Alliance Chat enforcement



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007


Spirit of Elisha [SOE]


Alright, i've been a little hesitant to post this on here because i have seen how some of you guys can get all "Shut up Noob, /fail" and i really dont like that. I dont mind constructive critisism, or a little negative feedback at all. If its a dumb idea, tell me, but nicely. I dont need 100 people swearing at me calling me a noob. So... without futher ado!

I've been thinking about this for a while and personally i think that GW is lacking very much when it comes to guilds and alliances and the community as a whole. Which is really sad when you think that the name of the game is GUILD Wars.

Mainly what I would like done is some other actions that officers/leaders can make other than an outright kick when a member goes out of line. Right now the only thing we can do is kick. And i think everyone can agree that that might be a little harsh.
While some may say my guild is strict, we like to keep it family friendly. That means no dashes. If Anet filters it, we dont allow it. Ultimately we try and have it so everyone has fun. But every now and again we get someone who just cant kill Dopple and vents on alliance chat.

What i would like to see is maybe something like:
~Banning someone from guild/alliance chat for an hr, 2 hrs, 12hrs. (thats the main one for me)
~Maybe banning someone from the GH for a while.
~Exile them from the guild for a while.
~Something LESS harsh than an outright kick.

I also think that guilds should have the option of allowing other alliance officers to take similar actions as listed above. Let me show you an example:
~Lets say Guild A has 1 officer on. And Guild B has a member that decides to make a fuss on alliance chat. Now Guild B doesnt have any officers on to asset the situation and the only thing Guild A can do right now is totaly kick Guild B from the alliance. What i propose is that there be a way that will allow the ability to let Guild A's officer have some kind of power to 'shut off' that player from alliance chat so that he doesn't annoy anyone else in the alliance. That also allows time for an officer from Guild B to get on so Guild A and Guild B can talk things out about said person.

Now obviously this would have to be optional. I cant see other people being excited that any officer in the alliance can have this power so maybe like a switch that allows this. Maybe in the guild page where the leader checks a box to allow it. And I would NOT want other officers to have the ability to kick players from other guilds (That would create a whole new kind of horror story).

Now what im asking you guys is:
A) Good idea?
B) Suggestions?
C) Comments?

PS: Also i think this is a good spot to ask for like a community storage for the alliance. Being able to veiw other guilds rosters to see whose on. Extending Friends list. Being able to sort Friends list. EDIT: Also maybe have officers have an icon next to their name in alliance chat, or something to distinguish an officer. And other stuff that has to do with other human players.

Thanks guys.

I think its an all around good thing if we can just find a safegaurd so one officer/leader doesn't destroy whole alliances. Thats what i need from you guys. And i would really like to see this implemented before GW2 comes out. So realitively in the future. Which means i would like to submit this to Gaile once we can work out all the bugs. Anyone know a way i can do that?

Thanks again guys!



I like yumy food!

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where I can eat yumy food

Dead Alley [dR]


Solution: Make/join an alliance comprising of people whom you know and trust will recruit mature players.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



When alliance chat was first introduced no one but officers and leaders could use it.

Personally if someone does something bad enough for me to "exile them from the guild or take away there chat privlages". He might as well be kicked because as soon as he gets them back he will make an ass of himself.

Something less severe then a kick. Have officer/leader warn him. XX person if you have another outbreak like that you will be kicked. Thats about as good as it will ever get.

As for guild/alliance storage it has been suggested and we have been shut down. As they say it will be to hard to control.

(this is just off a whim and probably wrong) Theoretically you should be able to sort your friends list the same way you can sort the builds in the template managers. By going into the folder and making groups.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2007

Electric warfair


^ works but sometime you just don't know anyone who plays guild wars :/

in any case i don't think the whole baning from the guild thing would work out much for if a player does run out of line cussing and what not, the officer from any guild or anyone for that matter should tell him to stop and if he still doesn't, then he's probably one of those ignorant people that doesn't care if they get kicked out of the guild so would probably leave anyway if they get ban from the guild.

