grenth, it tells you about his history. Quoted "He has defeated Dhuum, the former god of death, in such an easy way that, "It was humiliating." as Dhuum had said, in the Realm of Torment."
also note "Monuments to Grenth portray him with the body of a man and the narrow skull of a beast"
also note "Monuments to Grenth portray him with the body of a man and the narrow skull of a beast"
Konig Des Todes
Originally Posted by Mister_Smiley
If you read about Grenth, it tells you about his history. Quoted "He has defeated Dhuum, the former god of death, in such an easy way that, "It was humiliating." as Dhuum had said, in the Realm of Torment."
also note "Monuments to Grenth portray him with the body of a man and the narrow skull of a beast" |
I don't think he was looking for a +1 i think he was just...well stupid ^^
On topic though.
I really think this is reading too deep into it, like far too deep.
He either was some goat creature or its a trophy mask.
Dhuum is likely to have an insectiscoid dryder look, not a goats head.
On topic though.
I really think this is reading too deep into it, like far too deep.
He either was some goat creature or its a trophy mask.
Dhuum is likely to have an insectiscoid dryder look, not a goats head.
Sleeper Service
Its a little know fact that Grenth challenged Dhuum to a final game of polymock on his deathbed.
On being bested with the Gaki piece Dhuum cursed Grenth with its face as he fell into the Underworld.
The other gods tactfully avoid mentioning the game when Grenth is about....he gets quite uptight about it.
On being bested with the Gaki piece Dhuum cursed Grenth with its face as he fell into the Underworld.
The other gods tactfully avoid mentioning the game when Grenth is about....he gets quite uptight about it.
Wasn't looking for a +1 and calling me stupid is well......
My theory is that that Grenth comes from a race that since had died out or was orginal worked for Dhuum and saw what he was doing and did what he did. of course this is just a theory.
I really think that we haven't even seen the TRUE forum of the gods, since a lot of information has been lost we most likely never find out or will find out in GW2.
My theory is that that Grenth comes from a race that since had died out or was orginal worked for Dhuum and saw what he was doing and did what he did. of course this is just a theory.
I really think that we haven't even seen the TRUE forum of the gods, since a lot of information has been lost we most likely never find out or will find out in GW2.
Konig Des Todes
Originally Posted by Mister_Smiley
I wasn't looking for a +1 and i'm not stupid, i was just pointing out some GOOD points. Grenth isn't a charr(way to skiny to be one and his shap dosn't fit it), seeing that his mask dosn't look like a charr one also, it is most likey a Trophy like Kallesh said. I still think he is a Human, he just looks too much like a human.
I also want to point out, that because they are Gods and we have yet to see there REAL forum, they could look total differenet. |
Kerwyn Nasilan
It is a mask If you look at alot of his shrines he has a humanoid face, didnt the manuscipts say something about it being a mask too?
Amen Henn
I don't think it's a mask o.o Grenth champions the casting off of illusions... the thought that one will never die being the greatest illusion of all. so I believe his bestial skull-face is a symbol that the world is at it's core cruel and we shouldn't put our trust is asthetics. As for the overthrowing of Dhuum I'm certain that Abaddon and Dhuum were almost like the Titan of Greek Lore. Being extremely primal with no rhyme or reason to what they do. Abaddon for instance has really no mplan or no motivation than to end existence and make all thing that were once known secrets. Dhuum was probably an absolutionist... meaning he believed all things either didn't deserve to live or were being saved from hardship by death.
Konig Des Todes
Originally Posted by Amen Henn
As for the overthrowing of Dhuum I'm certain that Abaddon and Dhuum were almost like the Titan of Greek Lore. Being extremely primal with no rhyme or reason to what they do. Abaddon for instance has really no mplan or no motivation than to end existence and make all thing that were once known secrets. Dhuum was probably an absolutionist... meaning he believed all things either didn't deserve to live or were being saved from hardship by death.
Abaddon's plan was, in it's simplest form, revenge on the True Gods, and to free himself from his prison, not just destruction of everything. Also, by revealing his presence, and his powers, he in turn gives more knowledge out, like how he gave too much magic out when he distributed magic.
If Dhuum was primitive like you suggest, then I would say that Arachnia, if it's to be believed as it did exist, and if it was Abaddon's predecessor like I believe, then it would be Arachnia, not Abaddon, who was primitive and "primal" along-side Dhuum, and possibly other gods.
what if grenth was a gaki who died and became a mummy type thing explaining the skeletal mask/face, it would also contribute to the fact that he's the god of death.
*Cough* Maybe Guild Wars 2 will explain this?
*Choke* Ughhh, Lets have the gods fight each other. If there as weak as abbadon, it might not last too long. (YES I KNOW He wasent at full strength in NF)
*Choke* Ughhh, Lets have the gods fight each other. If there as weak as abbadon, it might not last too long. (YES I KNOW He wasent at full strength in NF)
To nitpick, I don't think Abaddon was trying to get out of his prison - he was trying to expand it while sucking everything else in.
A big battle cutscene would rox
A big battle cutscene would rox
Have you noticed that in the snowmen lair one of the snowmen before throwing a big snowball says: "Son of Grenth will pay". I thought it is a GW version of "son of a...." - meant for the player who dared to enter a secret lair. So his name seems to be used as a curse by the creatures of ice. If calling someone "son of Grenth" is offending that may say how this god is perceived. So in addition to his nasty appearance mentioned in this thread he has a not good "reputation". I hope what I wrote makes any sense. My apologies for my English.
Free Runner
Actually i think its just part of the whole Dwayna vs Grenth thing. The enemies of the Snowmen are Grenths "forces" afterall. I would guess he doesnt have much of a reputation - death is naturally feared so the God of Death would be feared and possibly respected for his job.
Konig Des Todes
As Free Runner said, that is just the whole Dwayna vs Grenth thing going on.
This is the only thing you are 100% wrong with. Creatures of Ice, well they are made of snow yes, but they are not the same as the other ice elementals we face. They were made out of "joy and cheer" *according to the Dwayna quests during Wintersday* and they serve Dwayna. They naturally hate Grenth and to them, his name would be used as a swear word.
Lastly, I could have swore that they said "Son of a Grentch" *no pun intended*.
Originally Posted by Shasgaliel
So his name seems to be used as a curse by the creatures of ice.
Lastly, I could have swore that they said "Son of a Grentch" *no pun intended*.
Free Runner
Yeah it is infact "Son of a Grentch must pay!". I thought Son of Grenth sounded alittle weird
I just went there again to check. Indeed I misspelled it. It should be "son of a Grentch must pay" as you stated.