Make Your Prediction: Next Weekend
I'm saying it now: I predict next weekend will be Double (or possibly Triple) chance of green items dropping in both Normal and Hard Mode.
Anyone else want to take a guess what next weekend will be?
Anyone else want to take a guess what next weekend will be?
1 up and 2 down
Well just so people can see what options we have, here is the Anet keyboard...
It's either 4x Fame or "Distract with nerf".
Release gaile grey
Because Gaile will see this thread, I'd say she will let the dev team know and they'll create a new event: Double chance of polymocks dropping from dungeon chests.
Go go go.
Go go go.
Originally Posted by 1 up and 2 down
Well just so people can see what options we have, here is the Anet keyboard...
And my prediction? I'd guess at a double XP from capping elite skills since we haven't had one of those in a while.
release gaile gray x4
Gun Pierson
I expect the long awaited 'dunkey weekend' where a mule stands on a platform in all major tows like LA and sh1ts drops at random through the air. Alcohol, sugar and party stuff and the occasional ecto etc. Sugar rush for the win.
I would love a green drop weekend so I could try to farm some greens I have been wanting.....
Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
I expect the long awaited 'dunkey weekend' where a mule stands on a platform in all major tows like LA and sh1ts drops at random through the air. Alcohol, sugar stuff and the occasional ecto etc. Sugar rush for the win.
Nah there have been double and triple weekeends for greens allready and they boring they just ruin green prices that allready worth nothing..
I think it will be x2 Cap EXP. Or better yet, x4 Green drops in Tyria only (not EotN) .
Double glad points would be good.
blah... i'll vote for greens next week.
waiting for chest drop weekend =)
waiting for chest drop weekend =)
Wheres the "Throttle connections" and "Increase Ping" buttons??
Missing a "trade x minis for 1 celestial version" button, IMO.
I'm pretty sure it's going to be an interesting weekend event, because I won't be home next weekend.
Neo Nugget
What i hope: Triple Dye!(woot pre dye farming)
Hasn't been done in a looong time.
What it probably will be: 3x scroll event.
rofl at that keyboard.
But it is missing -remove/reset favor.
Hasn't been done in a looong time.
What it probably will be: 3x scroll event.
rofl at that keyboard.
But it is missing -remove/reset favor.
Originally Posted by Neo Nugget
What it probably will be: 3x scroll event.
Death By Ketchup
It's also missing the giant ban button.
Funny how the paragon has 3 buttons to everyone else's hahaha.
Stormlord Alex
Triple Chitin Fragment drops.
Triple Collectable drops
double donut centers for all!
double skill balance weekend...
hey I can dream...
hey I can dream...
Double Exploit Weekend.
Ork Pride
Triple Lootnerf Weekend
Quadruple Health Weekend!
Mr. Undisclosed
Either green drop or dye drop. I'm pretty sure the dye drop weekend has had a longer cool down so my bet is on that.
double dupping weekend!
Double the chance of you getting banned---but also get double the amount of stuff you dupe!
triple armbrace weekend---triple the chance of getting better loot in DoA.
but it will probably be more like double balth weekend---useless and only good for some people.
Double the chance of you getting banned---but also get double the amount of stuff you dupe!
triple armbrace weekend---triple the chance of getting better loot in DoA.
but it will probably be more like double balth weekend---useless and only good for some people.
Double-Your-Fun at the Zaishen Chest!
This weekend, February 29 to March 2, you will have double the chances to nab Creme Brulee and Flasks of Firewater from the Zaishen Chest in the Isle of the Nameless. This leap year celebration begins Noon Pacific (-8 GMT) on Friday, February 29, and ends at 11:59 PM Pacific (-8 GMT) on Sunday, March 2, 2008.
This weekend, February 29 to March 2, you will have double the chances to nab Creme Brulee and Flasks of Firewater from the Zaishen Chest in the Isle of the Nameless. This leap year celebration begins Noon Pacific (-8 GMT) on Friday, February 29, and ends at 11:59 PM Pacific (-8 GMT) on Sunday, March 2, 2008.
I lol'd. I'm still trying to force myself to grind for 5000 Balth' faction (which of course shouldn't take too many games of AB) for a key...
Triple chance of make a mistake and sell a rare stuff to merchant...
Triple chance of "bear traps" pops in explorable areas... "if you think you is a bear this trap cut off your legs. Bleed, criple and deep wound for 30 min, condictions cant be removed and everytime you use a skill lost 50 life."
But serius i waiting for a long time to return of Lucky weekend, and Chocolate Bunny.
Triple chance of "bear traps" pops in explorable areas... "if you think you is a bear this trap cut off your legs. Bleed, criple and deep wound for 30 min, condictions cant be removed and everytime you use a skill lost 50 life."
But serius i waiting for a long time to return of Lucky weekend, and Chocolate Bunny.
Drop of Fear
2x points from kurzick/luxon donations? ab weekend are only for abers
shadows of hob
2 points to your treasure hunter/wisdom title track instead of the normal 1 would be nice.
3x err7's with a hint of curacao
Double Stuffed Oreos weekend!
(well, that's what I'm gonna do, anyway.)
I'd guess double norn/azura/vanguard/dwarf points weekend.
(well, that's what I'm gonna do, anyway.)
I'd guess double norn/azura/vanguard/dwarf points weekend.
Double rep points or 'Distract with nerf'
<3 that keyboard btw
<3 that keyboard btw
double rep points with eotn,dye drop or maybe a free UW/FoW access weekend.
your also missing the "Deal With QQ's" Button...
your also missing the "Deal With QQ's" Button...
Originally Posted by Talach_Ninneed
your also missing the "Deal With QQ's" Button...