Chest and Wisdom Weekend
I was thinking that since we've had double points for all the other grind titles and PvP titles, why not have a double chest and wisdom point weekend? We have never had one of these, just 3x gold drops from chest weekends. It'd help reduce some of the grind produced by the two titles.
Besides, we need new weekends. All A-net is doing now is repeating weekend events over and over because they can't think of anything else.

Wasn't there a weekend with higher % chance of retaining the lockpick?
Heavenly Messanger
I can understand where you're coming from, but then 3 items from 1 chest to merch = XXX amount of gold, may be > than cost of key.
Originally Posted by Heavenly Messanger
I can understand where you're coming from, but then 3 items from 1 chest to merch = XXX amount of gold, may be > than cost of key.

Heavenly Messanger
ah :P
That makes more sense. I'd say yes, but what about the people who took all the time to grind out their max titles, and here comes a bunch of people who only had to take half the effort?
I agree on the fact that different events should take place, but it is difficult to get new ones off of the same material. :s
That makes more sense. I'd say yes, but what about the people who took all the time to grind out their max titles, and here comes a bunch of people who only had to take half the effort?
I agree on the fact that different events should take place, but it is difficult to get new ones off of the same material. :s
Originally Posted by Songbringer
Wasn't there a weekend with higher % chance of retaining the lockpick?
Originally Posted by Heavenly Messanger
ah :P
That makes more sense. I'd say yes, but what about the people who took all the time to grind out their max titles, and here comes a bunch of people who only had to take half the effort? |
But i think some titles should be hard to obtain.. so /notsigned
/notsigned 100x times
We need hard titles tbh
We need hard titles tbh
Originally Posted by Dronte
/notsigned 100x times
We need hard titles tbh |

