The Soul Slayer Movie Series by Tidus Yumemiru & Queen Kitiara
Hey, that's a great clip! Love it.
Amazing vid's kit, anticipating #3)
Queen Kitiara
Originally Posted by Mumnoch
Excellent ^^
Lots of great things into this.
Lots of great things into this.
Thanks so very much guys!!!
I've had a few requests of people wanting to hear the Interview I did with GW online Radio Station BladeRadio with DJ Kelli and DJ CTPound. For those of you that want to download it you can click HERE. It's about an hour long, 109MB in mp3 format, it's filled with discussion about tips and tricks in filming as well as info about the GW moviemakers group too, there is one point where the server crashed from so many listeners so my apologies for the jump and glitch in there at one point
I've had a few requests of people wanting to hear the Interview I did with GW online Radio Station BladeRadio with DJ Kelli and DJ CTPound. For those of you that want to download it you can click HERE. It's about an hour long, 109MB in mp3 format, it's filled with discussion about tips and tricks in filming as well as info about the GW moviemakers group too, there is one point where the server crashed from so many listeners so my apologies for the jump and glitch in there at one point
tidus yumemiru
Kiti i downloaded the clip and had a listen again, was great to go back over it and remember how much fun we had can't wait to see what the future brings
i have to say that infestedhydralisk part was amazing!
Very nice job, I really enjoyed watching that clip. Keep up the great work
Queen Kitiara
LOL Infested! <3 Thanks Mess, you are always so supportive
Exciting too is that The GWVM Collaboration video was posted in the Community News on the GW site!
Anet have officially mentioned the Collab on their community news page! Check it out @
What it states is:
"You have probably seen some of the amazing videos created by our players. Now the Guild Wars Video Makers Group, headed by oggycheese, has collaborated to create a video that received a couple of YouTube honors. See for yourself—and keep up the good work, guys!"
:P But what is more accurate is:
Recently on Youtube, the GuildWars Video Makers group, with over 240 members, collaborated in making a video that received as many as 9 different Youtube honors. The idea was headed up by oggycheese (IGN: Ashalon Swiftstone) and highlights the work of many of the best Guild Wars Video Makers known in the community. You can join the GWVM group if you have made at least one GW video but everyone is welcome to visit their group page on Youtube to see the latest videos being made by their members. Members can post questions and get help seeing the latest tips and tricks fellow gamers use to make their GW videos.
While oggy headed up the idea, RocDisJoint was the originator of the group and I am current owner/moderator along with him. Oggy tho, is definately one of the many members we are so honored to have in the group
on a side note, hoping to finish shooting part 3 this weekend *crosses fingers* then just a bit more to edit
Exciting too is that The GWVM Collaboration video was posted in the Community News on the GW site!
Anet have officially mentioned the Collab on their community news page! Check it out @
What it states is:
"You have probably seen some of the amazing videos created by our players. Now the Guild Wars Video Makers Group, headed by oggycheese, has collaborated to create a video that received a couple of YouTube honors. See for yourself—and keep up the good work, guys!"
:P But what is more accurate is:
Recently on Youtube, the GuildWars Video Makers group, with over 240 members, collaborated in making a video that received as many as 9 different Youtube honors. The idea was headed up by oggycheese (IGN: Ashalon Swiftstone) and highlights the work of many of the best Guild Wars Video Makers known in the community. You can join the GWVM group if you have made at least one GW video but everyone is welcome to visit their group page on Youtube to see the latest videos being made by their members. Members can post questions and get help seeing the latest tips and tricks fellow gamers use to make their GW videos.
While oggy headed up the idea, RocDisJoint was the originator of the group and I am current owner/moderator along with him. Oggy tho, is definately one of the many members we are so honored to have in the group
on a side note, hoping to finish shooting part 3 this weekend *crosses fingers* then just a bit more to edit
tidus yumemiru
Hey guys make sure u keep an eye on this thread for more info about the new episode release coming very very soon xD
I can't wait!
*is excited* ^D^
*is excited* ^D^
Nemesis Xero
Looking forward to it can't wait to see what happens next
tidus yumemiru
Finally after many interruptions, moving, motherboards crashing and file corruption galore; part 3 of The Soul Slayer GW Series is done!
We are inviting our friends, Soul Slayer supporters and Fans, To come launch The Soul Slayer episode 3 premiere! It's been a long road to get this latest episode, so to celebrate conquering this hurdle we are holding a little party and hoping to have a lot of fun!!
The party will be Dj-ed By Blade Radio's Dj Kelli and we will have lots of fun games, treats, and an in game raffle!
We have lots of random unidentified gold weapons to pass out to our various winners as well as another Soul Slayer Sword (Zodiac Sword) and Tidus's Black Shield he uses in the story (Aureate Aegis).
The Party will be SHORT & Sweet! (up to 1 1/2 hrs)
Date: Saturday 23rd May
03:00:00 p.m. Saturday May 23rd (CST)
06:00:00 a.m. Sunday May 24,in Australia
08:00:00 p.m. Saturday May 23, GMT
Location: Zaishen Challenge International District 1
Handy Time Converter
Hope to see you all there!
The Lottery:
We would like to spend more time working on Soul Slayer episodes, instead of farming zkeys, so we thought we would hold a raffle, with a huge list of prizes valued around 200k. this gives us a chance to work on our Zkey title, without having to sacrifice huge amounts of time, that we would rather use to make Soul Slayer episodes. Please note that over 90% are hard earned items Tidus and I acquired over time.
To enter this lottery you must choose a number(s) from the list below.
e.g. 16 Morrigan Queensguard
Spots are reserved by first signing up for a number and then giving one Zkey per signed up slot. You can sign up for 5 numbers max per person.
