Getting someone's nick
I was wondering if there is any mean to get someone's nickname inside the game.
Last night, I was playing with my guildies in AB. We are Luxons and the maps was Grenz Frontier, unfavorable for us. We have a lucky join, because we know all the people from the other 2 groups in luxon side.
We know how all the other are going to play. For this, we won with a lot of difference. The kurzciks played well, but we have the advantage of experience playing together by our side.
The good thing was that one of the kurzicks said: "Luxons, damn good job, sad to say".
I would like to know the nickname of that person, neither of us took a screenshot or remember the name. But, at least for me, that person made me believe again that there are still really good players and people in GW, not just the usual Suxon and Kurdicks.
Sorry for the long post, but I feel really good after that shout on the local chat channel.
Anyway, if you read me, thank you.
I was wondering if there is any mean to get someone's nickname inside the game.
Last night, I was playing with my guildies in AB. We are Luxons and the maps was Grenz Frontier, unfavorable for us. We have a lucky join, because we know all the people from the other 2 groups in luxon side.
We know how all the other are going to play. For this, we won with a lot of difference. The kurzciks played well, but we have the advantage of experience playing together by our side.
The good thing was that one of the kurzicks said: "Luxons, damn good job, sad to say".
I would like to know the nickname of that person, neither of us took a screenshot or remember the name. But, at least for me, that person made me believe again that there are still really good players and people in GW, not just the usual Suxon and Kurdicks.
Sorry for the long post, but I feel really good after that shout on the local chat channel.
Anyway, if you read me, thank you.
I don't believe there is anyway.
But, if it makes you feel better, I do the same thing. If a good game is played, I make sure I give props.
There are still a few people that play this game that haven't gotten caught up in the pretentious B.S. that most have.
But, if it makes you feel better, I do the same thing. If a good game is played, I make sure I give props.
There are still a few people that play this game that haven't gotten caught up in the pretentious B.S. that most have.
YEah theres no way just why you want his/her name?
I am same way, i love to talk trash when in ab,but if a luxon does a good job in killing me or even puts up good fight b4 he dies i pass on my ty for the fun.
Originally Posted by Pleikki
YEah theres no way just why you want his/her name?
Joking :P
Ah i report you for having some virtual sex at your wedding night. no more talking like this
Yeah im Kurzich and i like ab (im in hzh owned ally) but i like be fair i dont care about kurzh/lux i just like kurzh armors and areas more
but maybe in future i reach savior ill go luxon
Yeah im Kurzich and i like ab (im in hzh owned ally) but i like be fair i dont care about kurzh/lux i just like kurzh armors and areas more

I've seen a lot of people say "gg" or something similar if it's really close or a big difference...
Lots of ppl, me included, says gg at the end of a game. In my case, it is just for education. It is not the same just saying gg, than explicitly saying "pretty good game!".
I usually type: "GLHF"..
And when it's over with: "That was fun! Good job everyone!"
And when it's over with: "That was fun! Good job everyone!"
Ahh I understand you. AB is crap, but when you see a well-behaved player, you want to have a good relationship with him. Yes, you make me believe that a better future in AB is posible. I hope to play with you some day in AB, man

Glad to see you had a positive experience in AB. Since we were in the Kurz castle for quite a bit of time (I'm Kurz), I was on the receiving end of more defeats than I like, lol. It takes good teamwork to win in deep territory and every single time we lost in our home castle I always gave props to the Lux. I always say "GG" at the end (and no matter how bad we win or lose) but in these instances I said "GG, Well played Lux".
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Trub
I usually type: "GLHF"..
And when it's over with: "That was fun! Good job everyone!" |
Originally Posted by Kawil
..."GG, Well played Lux".
Maybe, in AB, there are a lot of good players, but we just forget about them when we read the next: "Fu** Suxon, try 1vs1, noob."
It would be hard to find out who that was. But keep playing, maybe you'll see that person again if it's something he/she does often. And maybe you'll see that person's name and suddenly you remember it.