For alliance member who has issues my guild would just ignore them take a screen shot have our guild leader or one of the officer talk it out with the other guild leader/officer and that person gets the boot with the screen shot as proof, we pretty much do the same thing in our guild, someone runs out of line screen shot with guild leader as the final verdict.

as for the chest i don't want an alliance one for it would probably get really messy, a guild one however would be nice but only offered to officer to use, I would like to give some fow scroll and such to have the guild use whenever they want to assemble and play :P



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



Originally Posted by ivan.alicard

as for the chest i don't want an alliance one for it would probably get really messy, a guild one however would be nice but only offered to officer to use, I would like to give some fow scroll and such to have the guild use whenever they want to assemble and play :P

Well just schedule the time and give the officer thats going to be there the scroll. However it is only 1k. What officer can't put out 1k for the guild to go to fow.^^


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2007

Electric warfair


i meant to put in there just so any officer can use whenever :P and i know 1k isn't much but I'm not talking about just fow scroll, the guild chest would probably be something of a guild treasure box for events such as fow a storage people can put items in they don't want that maybe have some use to other newer player :P



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

mm I kinda see someting in this idea just dunno why .. :d



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

Las Vegas

Enraged Whiny Carebears [oR]


The validity of your post is tarnished by this famous old quote by Gift3d

If you can't handle big-boy language... turn your chat filter on and quit your bitchin'
Children and carebears all over the world of Guild Wars use this coveted yet strangely unknown of "chat filter", but those who harness the powers of it's secrets save a lot of unnecessary stress, "Gee Golly that was uncalled for!" 's, and Kleenex.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2008

Flying Gophers


I also think a guild chest would be a pretty good idea. Let's say you have something for another officer in the guild, but they r offline, and u dont want to wait till you sync up again to give it to them. they could just pick it up next time they hop on. Dunno how easy that would be to program, but I for one endorse the idea.




Join Date: Oct 2007


Oh man guys the internet is serious business cant have people useing bad words because there sooooo bad. they can kill.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006


Type like an idiot, I'll treat you like an idiot


Originally Posted by Zesbeer
Oh man guys the internet is serious business cant have people useing bad words because there sooooo bad. they can kill.
Must be. After all, you're taking the time to try to appear witty and failing badly.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2007

Electric warfair


people should really consider thinking before they write... this is about guild chat and behavior...all chat you cuss fine whatever but each guild has their own rule and if they don't want foul language in it then it should be enforce :/



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2008

The Mentalists [THPK]


Turn off AC, sorted.

Zahr Dalsk

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2007


When some newcomer gets out of hand amongst my group of players, we mercilessly flame and humiliate them until they either shut up or leave.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Have any abusive member of another guild kicked. If an officer/the guild leader of said guild isn't online, kick the guild from the alliance. Then when the guild leader comes online, have the alliance leader PM him explaining the situation. After the bad eggs have been kicked, reinvite the guild.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

The Order of the Kitten [PURR]

I am definetly for the idea.
Turning of AC is not a solution, because then you are shutting down ALL alliance chat, and not only that one annoying person. Kicking a whole guild is the same (besides, what will you do as a leader from another guild that is not the alliance leader? cant kick the other guild then)
And I also like the idea of being able to see all the rosters in the alliance. Now I have to put all alliance members in my friend list to see when they are online, so much easier to see the roster, especially with a large alliance.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha



I think it's a good idea and a good option for guilds to have. You guys that are arguing that cussing is fine and people should just "deal with it" are probably in guilds that feel the same way. If your guild doesn't have a problem with a member venting and raging on alliance chat then fine, don't use the option. However we are a more conservative family oriented guild and so we have a strict language policy that we enforce. We don't recruit ingame (although other guilds in our Alliance do). New members know the rules up front and have to agree to abide by them before being invited.

