Brotherhood of the Shadows [bots] looking for active members for our Kurzick alliance


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2008

Cincinnati, OH

Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS]



[bots] is a friendly Kurzick guild with an awesome alliance. Our guild hall is the Isle of Solitude which is stocked full of services. We have great leadership along with experienced members, however we are Newbie Friendly and are open minded when it comes to helping you with your journey through Guild Wars.

We like to do a lot of things as a guild such as UW/FoW Farming, HM, Challenge Missions, or anything else PvE related. [bots] has many members within the alliance open to PvP such as Heroe's Ascent, and Guild vs Guild... At all times of the day, you can usually find members within the alliance for Alliance Battles, Team Arenas, or a simple 1v1 scrimmage.

The guild has been around for over a year now, led by Perseus Rex. We have 5 officers and 40+ members. We try our best to keep our roster active and we will kick inactive members after a month. [bots] is the leader guild of a 5 guild alliance. Our alliance is talkative, friendly, and always helpful.

Our Alliance.

Brotherhood of the Shadows [bots]

Raptor Fighters [Hawk]
The Dead Soul [DEAD]
Unyielding Alliance [Rarg]
Guardian Espers [ESP]

A good number of people in the alliance know each other in real life, a few who are dating or married. The majority of our alliance is American, but we have a few members from other regions. Chat is purely English.

As an alliance we often have events such as 1v1 Tournaments, Armor Runway Contests, or other contests or things to vote on.

We only a few rules.

- Chat on Alliance is limited to PG, until after 11:00pm Pacific time... We do have a few younger members in the alliance.

- No begging or scamming.

- We do not sell or buy to guidies or members of the alliance. Trading is welcome.

- Please keep our alliance free of drama, we try to maintain a positive enviorment.

Our alliance uses Ventrilo (but it is not required, unless you want to GvG), we also have a website and forums... you can check it out at We also have a myspace page at

If your intrested or have any questions or concerns please PM me or visit the forums.

You can also whisper myself or any of the other officers.

Perseus Rex

Bartilo Bloodbarren (myself)
I Kadolin Mythril I
Kawil Ah Puk
Legendary Lag
Jimmeh Lee

We look forward to hearing from you,

Bartilo Bloodbarren