Originally Posted by Legendary Shiz
Why not.
I could honestly care less if they added it or not. It really isn't going to effect anything other than giving somebody another title to display when waiting for a match. |
Balth Faction title
I agree ONLY if the Hero emotes are moved to that title.
All PvP events give Balthazar action, but only the Hero rank gives the emotes. The HoH is not the peak of the PvP, just another mode.
So the emotes should be given to all PvP players, and this would be a good way to do so.
All PvP events give Balthazar action, but only the Hero rank gives the emotes. The HoH is not the peak of the PvP, just another mode.
So the emotes should be given to all PvP players, and this would be a good way to do so.
Think about PvP players that don't specialize in one gameplay type - they may have very high experience, skill and knowledge of the game but have no really outstanding title. Those players may have more total faction gained than a Champ(6) or Hero(12), so *this* title would be a title they would display.
More options, more choices, another title that shows "I'm experienced at PvP", just in another way, would be great.
Another take would be a title connected with the Max Faction Cap but that would be cheezable by the stupid /roll Commander title.
And Hero emotes should stay as they are (obviously and for many reasons), another terrible idea Mithran...
More options, more choices, another title that shows "I'm experienced at PvP", just in another way, would be great.
Another take would be a title connected with the Max Faction Cap but that would be cheezable by the stupid /roll Commander title.
And Hero emotes should stay as they are (obviously and for many reasons), another terrible idea Mithran...
Orange Milk
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere I agree ONLY if the Hero emotes are moved to that title. All PvP events give Balthazar action, but only the Hero rank gives the emotes. The HoH is not the peak of the PvP, just another mode. So the emotes should be given to all PvP players, and this would be a good way to do so. Today 04:27 AM |
@ Luminarus, while doing AB, JQ, FA you also gain exp points and Balt faction, HFFF, you gain experience, plus PvE drops, none of these are solely focused on Lux/Kurz faction. As for questing, thre faction is a bonus, the quests are ment to move you through the story line.
I agree with Shiz, I could careless about it, I'm not a title hunter as far as maxing out all 150 or so of them goes. My 1 PvE char displays the 1 title I wanted from PvE, all my PvPs display the only title I want from PvP.
If you think this title is pointless, go look at the looooong list of PvE titles, I'm sure you can easily find a handfull.
Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
seriously: no ppl that earn those are doing PvP and PvP has his own titles like: Gladiator, Hero and other stuff big no no |
Originally Posted by Luminarus
b) This title has no point.
Originally Posted by Legendary Shiz
Why not.
I could honestly care less if they added it or not. It really isn't going to effect anything other than giving somebody another title to display when waiting for a match. |
Pyro maniac
Originally Posted by dies like fish
WTB Flames of Balthazar
This idea is stupid. |
Stormlord Alex
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
I agree ONLY if the Hero emotes are moved to that title.
All PvP events give Balthazar action, but only the Hero rank gives the emotes. The HoH is not the peak of the PvP, just another mode. So the emotes should be given to all PvP players, and this would be a good way to do so. |
Originally Posted by I pwnd U
IMO Alot of balthazar faction does not always mean a better player. |
Originally Posted by RavagerOfDreams
W T B Flames of Balthazar
Farming Zaishen Elite Self Invite |
And even if flames DID count towards the title... big deal? Nobody is going to spend 1 million gold to buy enough flames for rank 1 of a title that you could just earn playing AB/RA every once in a while.
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
Ummm... no, because you can gain Balth faction by farming PvE (Zaishen and - as some would argue - AB).
/signed. easy to program.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
While I lost *millions* of faction on not being able to spend it on anything before the update that made the faction total increase even if unspent I still think such a title would be awesome.