I'm in STC's guild and lately we've had problems with kids from one of the guilds in our alliance. They aren't necessarily swearing and raging, but they are being a nuisance in Alliance chat. Not enough of a nuisance to warrant kicking them, but just being kids. You know the type:
"run me thru this mission...please"
"anyone? run me"
"come on please. I need a run"
"I want free weapons"
"someone please give me a free sword"
"power level me. I need to be level 20"
"run me to droks"
"anyone got free runes I can have"

Officers have warned them several times and that tends to shut them up for about an hour but the next day they are back at it begging for free stuff. Sure we could kick them (and a few have already left on their own) but it would be nice to have a "time out" option instead.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Our guild/alliance is 'family oriented' and we don't care to see some ten year old use language that his parents wouldn't tolerate, just because he thinks he can get away with it (or worse ... has a right to it).

Any 'slip of the tongue' gets a warning. Repeat offenders are kicked out of my guild, or if they are an alliance member then we notify the leader/officers of that guild for action. (We have a great communication amongst the alliance).

This restriction also applies to begging, spamming, unnecessary shouting, etc.

One finaly comment. Chat filters don't work if someone does this ............ B I T C H


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Guildless, pm me


Originally Posted by holymasamune
Solution: Make/join an alliance comprising of people whom you know and trust will recruit mature players.
Listen to this guy


Besides, its too late to implement anything big like this.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Listen to this guy


Besides, its too late to implement anything big like this.

I half agree with you. I doubt Arena net will implement this. I'm sure it would require a major code change and with the resources focused on GW2 it's not reasonable to expect this change. I do however hope that someone from Arenanet is reading this and will consider these options for GW2.

As far as saying just be pickier about who you recruit, that just isn't practical. You can't really learn a lot about a person in the 5 or 10 minutes you chat with them before offering an invite. Sure we could spend a half hour doing an indepth interview with an applicant on Teamspeak before inviting, but I'd rather spend the time actually playing the game and so would our applicant.

Our alliance is a strong Christian alliance. A person who PM's our Alliance officers and expresses an interest in joining is either a Christian himself and hoping to link up with fellow Christians ingame or a jerk that sees a Christian guild and thinks it's the perfect opportunity to cause trouble. It's sometimes impossible to tell them apart before inviting them in. All of the guilds in our Alliance share our values, but some of them are smaller guilds and a guild officer may not necessarily be online. It would be nice if an online officer in a different guild could take action even if they cannot outright kick.

I don't want to sound like this is a huge problem for us. It isn't. I've been a member in this guild for well over a year and I doubt I've seen more than 3-4 troublemakers that we've had to kick. Lately it has just been little kiddies that spam alliance chat with "gimme gimme gimme" requests.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

Colorado Springs

Spirit of Elisha [SOE]


I think you have good idea, Stc95. It would be nice to have some flexibility in dealing with someone other than an outright kick. TheRaven is right, though. I doubt they'll want to put any energy into GW. Maybe they'll consider it for GW2.

By the way, I'm looking for an active Christian guild. I like my current guild (non-Christian), but it is dying. On a good day, we have maybe three or four people playing. My daughter and her fiance (both believers) are also in the Guild and will probably leave if I do. I'd like to be in an active guild that shares my values and isn't led by an ADD teen (no offense meant against teens ) who grows tired of the game after a few months and doesn't get on for weeks. I enjoy playing GW and get on almost every day.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Tosha
. Kicking a whole guild is the same (besides, what will you do as a leader from another guild that is not the alliance leader? cant kick the other guild then)
See... if a guild is mature enough, they won't get offended by you kicking them in order to stop a particularlly offensive individual. Kicking a guild and then reinviting them after a discussion with their guild leader should not be taken as some great offense. If the guild freaks out and doesn't like your alliance doing that, then you probablly shouldn't want those people anyway.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007


thank god im not in your guild!