I once tried to track down someone who I was in a party with but accidently did the thing where you make all your windows in the game disappear and couldn't get out of it. I tried a bunch of things and ended up closing GW and I didn't remember the guy's character name. I posted on here but no luck in finding that person. Oh well. If you're curious, the post I made is here:
I once tried to track down someone who I was in a party with but accidently did the thing where you make all your windows in the game disappear and couldn't get out of it. I tried a bunch of things and ended up closing GW and I didn't remember the guy's character name. I posted on here but no luck in finding that person. Oh well. If you're curious, the post I made is here:
Dark Kal
AB is garbage, it's the NO-skill Arena, I don't even really consider it PvP. Most times either team wins is because the other team just sucks or one team mobs better than the other. I've hardly ever come across any half decent AB battle. I really dislike when people say GG when the game was obviously horrible, defeats the point of saying GG IMO. Couldn't care less if someone said I was good or bad in AB because I don't hold AB players in high regard, no offense. To answer your question, no it's not possible to find that person again.
Originally Posted by Dark Kal
AB is garbage, it's the NO-skill Arena, I don't even really consider it PvP. Most times either team wins is because the other team just sucks or one team mobs better than the other. I've hardly ever come across any half decent AB battle. I really dislike when people say GG when the game was obviously horrible, defeats the point of saying GG IMO. Couldn't care less if someone said I was good or bad in AB because I don't hold AB players in high regard, no offense. To answer your question, no it's not possible to find that person again.
Yes, I take offense of that, because it was really your intention. I consider AB the only real funny PvP without any elitism in it, like happens in all the other arenas. And, your assertion about AB: "Most times either team wins is because the other team just sucks or one team mobs better than the other.", can be applied to any of the other PvP modes in every game.
No, that we have our Flame, please, close this thread.
Dark Kal
Originally Posted by ReiNaruto
Couldn't be any post in this forum without a flame?
Yes, I take offense of that, because it was really your intention. |
And, you assertion about AB: "Most times either team wins is because the other team just sucks or one team mobs better than the other.", can be applied to any of the other PvP modes in every game. |
There is always one to ruin it -_-
Oh well thats life lols
I know there is a way to find your party members on your own side, as its at the bottom of friends list "recent party"
As for kurzick side im afraid there isnt.
Oh well thats life lols
I know there is a way to find your party members on your own side, as its at the bottom of friends list "recent party"
As for kurzick side im afraid there isnt.
Originally Posted by Dark Kal
No, that's simple not true. HA and GvG actually require skill and teamwork.
If you really play regularly HA you must know that most of the times you can reach the third room without taking a lot of effort.
Of course, HA and GvG, mostly all that PvP crap, actually is garbage. No offense of course.
Originally Posted by Dark Kal
No, that's simple not true. HA and GvG actually require skill and teamwork.
I cannot say anything aboug GvG, because I haven't played it regularly.
Rushin Roulette
I play AB every now and then. Too often it does end up being a mobing noobfest whcih irritates me aswell.
However every now and then I will have a good game (dont actually mind if its a win or a loss as long as the whole round is balanced and close). In these cases Ill deffinitely say GG, well played or something similar.
Or if we are winning by far (something like 450:40) and I see someone on the other team playing well but getting more and more frustrated Ill PM him and we just mess about in the middle of the battlefield dancing or chatting waiting for the ineviteable win/loss respectively.
However every now and then I will have a good game (dont actually mind if its a win or a loss as long as the whole round is balanced and close). In these cases Ill deffinitely say GG, well played or something similar.
Or if we are winning by far (something like 450:40) and I see someone on the other team playing well but getting more and more frustrated Ill PM him and we just mess about in the middle of the battlefield dancing or chatting waiting for the ineviteable win/loss respectively.
Dark Kal
Originally Posted by ReiNaruto
Sure, but there is always a but.
If you really play regularly HA you must know that most of the times you can reach the third room without taking a lot of effort. |
Of course, HA and GvG, mostly all that PvP crap, actually is garbage. No offense of course. |
hmm, anyone here remember IWAY? EoE Bomb? SF builds? HeroWay? I think that skill in HA is not always a requirement. In fact, in HA about half the time you found fighting pre-defined builds or/and not experienced players. |
Originally Posted by Dark Kal
Even those cookie cutter builds require ten times the amount of skill and teamwork compared to AB. I wonder if teamwork even exists in AB other than mobbing?
EoE requires skills... Iway too... Rolfcopter!
And, if you don't care on my opinion, please stop posting.
Originally Posted by Dark Kal
Even those cookie cutter builds require ten times the amount of skill and teamwork compared to AB. I wonder if teamwork even exists in AB other than mobbing?