This title is completely different than a PvE title that would be based on total experience gained by a character. Completely different. You can't farm obscenely huge amounts of faction by repeatedly grinding something easy over and over. Buying a lot of Flames won't get you anywhere - Flames are rare, very limited, 1k flames are as rare as Sigils, Golden Flames (3k) cost 15 Reward Points, it's much easier to gain the faction by playing than getting those - easier to get +3k faction by just winning 1 GvG than getting 15rps, which are also very limited. You have to be highly competetive and win a lot. Otherwise your faction gain will be significantly worse than the competetive players'. This is not about PvE. PvE only players should not reply in this thread as they often are completely clueless and this whole thing doesn't affect their game at all. This title should have reasonable tiers of varying levels, and no max. Example: Rank 1. = 100k faction Rank 2. = 250k faction Rank 3. = 500k faction Rank 4. = 1M faction Rank 5. = 1.5M faction Rank 6. = 2M faction Rank 7. = 3M faction Rank 8. = 4M faction Rank 9. = 6M faction Rank 10. = 8M faction Rank 11. = 10M faction (very few people got more than 10M) Rank 12. = 15M faction Rank 13. = 20M faction Rank 14. = 30M faction (I don't think anybody has more than that at the moment) Rank 15. = 50M faction Rank 16. = 100M faction (nobody will ever get that much, even in 10 years) Rank 17. = 200M faction ... No Max. *just a quick example, more serious thought required for final version* |
we have over 35 titles... we DONT need more...
Originally Posted by greenreaper3
we have over 35 titles... we DONT need more...
4 actually
6 If you count Luxon/Kurz as pvp titles. But if you're gonna say thats enough, compare the SIZE of pve with PVP.
5 Different styles of pvp (Arena, AB, HA, GVG, & HB), compared with the 3 campaigns, each with 13-25 missions, a bunch of explorable areas, elites to cap, Hard Mode etc. PVe Has way more OPTIONS in terms of locations & reasonable titles. PVP However, lacks in this way.
So its 4/6 titles are plenty compared with pve's 30+
6 If you count Luxon/Kurz as pvp titles. But if you're gonna say thats enough, compare the SIZE of pve with PVP.
5 Different styles of pvp (Arena, AB, HA, GVG, & HB), compared with the 3 campaigns, each with 13-25 missions, a bunch of explorable areas, elites to cap, Hard Mode etc. PVe Has way more OPTIONS in terms of locations & reasonable titles. PVP However, lacks in this way.
So its 4/6 titles are plenty compared with pve's 30+
Sir Pandra Pierva
here is something i like about it and it can be inplemented
remove faction gain from Elite and reg, and give a better premade build or bring back the old premades, then have faction only in RA and UP and AB. That gets rid of the key farmers as well as hitting the title farmers there.
here is something i like about it and it can be inplemented
remove faction gain from Elite and reg, and give a better premade build or bring back the old premades, then have faction only in RA and UP and AB. That gets rid of the key farmers as well as hitting the title farmers there.
Originally Posted by greenreaper3
we have over 35 titles... we DONT need more...

As long as the Balth we've already earned is added to the new title.
As long as the Balth we've already earned is added to the new title.
Holly Herro
Why does everyone get so upset about more titles?
"Omg, another few words that are just going to sit under my name, that will be extremely hard to get and take a long time and make me think my E-Peen is HUGE! I must have it! Oh, wait. I don't have ********* faction. IT'S FAIL I TELLS YA"
"Omg, another few words that are just going to sit under my name, that will be extremely hard to get and take a long time and make me think my E-Peen is HUGE! I must have it! Oh, wait. I don't have ********* faction. IT'S FAIL I TELLS YA"
Terra Xin
Originally Posted by Luminarus
4 actually
6 If you count Luxon/Kurz as pvp titles. But if you're gonna say thats enough, compare the SIZE of pve with PVP. 5 Different styles of pvp (Arena, AB, HA, GVG, & HB), compared with the 3 campaigns, each with 13-25 missions, a bunch of explorable areas, elites to cap, Hard Mode etc. PVe Has way more OPTIONS in terms of locations & reasonable titles. PVP However, lacks in this way. So its 4/6 titles are plenty compared with pve's 30+ |
I don't really care for a title like this. It's about as (put word here) as having a title for experience points, so..... eh.
I like this idea , but what i would really like is to know how much xp i've gotten in just pvp, maybe but having a pve xp bar and pvp xp bar or something.