Join Date: Oct 2007


omg this game has a T rating for a reason. its not rated E there is a lot of simple answers for this one if you don't want bad language then just kick them they will get the idea. secondly there is a CHAT FILTER use it. you don't see people in games that are rated M going omg theres to much blood or violence can you add a toggle so i can turn it off. and that is the hole reason why its rated T and if you have family that have people playing the game that are under the age. then that is there chose as a parent and it shouldn't affect other people. a lot of rated R movies wouldn't be the same with out "bad language". ALSO my latter comment was funny and was even funner because you said something so gg.

U Wanna Die

U Wanna Die

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2007


Originally Posted by Stc95
I also think that guilds should have the option of allowing other alliance officers to take similar actions as listed above. Let me show you an example:
~Lets say Guild A has 1 officer on. And Guild B has a member that decides to make a fuss on alliance chat. Now Guild B doesnt have any officers on to asset the situation and the only thing Guild A can do right now is totaly kick Guild B from the alliance. What i propose is that there be a way that will allow the ability to let Guild A's officer have some kind of power to 'shut off' that player from alliance chat so that he doesn't annoy anyone else in the alliance. That also allows time for an officer from Guild B to get on so Guild A and Guild B can talk things out about said person.
This is not going to happen (all of it), but I wanted to point out the problem with the above segment. Ok so this little pissant is talking about how my guild sucks and his officers are egging him on. I give him a 12h chat ban, His guild leaders get pissed and 24h ban my entire guild. Then the war continues.




Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Zesbeer
........ secondly there is a CHAT FILTER use it.
In case you didn't bother reading all the posts, it was mentioned that the chat filter can be bypassed like this ....... B I T C H.




Join Date: Oct 2007


Originally Posted by quickmonty
In case you didn't bother reading all the posts, it was mentioned that the chat filter can be bypassed like this ....... B I T C H.
if thats the case then complain at anet to improve there chat filter.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Zesbeer
omg this game has a T rating for a reason. its not rated E there is a lot of simple answers for this one if you don't want bad language then just kick them they will get the idea. secondly there is a CHAT FILTER use it. you don't see people in games that are rated M going omg theres to much blood or violence can you add a toggle so i can turn it off. and that is the hole reason why its rated T and if you have family that have people playing the game that are under the age. then that is there chose as a parent and it shouldn't affect other people. a lot of rated R movies wouldn't be the same with out "bad language". ALSO my latter comment was funny and was even funner because you said something so gg.
I have no problem with "bad language." I curse a ton in game and real life.
I have a problem with long, angry tyraids of about 30 words of nothing but swears and the N word, where the response to "calm down" is "F### you."

The stuff I consider bad enough to hand out kicks is stuff that is technically a felony, communicating violent threats. I could report the offender to their ISP and have their internet disconnected and charges filed.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

San Antonio

Signet Of The [LION]


It's almost funny that a lot of the replies to this thread actually validate why some of the proposed features should be implemented. Some people just can't help but get negative for no apparent reason. Some intelligent discussion coupled with serious suggestions would probably do well to help good ideas get noticed by game developers and possibly implemented, but there's so many trolls out there that want to beat a topic down that it fails in its infancy.

Some of the suggestions Stc95 has made are definitely worth consideration.
  • In my opinion, it would be nice to have the ability to effectively mute an alliance member for my guild only.
  • The suggestion about viewing other guild rosters in the alliance is a good one.
  • Adding some sort of distinction to recognize officers in other guilds in the alliance is also a good suggestion.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2007

A chat filter is not a license to curse and swear.

A guild is a coalition of players; even through there are different ranks w/in that guild, the guild leaders have no right to demand a certain behavior from their members. If you don't like a particular guild member's behavior, then kick them. A guild leader should have no ability to censor what other players say, just as a general rule.

Frankly, I'm surprised some people are so quick to agree w/ giving guild leaders so much power over what is or is not said to or about guild/alliance members. I know that if I were in a guild, and things were being said about me in alliance chat, but the guild leader disabled my ability to respond to them, I'd leave that guild right-quick.

No - if your authoritarian nature requires you exert control over other players, then I'd rather seek a more "democratic" guild...

Zahr Dalsk

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2007


Press N. Scroll down to the Ignore List. Type in the troublemaker's name. Press Enter. Problem solved. Let alliance members know to do it too.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

Colorado Springs

Spirit of Elisha [SOE]


Originally Posted by Biostem
the guild leaders have no right to demand a certain behavior from their members.
I beg to differ. Not only do the guild leaders have that right, so does the alliance leader. My guild had a new member who got on alliance chat and started trash talking the other alliance members. One of the officers of the lead guild practically demanded that we kick the guy. He wound up leaving on his own, but after seeing the screenshots of his conversation, I would have been the first to kick him.

What do you think real life is like? Have that attitude in a corporate environment and you'll be shown the door.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2007

Originally Posted by Aleron
I beg to differ. Not only do the guild leaders have that right, so does the alliance leader. My guild had a new member who got on alliance chat and started trash talking the other alliance members. One of the officers of the lead guild practically demanded that we kick the guy. He wound up leaving on his own, but after seeing the screenshots of his conversation, I would have been the first to kick him.

What do you think real life is like? Have that attitude in a corporate environment and you'll be shown the door.
We're not talking about "real life" - we're talking about a video game. We are all equals in-game, despite what some of us may think. I may be a member of a guild, but I am not an employee or serf (sp?) of that guild. I will voice my opinion when and where I please, and if you don't like it, then I guess you better kick me. I'm not going to think "along party lines" just because the guild leader says so.

Real life comparisons are pretty much full of fail, since this is, when all is said and done, still a video game...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2007

Originally Posted by Zesbeer
if thats the case then complain at anet to improve there chat filter.
The ability to control yourself is what's called for here. The game is not a babysitter, and should not be treated as such. Just because a chat filter exists doesn't mean you can use profanity freely.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Biostem
A chat filter is not a license to curse and swear.

A guild is a coalition of players; even through there are different ranks w/in that guild, the guild leaders have no right to demand a certain behavior from their members. If you don't like a particular guild member's behavior, then kick them. A guild leader should have no ability to censor what other players say, just as a general rule.

Frankly, I'm surprised some people are so quick to agree w/ giving guild leaders so much power over what is or is not said to or about guild/alliance members. I know that if I were in a guild, and things were being said about me in alliance chat, but the guild leader disabled my ability to respond to them, I'd leave that guild right-quick.

No - if your authoritarian nature requires you exert control over other players, then I'd rather seek a more "democratic" guild...
In order to join some guilds you have to agree to the guild rules and regulations. It's not authoritarian if all the current members agree to a certain behavior. If someone agrees to behave in a certain way then they deserve to be kicked if they violate that agreement.

Your choice whether or not you want to join that guild.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2007

Absolutely right. Chances are, though, that most players in a guild right now never agreed to some set of terms. Regardless, if a guild member is acting in such a way that the guild leader feels he or she should have alliance chat privileges revoked, then chances are that person should be kicked from the guild anyway. If a kind warning doesn't do the trick, then taking away their ability to talk in a specific chat channel is the least of your worries...




Join Date: Oct 2007


well all i have to say is go play C&C3 online and test there chat filter i for one find it super annoying and its one of the reasons i stoped playing that game besides the fact that they don't know how to balance. i hope and pray they dont beff up the chat filter or just add a mandatory one like C&C3. if some one is bothering you that much just put them on your ignore list.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
Press N. Scroll down to the Ignore List. Type in the troublemaker's name. Press Enter. Problem solved. Let alliance members know to do it too.
It's amazing how many people forget about this option.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Guildless, pm me


Originally Posted by RPGmaniac
It's amazing how many people forget about this option.
Its amazing how many people forget the ignore list is finite.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007

Chantilly, VA

Summit Soldiers [SS]



not because it's a bad idea but because as others have said, it's the alliance leaders and officers jobs to control their members, and probably anyone who gets so out of line to get temp banished would prolly just end up kicked anyway.