I'm here to tell you all about a brand new Kurzick guild, known as The Only Guardians, or RISE for short. Let me explain our origin and the nature of our players. We just started the guild up a few days ago. We are a four-man guild so far (it's HUGE!). As of now, we have no alliance (I'll explain more about this below). This is NOT to say we're inactive, though. I personally go on every day for at LEAST two hours. The guy I started this guild with, Death Drawn, is very active as well, and has been playing Guild Wars from the very start, as have I. We've both been around since 2005 (I forget the month...it's been so long! The days of 100k Superior Absorption and 16k ectos if anyone cares or remembers.) Neither of us have shown signs of wanting to stop. We are very determined in what we do, and by no means is this going to be "just another failed attempt at a guild". No way. We have experience in another guild that we were both in for two and a half years. It was by no means a light decision to leave and start anew; we left behind many friends and good times. We wanted to try something new.
As of right now, we have a Guild Hall (Corrupted Isle), a cape (subject to change if most people want to), and we have purchased the storage NPC in the Guild Hall. We definitely intend to fill up the Guild Hall with the rest of the NPC's. Once we get a stable amount of active people - we're shooting for around 40-50 for now - we will most likely be joining an alliance consisting of around 700+ people, headed by our previous guild (Yeah, the one we mentioned up there.) Of course, we will be GvG'ing, AB'ing, farming, and everything else as well. We need to stablize ourselves first. From there we'll set up activities, giveaways (No! I'm not just saying that so you join - we will, we promise!), and all that other good stuff. We will set up a Vent/TS server depending on what people decide they want - chances are we'll just have both. A website will be made as well. We will begin to promote the people we feel are best up to the job of officer once we're nice and settled in, too.
Well, I think I've blabbered for just as long as I've had patience for. So, PM me if you have any further questions - my IGN is Sood Ranger, and my partner leader's IGN is Death Drawn. Thanks - we'll see you there!
The Only Guardians RISE! Recruiting serious, active players!