GG I LOVE IT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED THIS....it wont happen though...
but if it does
but if it does
Would be pretty fun to have this title. I'm on 4 million balthazar faction now but then i was uax for a long time and there was nothing to spend faction on.
It would be cool to have but please don't expect getting into any guilds w/this.:P
I just had a thought, what if as you gained more ranks in this title you got special armor? Like if you get rank 4 in this title you are able to craft Diamond versions of your armor, if you get up to rank 10 you're able to use diamond weapons and shields, up to rank 15 you're able to wear special diamond capes instead of your guild cape if you choose. (Just an idea of how to make this thing fun)
Originally Posted by Darkhell153
I just had a thought, what if as you gained more ranks in this title you got special armor? Like if you get rank 4 in this title you are able to craft Diamond versions of your armor, if you get up to rank 10 you're able to use diamond weapons and shields, up to rank 15 you're able to wear special diamond capes instead of your guild cape if you choose. (Just an idea of how to make this thing fun)
The God Of War
/signed 12 chars
obsidian ectoplasm
Originally Posted by dies like fish
WTB Flames of Balthazar
This idea is stupid. |
I agree if there is a title for earned faction but other wise people can ^^^^ which would be crap
It's a bit late for implimentation, but I'll /Sign anyway.
As long as they remove Flames of Balthazar in the process.
As long as they remove Flames of Balthazar in the process.
Sorry but /notsigned
The way the game works now this wouldn't be possible. I'd like to fully support the idea but with Zaishen and low level arenas I don't see this happening. Something would have to change with those before a Balth title appeared. Too many players would simply farm zaishen each day or exploit low level arenas with guildies.
Balth title = easily gained/exploitable
The way the game works now this wouldn't be possible. I'd like to fully support the idea but with Zaishen and low level arenas I don't see this happening. Something would have to change with those before a Balth title appeared. Too many players would simply farm zaishen each day or exploit low level arenas with guildies.
Balth title = easily gained/exploitable
now that they have the zkey title this isnt needed imo.
I always wanted to have THAT instead of the crappy zaishen title
I always wanted to have THAT instead of the crappy zaishen title
As much as I like the idea, it wouldnt work with the new Zaishen title.
You would be gaining two titles at the same time with no effort on the other. I know you gain explorer, vanquisher, treasure hunter, wisdom etc by vanqing and chest running at same time, but they are not directly linked like these two.
/undecided but prob wont work :S
You would be gaining two titles at the same time with no effort on the other. I know you gain explorer, vanquisher, treasure hunter, wisdom etc by vanqing and chest running at same time, but they are not directly linked like these two.
/undecided but prob wont work :S
/not signed
I dont think adding a title is the answer. Titles have already done more harm than good imo. They are not an indication of skill, just an indication of how much time a person has spent doing something to get the title, and you dont need to spend nearly as much time as it takes to get whatever rank title in order to be able to effectively fulfill a role and HA, GvG, TA, or whatever.
The way it is you know what people have been doing over and over again, with just balth faction you wont even know what they did to earn it, but again i stress the fact you dont need to be a R9 or need to have 3mill faction to do something well in GvG, HA, or whatever.
I dont think adding a title is the answer. Titles have already done more harm than good imo. They are not an indication of skill, just an indication of how much time a person has spent doing something to get the title, and you dont need to spend nearly as much time as it takes to get whatever rank title in order to be able to effectively fulfill a role and HA, GvG, TA, or whatever.
The way it is you know what people have been doing over and over again, with just balth faction you wont even know what they did to earn it, but again i stress the fact you dont need to be a R9 or need to have 3mill faction to do something well in GvG, HA, or whatever.
I Is Special
Imo i dont see how this would help. (Though i didnt read all the posts, maybe this was mentioned already)
It doesnt show your that you have skill or are actually experienced, it just shows you have a lot of time. It would be like a title in PvE showing how much XP you've earned. You could still have 30,000,000 XP, but still blow at the game because all you do is farm.
It doesnt show your that you have skill or are actually experienced, it just shows you have a lot of time. It would be like a title in PvE showing how much XP you've earned. You could still have 30,000,000 XP, but still blow at the game because all you do is farm.
This thing would be AWESOME, if done right.