Originally Posted by JonnieBoi05
i agree 100%. lvanquisher, legendary guardian, ect, are all petty and unbelievable easy to obtain. wtb some form of a higher hard mode..... "Leet Mode", maybe?
![]() |
The Meth
I don't think anet would implement this. Reasons being that anyone who is working on the chest and wisdom track is a huge gold sink, and you know how much anet loves gold sinks.
Please don't tell me you think these titles are actually hard. They are easy but require lots of grind. The first one to max the wisdom title was a mo/w bot farmer, that should tell you something about the title
Originally Posted by Pleikki
But i think some titles should be hard to obtain.. so /notsigned
Originally Posted by Dronte
/notsigned 100x times
We need hard titles tbh |
Originally Posted by Dronte
/notsigned 100x times
We need grind titles tbh |
To OP: I really don't see why not. Except for all the people who already spent 1 mil or whatever on the title will be all like "ZOMG! I spent more moneyz than you on the title! So mine's better!!!"
Originally Posted by Heavenly Messanger
ah :P
That makes more sense. I'd say yes, but what about the people who took all the time to grind out their max titles, and here comes a bunch of people who only had to take half the effort? I agree on the fact that different events should take place, but it is difficult to get new ones off of the same material. :s |
So, I'm all for this idea. If someone wants to spend time on a weekend focusing on these titles because the developers have put an emphasis on them, more power to them. And, for those that already have the title, you still rock just as much as you did before!
Personnaly I think that making these account based is a more pertinent issue, but that is another thread.
no reason not to
no reason not to
Originally Posted by Pleikki
But i think some titles should be hard to obtain.. so /notsigned
Heavenly Messanger
I hope i didn't indicate that i think that titles are only about personal stature. I'm just saying it can be frustrating to the person who spent double the time/money to obtain those titles.
Imho, i think they are basically used to make players open more interest into sections of the game that are receiving less attention than others. For example, i'm assuming that there are less people who use Hero Arenas (correct me if i'm wrong). So a weekend event that doubles faction earned is probably meant to increase players in that arena.
To get to the point, they may be nice to some players who want to max out the titles, but are somewhat unfair to many and only used to increase players in certain areas.
So, i'm sorry, but /notsigned. They set the req at 100 for wisdom/treasure hunter for a reason. Perhaps not hard, but definietly time consuming. I think they made a mistake by introducing such weekend events. They're unfair, even if i enjoy them. I'd rather give them up.
Imho, i think they are basically used to make players open more interest into sections of the game that are receiving less attention than others. For example, i'm assuming that there are less people who use Hero Arenas (correct me if i'm wrong). So a weekend event that doubles faction earned is probably meant to increase players in that arena.
To get to the point, they may be nice to some players who want to max out the titles, but are somewhat unfair to many and only used to increase players in certain areas.
So, i'm sorry, but /notsigned. They set the req at 100 for wisdom/treasure hunter for a reason. Perhaps not hard, but definietly time consuming. I think they made a mistake by introducing such weekend events. They're unfair, even if i enjoy them. I'd rather give them up.
Treasure Hunter is now a pure dull grind AND gold sink. Double Fail!
But it wasn't always like that.
There were times when chestrunning was actually fun (not solo) AND profitable (untill hard mode uber gold item drop rates devastated the market)!
Please no double gold item drop rate from chests weekends, this won't help.
Fix the economy instead, tbh.
Not possible? At least add some new potentially valuable drops to chests! More of the same (double gold drop rates) can make things only worse.
As for Wisdom, it's now easier than ever thanks to HardMode insane gold item drop rates. Solo farm 10-15 golds per hour wasn't possible before HM and people still had this title maxed.
But it wasn't always like that.
There were times when chestrunning was actually fun (not solo) AND profitable (untill hard mode uber gold item drop rates devastated the market)!
Please no double gold item drop rate from chests weekends, this won't help.
Fix the economy instead, tbh.
Not possible? At least add some new potentially valuable drops to chests! More of the same (double gold drop rates) can make things only worse.
As for Wisdom, it's now easier than ever thanks to HardMode insane gold item drop rates. Solo farm 10-15 golds per hour wasn't possible before HM and people still had this title maxed.
First of all, Treasure Hunter + Wisdom is not a gold sink if done correctly. I've been collecting quite a lot of statistics lately and the numbers suggest that you can break about even in NM or even make a decent profit in HM by a bread-and-butter approach. People mistake the deflation of high value items as non-profitability when there's perfectly good money to be made on lesser items, especially perfect mods and tomes.
Second, the only difficulty in obtaining the two titles is the mind-boggling tediousness of the task. Run skill of your choice - Shadow of Haste - Shadow Form - "I am Unstoppable!" - open chest - Dash. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. If we have happy hour weekends for other grindfest titles like Allegiance, I can't see any reason why treasure + wisdom would be an exception.
Third, people who complain that a double points weekend would make maxing the two titles easy seem to be ignorant about the scale of the task. You can max SS and LB in one weekend if dedicated enough. You can't max Allegiance, Treasure, Wisdom (other than by buying rares) or Lucky during one weekend, no matter how hard you try. At the normal rate, it would take about two weeks of uninterrupted 24/7 chest running to max Treasure alone, and that doesn't even take into account the time required to process the drops. A crunch weekend of double points from chests would only seriously benefit players who have 20+ mule characters able to temporarily store all the valuable drops. Everybody other would face the dilemma of either merching good drops at a considerable loss of capital, or wasting most of the double points time by selling the stuff to other players (at a time when everybody else is doing the same, thus getting less profit). So, the effect is in any case a small one.
So, /signed, because even little help is better than none at all
Second, the only difficulty in obtaining the two titles is the mind-boggling tediousness of the task. Run skill of your choice - Shadow of Haste - Shadow Form - "I am Unstoppable!" - open chest - Dash. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. If we have happy hour weekends for other grindfest titles like Allegiance, I can't see any reason why treasure + wisdom would be an exception.
Third, people who complain that a double points weekend would make maxing the two titles easy seem to be ignorant about the scale of the task. You can max SS and LB in one weekend if dedicated enough. You can't max Allegiance, Treasure, Wisdom (other than by buying rares) or Lucky during one weekend, no matter how hard you try. At the normal rate, it would take about two weeks of uninterrupted 24/7 chest running to max Treasure alone, and that doesn't even take into account the time required to process the drops. A crunch weekend of double points from chests would only seriously benefit players who have 20+ mule characters able to temporarily store all the valuable drops. Everybody other would face the dilemma of either merching good drops at a considerable loss of capital, or wasting most of the double points time by selling the stuff to other players (at a time when everybody else is doing the same, thus getting less profit). So, the effect is in any case a small one.
So, /signed, because even little help is better than none at all

