Blades Of Burning Shadows [GoDT]-HM/titles/active community! full describtion inside!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007

Blades Of Burning Shadows [GoDT]-leader



I'm leader of [GoDT], friendly and meture community with many active and experienced players! We are kurzicks, not real faction farmers, but still, we have 505k kurz points at the time of writing this message and alliance is above 1,1mill(i belive last souble weekend did this ). However, our guild is build on friendships, we try to get all new member to join in conversations, as once you are in conversations, you'll find some really great friends Anyhow, conversations are not all we do during our gaming time, we also do a lot of HM(missions, vanq¸uishing, dungeons, EotN quests, ...). We have couple of members with 15+maxed titles and many more with 10+. Lately we started with elite mission "running" during weekends(every weekend other missions (thursday/friday - saturday - sunday), did Urgoz week ago, Deep this weekend, still deciding for upcoming weekend Maybe some of these missions are not worth playing, as they dont give enough cash, BUT! our main purpose is to have groups full of guild members, it's way funnier than H/H, expecialy as we are usualy connected on either TS or vent. If we put GW on a side track, we have also very active forum, where we're holding polls, competitions, trading, and other spamm I'm trying to get all our members on there, as i'm planning to hold weekly/monthly competitions, etc. Our guild is built primarily from euro players, but we're also happy to accept players from other tme zones(we have american alliance).

-70 members(45~ loging in daily, 60~ weekly)
-euro time zones
-very active forums
-elite missions(during weekends, to get together full guild team)
-HM/titling(many ppl with 10+ maxed titles)
-active/communicative community
-we require no faction donating, tho we have few ab lovers who are doing ab daily for titles (500k+ kurz fact atm in our guild, 1,1mill in alliance).

What kind of players are we looking for?
-active ones - most important(we know real life is 1st, but for those cases we have forum, to let us know yu'll be away or something)
-players willing to join guild chat(really don't bother applying if you're not willing to talk with us)
-players who are willing to offer help, not just seeking help! noone will help you, if you'll be only asking for help and never help anyone!
-players willing to join guild activities(guild elite missions trips, HM hero book filling, etc.) - if you're gonna do everything with heroes/henchies and not willing to do it with guildies - stay guildless, guild is to do stuff with others!
-players who will remain loyal to guild, not to leave if one day there wont be 15-20+ ppl online - RL 1st!

how to apply? visit our forum, maybe check around a bit, then go to recruiting center, make new thread, copy paste pe made application and fill it you will get reply from someone pretty fast, maybe some additional questions will be asked P.S. just to make applying thread, it's not needed to register, you can post as guest, but after/if you're accpeted, pls register

altho i REALLY prefer forum application, here is still my IGN, just in case
IGN: Horus Dragon Healer

Hope to hear from ya soon
