The Current System
First you pick your profession and then as you gain levels you aquire attribute points that are mixed in with the current attributes, which have been around forever.
The Better Solution
What if your 100 or 1,000+ hour character received new skills through the introduction of new attribute lines during future expansions/chapters, but could not mix these new lines with attribute lines from old chapters/expasions?
Now your probably asking, "Why does this dummy want to limit my skill choices by creating new attribute lines. I've only got so may points to distribute!" Simple answer really, to make things easy on developers trying to balance while also creating more positives for us the players.
+ Only making new attribute lines results in no balance change to past attribute lines, which then eliminates the need to nerf old skills & builds.
+ It's better to expand on an old character than have to start new professions at level one and then need to replay all of the same old quests.
+ More attribute lines will result in more potential diversity within a profession, which will then result in more "shelf life" for your character and less stereotyping.
+ No new professions would mean expansions could be fully designed for a max level character (with no newbie starter island)!
+ If you like going after fame or titles you'll have more ways to play that one super star your using and will reduce the need to title grind the same thing again on a new toon.
+ Would you rather buy armor/weapons/everything for a several professions or for just a few?
- Less diversity of appearances, since there would be less professions.
Solution: Assign Names to differt subclasses of attribute lines, which then qualifies that player to equip certain armor types or styles.
- Role Playing purposes give multipule professions an edge since you have a better chance of meeting all player desires for classes.
Solution : Do a good job in emphasizing the uniqueness of each sub-class.
- You may get sick of looking at the same character.
Solution : Make a new one of a different race...
For example, say you had a profession called BRAWLER, that would by default be subclassed as a "Warrior" and have access to the attribute lines Strength, Swordsmanship, Hammer Mastery, and Tactics.
During an expansion, a subclass for all brawlers called, "Dervish" could be introduced which would open up access to the attributes, "Mysticism, Scythe Master, Wind Prayers, Earth Prayers.
During yet another expansion, a subclass for all brawlers called "Assassin" could be introduced, which would open up access to the attributes, "Critical Strike, Dagger Mastery, Shadow Arts, and Deadly Arts.
*Note - picking a subclass would temporarily prevent you from using any skills from another subclass.
Anyways, please expanding on my list of positives and negatives. After having wrote this, I'd probably be in favor of a system that allow a character to switch between PROFESSIONS at will from an outpost after meeting certain requirements.
Is there really any reason to force people to make their INSERT YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS NAME HERE, always play the same style. Why would you want the negatives mentioned above when making a new character? Why would you want to give up all the stuff you've unlocked and purchased for your favorite character just to experience a new playing style?