We Fail Because Of Auzzie [PinG] Recruiting for GvG


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2007


[PinG] was supposed to be a merge between the guild Caliber Thirteen [CT] and D E S T R O Y E R [CORE], but [CORE] then became inactive, and [PinG] ended up with 15 members or so. [PinG], as you should be able to tell, is Australian, and we'll be GvGing in Aussie times.

[PinG] is looking for players with GvG experience, it doesn't have to be a whole lot, but enough to be able to play your role well. We are in desperate need of a caller, and frontliners. A core flagger would be good too.

We're currently at N/A because we never get enough people, usually we get to about 6 and don't have a caller so then it doesn't go forward. The guild is full of nice people, and it's a good guild to be in.

So yeah. If you want to join, contact Natural Selection K, Healer O Hell, or In Rusty We Trust (me).