Candy Canes
How would you feel if after you farmed for all those candy canes to just find out theres going to be an item at the merchant (medikit or something to that effect) after guild wars is patched back? Personally I think they have been interefering with the economy too much.
It's a gimmick item and it only works in PvE. Sure, it's helpful in the Underworld and Fissure, but that's about it. And I doubt there will be a regular item that does the same thing, it's a unique holiday item.
Turbo Wombat
Even if they do add something to the traders that does the same thing, you still can't discount the many caches of candycanes on most of the characters. I was hardly farming and still ended up with over 500 of them. Even if merchants gain the ability to sell medipack-like items, they're gonna have a pretty poor sales rate until most of the candycanes are used up (which, I assume, will take some time) .
I spent a couple hours over the course of the wintersday and got a little over 100 candycanes. I'll probably continue spending some time farming for them until they remove the priests who trade them. I don't see this as becoming an available item... If it was for sale on a regular basis... why even have DP?
Eet GnomeSmasher
Wow, I don't know how you "hardly farmed" and ended up with 500 candy canes. I had to force myself to farm and only got 176 of them.
But I agree that it's not that big of a deal if they added something similar (which I really doubt) Candy canes are a nice thing to have but not a must have.
But I agree that it's not that big of a deal if they added something similar (which I really doubt) Candy canes are a nice thing to have but not a must have.
Turbo Wombat
Easy... Bonefiends will clear half the map and you only need to use a total of 3 spells to maintain your horde. I probably could have gotten more, but I decided I wanted a bunch of christmas presents and spiked eggnogs too

Originally Posted by Mavrik
I spent a couple hours over the course of the wintersday and got a little over 100 candycanes. I'll probably continue spending some time farming for them until they remove the priests who trade them. I don't see this as becoming an available item... If it was for sale on a regular basis... why even have DP?
I love that ANet introduced an item that had a nifty game-mechanic effect, and I also think it's interesting to watch its effects on the economy. Eventually, the candy canes will be gone as they are sold and used up and whatnot... but really, it's no different than introducing any other useful and much-wanted item.
If it worries you, fear not, as it will probably right itself over time.
Malchior Devenholm
This medikit junk is alledgedly yes?
As mentioned by antialias, ppl farmed the candy canes to no end, but they will all eventually run out
And why would something like a medikit b made? DP is one of the defining factors of GW, if u die some ur gonna get weaker, if there was an item purchaseable at the merchant that eliminated DP like candy canes---OMG THE GAME WOULD BE A WRECK!
As mentioned by antialias, ppl farmed the candy canes to no end, but they will all eventually run out
And why would something like a medikit b made? DP is one of the defining factors of GW, if u die some ur gonna get weaker, if there was an item purchaseable at the merchant that eliminated DP like candy canes---OMG THE GAME WOULD BE A WRECK!
as of now i've got 750 stockpiled, I hope they dont introduce any medikit to the merchants.
I'm hoping that in a month or two the prices will hover around 1k. Already they are selling for 200-300g. so 1k seems to be somewhere on the horizon in my opinion. But even if they settle at 500g thats fine with me.
I'm hoping that in a month or two the prices will hover around 1k. Already they are selling for 200-300g. so 1k seems to be somewhere on the horizon in my opinion. But even if they settle at 500g thats fine with me.
Salia Mare
People selling an amount of cash don't mean the item worth it.
More of that i doubt anyone is willing to buy an item currently easily obtainable from winter traders.
And willing to sell them after winter event at 1k piece is robbery (my filling at least)
More of that i doubt anyone is willing to buy an item currently easily obtainable from winter traders.
And willing to sell them after winter event at 1k piece is robbery (my filling at least)
Ashley Twig
I think the fact that there's a market for DP-removing items in PvE only shows, that people who buy that bull are just not qualified enough to not-die during quests and missions.
So what's going on in GW? On the one hand aNet makes quests and missions harder, on the other hand we have items that remove DP?
So what's going on in GW? On the one hand aNet makes quests and missions harder, on the other hand we have items that remove DP?
Salia Mare
For now those items are event items with one and only one use per items, so they should not last for years if are used, A.Net isn't responsible of players farming and collecting them ( even if that's easy to expect).
The remove DP is nice but not that much,personnaly i don't see a mission in which i really have to carry them.
More of that, missions getting harder??
The Titans,SF, yes, as it should be,
the "nerf" did affect old mission and made them harder?
I don't see the point, i went through the whole missions for the 8th time that week, i even find some missions like Elona or Thunderkeep easier now than before (i started at end of beta), the only harder thing i find is to aggro massive groups of mob to farm lol or find new way to counter newcomming Mes/Nec like in UW or Riverside (btw Riverside was the first nerf i remember)
The remove DP is nice but not that much,personnaly i don't see a mission in which i really have to carry them.
More of that, missions getting harder??
The Titans,SF, yes, as it should be,
the "nerf" did affect old mission and made them harder?
I don't see the point, i went through the whole missions for the 8th time that week, i even find some missions like Elona or Thunderkeep easier now than before (i started at end of beta), the only harder thing i find is to aggro massive groups of mob to farm lol or find new way to counter newcomming Mes/Nec like in UW or Riverside (btw Riverside was the first nerf i remember)
i would personally welcome a "medikit" like item. Sure candy canes are good, but they will only be around for so long, once they're gone they aint coming back until next year. This "medikit" shouldn't be cheap obviously, but then not too expensive either, so newer players could afford them.