I mean:
No Max,
Many many ranks, increasingly harder to get,
Use the actual number displayed as Faction gained on the account, so it's perfectly retroactive and perfectly fair.
The title would be far more meaningful than the lame Zaishen title.
There's also NO way this title could be gained in a lame way:
-faction gain from Zaishens is patheticaly low and limited
-faction gain in low level arenas is also miserable, not worth doing at all.
-flames of Balthazar are in fact Very rare - as rare as sigils, if they got a real sink they would instantly disappear. And goldens cost = 3 Zaishen Keys = nobody would pay 15k for just 3000 faction (unless in desperate need for unlocks)
Any decent real PvP player would have far far more than a lamer who wants to get this title without playing PvP
It's also completely differrent than a PvE title for showing XP - XP can be gained at ridiculously stupid high rates by quick solofarming. Faction is done completely different, it's protected from dumb overfarm. If you think you can - go do it now! Faction is now very valuable thanks to ZKeys - go farm it now. I know I will get far more in GvG and HA...
Please show me how do you make lots of faction by exploits, more than I can make by playing real PvP, come on show.
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about...
/signed (again?)
I mean:
No Max,
Many many ranks, increasingly harder to get,
Use the actual number displayed as Faction gained on the account, so it's perfectly retroactive and perfectly fair.
The title would be far more meaningful than the lame Zaishen title.
There's also NO way this title could be gained in a lame way:
-faction gain from Zaishens is patheticaly low and limited
-faction gain in low level arenas is also miserable, not worth doing at all.
-flames of Balthazar are in fact Very rare - as rare as sigils, if they got a real sink they would instantly disappear. And goldens cost = 3 Zaishen Keys = nobody would pay 15k for just 3000 faction (unless in desperate need for unlocks)
Any decent real PvP player would have far far more than a lamer who wants to get this title without playing PvP
It's also completely differrent than a PvE title for showing XP - XP can be gained at ridiculously stupid high rates by quick solofarming. Faction is done completely different, it's protected from dumb overfarm. If you think you can - go do it now! Faction is now very valuable thanks to ZKeys - go farm it now. I know I will get far more in GvG and HA...
Originally Posted by Gattsu05
Sorry but /notsigned
The way the game works now this wouldn't be possible. I'd like to fully support the idea but with Zaishen and low level arenas I don't see this happening. Something would have to change with those before a Balth title appeared. Too many players would simply farm zaishen each day or exploit low level arenas with guildies. Balth title = easily gained/exploitable |
Please show me how do you make lots of faction by exploits, more than I can make by playing real PvP, come on show.
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about...
/signed (again?)
Originally Posted by I Is Special
Imo i dont see how this would help. (Though i didnt read all the posts, maybe this was mentioned already)
It doesnt show your that you have skill or are actually experienced, it just shows you have a lot of time. It would be like a title in PvE showing how much XP you've earned. You could still have 30,000,000 XP, but still blow at the game because all you do is farm. |
earning balth faction means your winning, at least some of the time, or at least your not such a dead weight to your team that they fail miserably.
pve xp=by-product, balth faction=spoils of victory
thinkng about it...this title track would be exactly like Luxon and Kurzick titles...those to an effect (or at least used to before the double to title track got implimented) just show the total amount of lux/kurz faction earned on your account. except people dont really cares if you have 10mil kurz faction earned on your account. unless your trying to get your guild into dR alliance

Snow Bunny
Make 1st Tier 1 million, 2nd tier 2.5, 3rd tier 6, and I'll /sign.
If you actually get 1 million through zaishen and ab, then wow, just wow.
If you actually get 1 million through zaishen and ab, then wow, just wow.
Originally Posted by Gattsu05
Balth title = easily gained/exploitable
I like the idea of this title, plenty of peopl play different types of PvP but have no way of showing their total experience and only have partially completed titles such as hero, gladiator and commander..
everything title is "exploitable" to some extent, whether its fully bought titles, or titles that can just be ran. that's not a good reason to not have it available as a title. So in essence no title at all shows any skill necessarily, but it's still a title that exists, and so should this.
duh, /signed
duh, /signed