We will update the lottery entries everyday and will inform people when they have chosen a duplicate number to someone before them. However it is YOUR responsibility to choose a free number, if all the numbers become full and you had chosen a duplicate number then you will not be able to enter.
Zkeys will be collected at the beginning of the party to make your number valid. If you can't attend the party please make arrangements to meet up prior to the party. Unaccounted slots will be freed up for partygoers 15 minutes before the drawing which will be held towards the end of the party. If a number is rolled that hasn't been validated by a Zkey it will become void and another number will be rolled to determine a winner.
The lottery will work like this: Queen Kitiara, Tidus Yumemiru, and 2 random guests will team up to go outside. We will then /roll 100 six times for a backup for possible invalid entries. The winners will be in the order of the numbers rolled, 1st place gets first pick of the available packages, and then 2nd of the remainder and so on.
Prize packages
The Soul Slayer package:
1 drawing By Tidus - Get an avatar picture of your favorite guild wars character, sketched and digitally colored!
Click here to see Tidus's Deviant Art Account
1 cameo in the next episode of The Soul Slayer - Be a part of the fun and have your favorite GW char immortalized in GW machinema in the next episode of Soul Slayer. * Role will be pre-defined by the director and voice over work is not required but might be a possibility depending on interest and if it's befitting in the script **
Stone package:
x6 rubies
x6 sapphires
x10 req 9 golds
x7 margonite gemstones
x1 titan gemstone
x1 torment
x3 stygian gemstones
Party Pack:
x20 yule tonics
x10 automaton tonics
x40 mysterious stones
x20 crates of fireworks,
x206 standard alcohol
x1 keg of hunters ale
Please click here to go to the list to sign up for the lottery
*Special thanks to Monk of Kindness of [SCAR] for setting up a successful lottery system for us to base our own on.
/edit fixed link
Queen Kitiara
Whoops sorry guys I gave Tidus a bad link, if you want to sign up for the lottery here is the thread link:
WORKING LINK to sign up for the lottery
WORKING LINK to sign up for the lottery
Heya Kitiara! I got your message through Youtube, and I can't wait to see episode 3!! O_o..
I probably can't be @ the party, but I hope you guys have fun!
I probably can't be @ the party, but I hope you guys have fun!
Queen Kitiara
tidus yumemiru
Hey guys just letting u know i have updated my Deviant art page due to partly Laziness and missing scanner drivers i had only 3 pics up. i have since added a few more sketches and fixed my scanner woot!
Hope to see u guys at the party
Hope to see u guys at the party
Queen Kitiara
In case there was ANY mix up with the time ( if i posted wrong) it is NOW 12:30pm my time CST and the party is in 2 hrs and 30 min
Time Converter
Time Converter
Queen Kitiara
★ It's 15min till the party and we are heading over now ^.^ See u there guys! <3
★ Had an awesome time with everyone! Thanks so much for coming there were so many people I wished I was a fast enough typist and could multitask faster to have given everyone individual attention <3 I hope everyone enjoyed the silly games, prizes & consolation prizes LOL. Again a HUGE thanks for the support, donations, lottery entries and help with the party from Roc, Hatari, & Tidy. U guys are AWESOME!
Gratz to Prince Feywood, Skyllax, & Lord Xarax for winning in the Lottery!
★ Had an awesome time with everyone! Thanks so much for coming there were so many people I wished I was a fast enough typist and could multitask faster to have given everyone individual attention <3 I hope everyone enjoyed the silly games, prizes & consolation prizes LOL. Again a HUGE thanks for the support, donations, lottery entries and help with the party from Roc, Hatari, & Tidy. U guys are AWESOME!
Gratz to Prince Feywood, Skyllax, & Lord Xarax for winning in the Lottery!
Always a pleasure Kit!
Cute ava btw.
TK ^^
Cute ava btw.
TK ^^
tidus yumemiru
mmmmmm sleeeeeeep
ok here is 2 screen shots one has all the chat that went on during the roll 100% unedited the second has ONLY the roll emotes up for clarity. (only rolls made by Queen Kitiara are valid)
please note, that there were several rolls that came up that were either:
A) the slot wasn't taken at all
B) they never paid for the slot with there key to kitiara.
The witnesses were:
Daniel Frozenwind
Fire Reignz
Big Torilla man
Xan Thav
Big grats to the winners!!!:
Prince feywood no. 40
Skyllaxs no. 39
Lord Xarax no. 92
There is a unedited fraps version for anyone who wants to see it. i am uploading it now and will add the link asap. But like sleep i also need FOOOD! xD
thanks to everyone who Entered or attended it was a in my opinion a HUGE success. i had a lot of fun and i sure hope u guys did
Burning Freebies made a Video of the event for anyone who missed it and i am positive that kitiara is making one as well. link for Burns party Vid!
Thanks guys!!
tidus yumemiru
Guys, i have spent the last few hours fighting with the movie i took of the lottery roll. i have captured it in high res. the raw footage is 5gigs worth but the minute i convert it to a slightly lower format u can't read the text...(which if i edit the footage defeats the purpose of the vid in the first place) so at this time there is no point me continually trying to upload it when the screen shots are far clearer.
IF someone has a legitimate reason that actually requires the raw footage, please pm me and i will send u a copy. i will hold the footage for 1 week only as i like hard space
IF someone has a legitimate reason that actually requires the raw footage, please pm me and i will send u a copy. i will hold the footage for 1 week only as i like hard space
Lol Tortilla rolled my lucky number
how come u guys didnt /roll 7? D: