So, does it really matter what mode you play in when farming?

Numa Pompilius
Master Knightfall
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
I don't know how you guys play if you don't notice any difference.
Drops in HM are infinitely better than in NM. In NM I hardly get any drops at all, rarely max items, and never, ever, gold drops. In HM it's about the same as it was before drops were adjusted. |
Master Knightfall
I guess I just have a really unlucky character. :/ |
I also laugh at how Hard Mode is roughly as difficult as Normal Mode was back when GW launched... |
Originally Posted by Sunyavadin
I also laugh at how Hard Mode is roughly as difficult as Normal Mode was back when GW launched
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Alicendre
NM was difficult because we had Blood Magic Warriors, Flare Necros, Smiting Monks and Mending Eles.
Master Knightfall
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by pygar
A little off-topic, but vanquishing just may be my favoritest thing to do yet in GW- I am even kind of past the point where the treasure even matters, I think the challenge is fun.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Yeah, vanquishing is fun, but what I do right now is H/H all the Tyria missions in hardmode. To make things interesting I've decided I must do both the mission and the bonus at the same time, and without resorting to cheese (exploits, running, consumables).
Most missions are still very easy, but some - like Aurora Glade - provide really interesting challenges. |
Albert Algorn
Snow Bunny
Chrono Re delle Ere
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
I don't know how you guys play if you don't notice any difference.
Drops in HM are infinitely better than in NM. In NM I hardly get any drops at all, rarely max items, and never, ever, gold drops. In HM it's about the same as it was before drops were adjusted. |
Originally Posted by Alicendre
NM was difficult because we had Blood Magic Warriors, Flare Necros, Smiting Monks and Mending Eles.
I remember one of my first PvP matches, when I tried HA. Someone in my party asked PvP chars to quit our group, because they "don't have enough skills"... |
Originally Posted by Alicendre
Oh and HM gives better drops, but it depends of your luck I guess.
I just started GWEN with one of my chars and my boyfriend in NM, and the first Destroyer we killed dropped a Destroyer Core for him... |
Inferno Link
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by upier
Nice to hear that some people seem to be enjoying it.
I guess it wasn't a waste of time making it then ... |
Pandora's box
Originally Posted by Inferno Link
Well I have not played HM yet since my char isnt high enough but I just got 4 gold drops and 3 greens farming a level 12 boss and his 3 minions in around 20-30 minutes. Granted he was a 20 second walk from the portal. So I don't know if people who say they never get gold drops in nm are lying or are just really unlucky considering I got this from a level 12 boss lol.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Sunyavadin
The first day of GWEN I had about 75 destroyer cores drop.
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
But, you can't get the all elusive r7 inscribeable item in HM. That's why they are sooooooooooooooo RARE cause a gold drop in NM is very rare, but, they do happen and I've found a place where r7 blues and purples are dropping at least. <grin>