Sounds good 

i don't think wisdom title is a sink, necessarily. I'm 1/2 way, and that's from doing very, very light chest runs (Raisu Pavilion on hard mode about 10x) plus anytime i come across a high end chest, zchest drops, and just random gold drops. had i spent every gold piece i've ever owned, yes i could have had the title "Selling XXX unid'd GOLD weps 200g a peice!!!!______***_____****" can get you there pretty quick. :P
Akroma Angel NL
i am running chest now for like 2 years and i still get some nice items
these items sell then for 80-100K+
i think a weekend with double the points wil do great
the title is something personal so if you grinded it in 3 weeks non stop or so
i think is givs not the satisfaction thn you get it with normal chest runs and picking the chest along the way
just my opinion..
these items sell then for 80-100K+
i think a weekend with double the points wil do great
the title is something personal so if you grinded it in 3 weeks non stop or so
i think is givs not the satisfaction thn you get it with normal chest runs and picking the chest along the way
just my opinion..
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
Treasure Hunter is now a pure dull grind AND gold sink. Double Fail!
But it wasn't always like that. There were times when chestrunning was actually fun (not solo) AND profitable (untill hard mode uber gold item drop rates devastated the market)! Please no double gold item drop rate from chests weekends, this won't help. Fix the economy instead, tbh. Not possible? At least add some new potentially valuable drops to chests! More of the same (double gold drop rates) can make things only worse. As for Wisdom, it's now easier than ever thanks to HardMode insane gold item drop rates. Solo farm 10-15 golds per hour wasn't possible before HM and people still had this title maxed. |
Hole Sale Traps
Originally Posted by Dronte
/notsigned 100x times
We need hard titles tbh |
But just look at the Hero Title Track, its all fun but sometimes people just want a push,Thats why when its a double fame event the HA turnout is so high.
I think hes trying to say it would be nice to make some of the titles hard but can be attained in this lifetime/year/month, how ever you look at it.
and so /signed
Originally Posted by Hole Sale Traps
Im all for the Hard things to do keeping the game intresting over a long time.
But just look at the Hero Title Track, its all fun but sometimes people just want a push,Thats why when its a double fame event the HA turnout is so high. I think hes trying to say it would be nice to make some of the titles hard but can be attained in this lifetime/year/month, how ever you look at it. and so /signed |
Yeah i agree...
Treasure Hunter and Wisdom both need a weekend bonus. 10 000 of each are crazy long grinds to get. For all of you who have tried to get lets say even rank 4 ort 5 in this title you know its a LONG grind. A weekend with 2 points for 1 chest or ID would be great in the fact that it would give a bonus to people currently going for this title. This weekend is NOT going to let people get the title in 1 weekend. I mean c'mon it is currently a 3 week title to grind... maybe more or less depending on how much you play. And also, the current weekend evernts are getting boring. Almost as boring as all the reskined armour.
Treasure Hunter and Wisdom both need a weekend bonus. 10 000 of each are crazy long grinds to get. For all of you who have tried to get lets say even rank 4 ort 5 in this title you know its a LONG grind. A weekend with 2 points for 1 chest or ID would be great in the fact that it would give a bonus to people currently going for this title. This weekend is NOT going to let people get the title in 1 weekend. I mean c'mon it is currently a 3 week title to grind... maybe more or less depending on how much you play. And also, the current weekend evernts are getting boring. Almost as boring as all the reskined armour.

Nah we dont need this.. I got r5 with only Hm chests and it wasnt so hard. just ~400lockpicks/week i did ran for that..
Why couse the only thing Anet is thinking about, is how to make more
titels..so they make people grinding.. GuildWars has not mutch to offer
when you play it from the beginning, so instead of inplant a new drop system
or making new quest with spelical things ( and no not just the solo bonus missions.) Couse that is a stupid thing to in a mmorpg.
They should make treasure hunter and wisdom acount based. How many core
players where there who spend a huge amount of keys even before the
treasure title was born.
Anet is killing the game with this stupid passive grinding instead of giving a
real boost for this great game.
Why couse the only thing Anet is thinking about, is how to make more
titels..so they make people grinding.. GuildWars has not mutch to offer
when you play it from the beginning, so instead of inplant a new drop system
or making new quest with spelical things ( and no not just the solo bonus missions.) Couse that is a stupid thing to in a mmorpg.
They should make treasure hunter and wisdom acount based. How many core
players where there who spend a huge amount of keys even before the
treasure title was born.
Anet is killing the game with this stupid passive grinding instead of giving a
real boost for this great game.
for 2 for 1 points
because then it will definativly would make it appear a grind based title, although some people get enjoyment out of it.
/signed for the X3 chance to get gold
for 2 for 1 points
because then it will definativly would make it appear a grind based title, although some people get enjoyment out of it.
/signed for the X3 chance to get gold
Originally Posted by Talach_Ninneed
for 2 for 1 points because then it will definativly would make it appear a grind based title, although some people get enjoyment out of it. /signed for the X3 chance to get gold |
Uhhh, but it IS is a grind based title.
i'd sign a 2x/3x treasure hunter weekend (i'm only at 600 chests XD )
i willllll
Drop of Fear
nope .
Another suggestion for another i wanna get a max title now! "pouts"
Another suggestion for another i wanna get a max title now! "pouts"
not sure what the deal with all the /notsigneds is. It's just the exact same concept as the double anything weekends.
/signed, because it has no more positive or negative effect than the other double weekends. Not that I'd start running chests for the weekend or anything since the extent of my chest opening is taking a lockpick or 2 while going vanquishing.
/signed, because it has no more positive or negative effect than the other double weekends. Not that I'd start running chests for the weekend or anything since the extent of my chest opening is taking a lockpick or 2 while going vanquishing.
Originally Posted by KennyC
Another suggestion for another i wanna get a max title now! "pouts" |