I've been doing solo farms for icy dragon swords (picked up two far
^^) and after all the imps i kill i end up with something like 15 firgid hearts, i've learnt not to sell these now and trade them to a collector in droknars for candy canes. This however will not go on forever, as soon as the collectors/the christmas decor go..candy canes left in inventory will be the only ones left.
Sometimes it's inevitable that you will get one fool who will lure a horde of monsters to you and the team will die, or on a solo farm - if something goes wrong [spell interupt, knockdown that ruins it, cant keep up with damage], your gonna die, and if you've worked hard/or its taken a long time to get where you are farming [eg, mineral springs ids farm] you're not gonna want to go back to a town n start over{specially if there is a good monster spawn}. In cases like this a DP remover is neccessary, its either start again with no DP or use an item to remove it...i know which one i would use.
I've been doing solo farms for icy dragon swords (picked up two far
^^) and after all the imps i kill i end up with something like 15 firgid hearts, i've learnt not to sell these now and trade them to a collector in droknars for candy canes. This however will not go on forever, as soon as the collectors/the christmas decor go..candy canes left in inventory will be the only ones left.
Sometimes it's inevitable that you will get one fool who will lure a horde of monsters to you and the team will die, or on a solo farm - if something goes wrong [spell interupt, knockdown that ruins it, cant keep up with damage], your gonna die, and if you've worked hard/or its taken a long time to get where you are farming [eg, mineral springs ids farm] you're not gonna want to go back to a town n start over{specially if there is a good monster spawn}. In cases like this a DP remover is neccessary, its either start again with no DP or use an item to remove it...i know which one i would use.
Salia Mare
Concerning DP i was fine with until that candy cane come, that's why it seems to me not that usefull.
To add, if i farm, i do it solo (except SF for now), and i made up my build until there is no way i can die (not always go that way :P), anyway intend to farm with less than a 70% chance of stay alive seems useless to me.
To add, if i farm, i do it solo (except SF for now), and i made up my build until there is no way i can die (not always go that way :P), anyway intend to farm with less than a 70% chance of stay alive seems useless to me.
Willy Rockwell
Unless a DP cure is offered by merchants I predict the value of candy canes will soar. After all, there will only be less of them and when you are facing bosses at the end of a long quest with -40DP a candy cane is priceless.
What I see happening is so many people are going to begin relying on them, using them as a crutch so to speak. I've used them occasionally and found that it was just too easy to get into the habit so I stopped. I'm sitting on the ones I have for now, as I can see a multitude of people crying when they are gone, after becoming (in a way) addicted to them.
Salia Mare
Addict to candy? How can it be, never heared of such statement^^
I spent a grand total of around half an hour during the whole 'wintersday' season farming and I have about a dozen candy canes right now (without ever actually using one!). But that's because I traded everything for wintersday presents to get candy cane shards so I could get all the candy cane weapons (which are, and always will be, worth far more than crummy little candy canes to me).
I can definately see them becoming valuable in the future, but they are/were absurdly easy to get and many players likely have hundreds if not thousands of them cached up. Maybe a few months from now, once everyone's gotten addicted to them, they'll be worth something significant.
I can definately see them becoming valuable in the future, but they are/were absurdly easy to get and many players likely have hundreds if not thousands of them cached up. Maybe a few months from now, once everyone's gotten addicted to them, they'll be worth something significant.
/Offering dentistry services - cavities filled, teeth cleaned, etc. 10k

Originally Posted by Ashley Twig
I think the fact that there's a market for DP-removing items in PvE only shows, that people who buy that bull are just not qualified enough to not-die during quests and missions.
Have you soloed every quest in the game? Have you done a solo IDS run? A part of PvE is that YOU WILL DIE, no matter what your skill is. Heck, I've died over 1,000 times playing the game, and I can tell you that a good portion of that was due to DP after the first death.
I understand that you are probably a PvP hardcore fan, but to say that "if you die in PvE then you ain't that good" is just plain ridiculous.
Effendi Westland
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
I understand that you are probably a PvP hardcore fan, but to say that "if you die in PvE then you ain't that good" is just plain ridiculous.
Yep, this helps solo/small group challenges, particularly the types dying might even be part of the strategy as its part run. Normally wiping DP isn't much of an issue but with variable spawns and trying to do the most with the least, certainly a candy cane or two tucked away isn't a bad thing.
It is interesting though the statues cost 100 and wipe *2%* off and require favor. I think these should be bumped up in the wake of the candy cane to at least write off 5,10,maybe even 15%? Some might argue all, just like a candy cane? I think 10 or 15 would be a decent compromise though.
It is interesting though the statues cost 100 and wipe *2%* off and require favor. I think these should be bumped up in the wake of the candy cane to at least write off 5,10,maybe even 15%? Some might argue all, just like a candy cane? I think 10 or 15 would be a decent compromise though.
I pwnd U
statues are alot rarer to come by as they only appera in certain places and u cant take them w. u like u can w/ candy canes. most runners are willing to pay 1k to get a morale boost or lose there dp or w/e since they are proly making 10k a run or more. i see mainly drok runners stop at the statue to get a morale boost, but other then that i hardly ever seen statues used. so really it should be bumped up since they are alot rarer. either completely wipe away dp or give automatic 10% morale boost if no dp is there. imean they are hard to find and 1k for a 10%morale boost is stupid. candy canes ftw!