If you always mob, it is clear that you are not trying to do things in the right way in AB. But the most important thing is that you are right: everybody can join a AB match, no need of ultra-top-builds or mega-pro-title-range. And that is very imporat because allows new players to enjoy it.
Dark Kal
Originally Posted by ReiNaruto
That denotes that you haven't played AB with a real team.
EoE requires skills... Iway too... Rolfcopter! |
And, if you don't care on my opinion, please stop posting. |
Come on, you and me know that we both are right in its own way.
Originally Posted by Dark Kal
It's not like you put down the Edge of Extinction spirit and you instantly win, you actually have to do stuff.
Don't missunderstand me. You are free to think wathever you want, but don't generalize: not everybody mobs in AB. AB requires strategy if you want to win. HA requires strategy also, but sometimes, somebuilds does not require a lot of strategy/teamwork.
Wish Swiftdeath
Omg HA requires skill?
more than AB yes but AB at least is fun relaxation
more than AB yes but AB at least is fun relaxation
Dark Kal
Originally Posted by ReiNaruto
Come on, you and me know that we both are right in its own way.
Originally Posted by Drackernout
If I'm not wrong, "stuff" consists in: SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE, rez, SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE, SACRIFICE, repeat until other team is dead. So I don't think that EoE requires a lot of skill. I only mean to point the fact that HA is no always about skill. In fact, heroway was everything except skill: 1 guy and 7 IAs.
Don't missunderstand me. You are free to think wathever you want, but don't generalize: not everybody mobs in AB. AB requires strategy if you want to win. HA requires strategy also, but sometimes, somebuilds does not require a lot of strategy/teamwork. |
Glad to hear the OP found one of the good ones in the game - there are more of them than these forums would lead one to believe.
I'm one of those "GGA" types. I post it after most matches. If it's a really close match, I'll be sure to thank everyone for the fun. If it's a match where the side I'm on gets our butts handed to us out of sheer stupidity, I'll keep my opinion (which isn't "GGA") to myself and promptly find another group.

I'm one of those "GGA" types. I post it after most matches. If it's a really close match, I'll be sure to thank everyone for the fun. If it's a match where the side I'm on gets our butts handed to us out of sheer stupidity, I'll keep my opinion (which isn't "GGA") to myself and promptly find another group.
So, to sum up this post:
GG...Well played ReiNaruto and Dark Kal.
I'm not going into the nuances of AB, HA, GvG, RA, TA as everyone has a differing OP on each whether that be skill, talent or teamwork. All I know is that I enjoy AB as do many others and still many others enjoy HA, RA...etc.
My only hope is to kill as many Luxon as possible (NPCs mostly as that is what wins games...capping while not mobbing that is...sorry, I couldn't help myself) and have fun, lol.
GG...Well played ReiNaruto and Dark Kal.
I'm not going into the nuances of AB, HA, GvG, RA, TA as everyone has a differing OP on each whether that be skill, talent or teamwork. All I know is that I enjoy AB as do many others and still many others enjoy HA, RA...etc.
My only hope is to kill as many Luxon as possible (NPCs mostly as that is what wins games...capping while not mobbing that is...sorry, I couldn't help myself) and have fun, lol.
I AB only occasionally, just to help keep our alliance factions up a little. Most times the battles are lopsided, but on one occasion, only 50 points separated the winners from the losers. After that battle, the leader of an opposing guild whispered me to join his guild, "I have never been owned by an Ele like you just did." Made me feel good, but I turned him down. I don't consider myself any good in any kind of PvP, but he told me I could make a good PvPer.
No, there is no way to find someone's name. I think it's a spam prevention measure. Imagine if all those gold selling bots could randomly choose names to whisper spam...
Ok, I don´t know what happened, but now the thread is for talking about the skill required for playing HA, GvG and AB.
IMO AB has the same coordination as HA and GvG. The problem are the PvE players, the pox of PvP. You know, that guys that Leeroy to inside of the enemy base, fight alone against mobs, use farming builds, etc...
I think AB would be a playable PvP Arena if people starts to play them a little more seriously. Only a little. Only for using decent builds. I wish so.
IMO AB has the same coordination as HA and GvG. The problem are the PvE players, the pox of PvP. You know, that guys that Leeroy to inside of the enemy base, fight alone against mobs, use farming builds, etc...
I think AB would be a playable PvP Arena if people starts to play them a little more seriously. Only a little. Only for using decent builds. I wish so.