Chronomancer project.
Fox Reeveheart
Ok so we know for sure that the chronomancer was one of the concept classes that got canned when GW: Utopia was canceled. But I been itching to try and put together the class just for fun. o.o Anyone else want to join in?
I figured chronomancer had attributes like... Speed up time, slow down time...
Thats as far as I can think =p No idea what the primary attribute would be or anything like that... maybe something like...
Hyper Degeneration.
Attr: Time acceleration
Desc: Target foe's degeneration is doubled for # to # seconds. (maximum of 9)
Alternate description idea: Target foe's current degeneration is added onto by # to # pips for # to # seconds.
Degeneration reduction
Attr: Time Deceleration
Desc: Target ally's degeneration is reduced by # to # pips for # to # seconds
Alt: Target ally's degen is halved for # to # seconds
Degeneration suspension (elite)
Attr: Time Deceleration
Desc: Target ally's degeneration is reduced to zero for # to # seconds.
The chronomancer could basically shadowstep as well, using either time to speed up his body or stop time for an instant itself that it seems like he teleported next to his opponent. Could also speed up his body to run faster, could make everyone run slower with time decel... ummm... Same goes for weapon attacks and such.
I see the chronomancer as a buffer, degen, snarer. But i'm trying to figure out what he could do for damage!
Edit: IMO this should replace the sin when GW2 comes around >.>
I figured chronomancer had attributes like... Speed up time, slow down time...
Thats as far as I can think =p No idea what the primary attribute would be or anything like that... maybe something like...
Hyper Degeneration.
Attr: Time acceleration
Desc: Target foe's degeneration is doubled for # to # seconds. (maximum of 9)
Alternate description idea: Target foe's current degeneration is added onto by # to # pips for # to # seconds.
Degeneration reduction
Attr: Time Deceleration
Desc: Target ally's degeneration is reduced by # to # pips for # to # seconds
Alt: Target ally's degen is halved for # to # seconds
Degeneration suspension (elite)
Attr: Time Deceleration
Desc: Target ally's degeneration is reduced to zero for # to # seconds.
The chronomancer could basically shadowstep as well, using either time to speed up his body or stop time for an instant itself that it seems like he teleported next to his opponent. Could also speed up his body to run faster, could make everyone run slower with time decel... ummm... Same goes for weapon attacks and such.
I see the chronomancer as a buffer, degen, snarer. But i'm trying to figure out what he could do for damage!
Edit: IMO this should replace the sin when GW2 comes around >.>
how bout ias party buffs, area foe snares, slower foe attack speeds.
Nein Sin sounds sexyer
The last thing this game needed was ANOTHER non-core proffession ruining PvP and the game in general. Between Assassin Instagib and Paragon PvE easy mode, these non-core proffessions we already have need ALOT of work needing to be done to them inorder to barely balance them.
I think its attributes would look more like
Time shifting(a mix of the accellartion/decelleration you mentioned)
distortion magic(probably the main condition causing and healing attribute)
Spatial arts(all about teleporting enemies and yourself to random places within earshot no doubt)
relic mastery(their main weapon a relic like a sword fast attack low damage range but 2 handed with some attack skills)
Spatial arts would be the most interesting.
I can think of a skill like
warp shot: send a projectile at target foe if they get hit they take xx light damage and they shadow step to a random location in the area
Time shifting(a mix of the accellartion/decelleration you mentioned)
distortion magic(probably the main condition causing and healing attribute)
Spatial arts(all about teleporting enemies and yourself to random places within earshot no doubt)
relic mastery(their main weapon a relic like a sword fast attack low damage range but 2 handed with some attack skills)
Spatial arts would be the most interesting.
I can think of a skill like
warp shot: send a projectile at target foe if they get hit they take xx light damage and they shadow step to a random location in the area
It'd be most likely that they would have been able to give out party wide Fast Casting while also being able to inflict party wide migraine (to a lesser extent). A cool idea but I'm actually glad they scratched Utopia.
Lord Darksoul
Rit: Back-up support with Weapon Spells
Sin: Heavy pressure
Derv: Secondary Tank with slight AoE scythe attacks
Paragon: Back-up support with shouts.
Chronomancer: Snarer and back-up support
Those are hopefully some of the rebalancing in GW2. I doubt ANet will cut out 4 professions, after all the stuff already added to them.
Sin: Heavy pressure
Derv: Secondary Tank with slight AoE scythe attacks
Paragon: Back-up support with shouts.
Chronomancer: Snarer and back-up support
Those are hopefully some of the rebalancing in GW2. I doubt ANet will cut out 4 professions, after all the stuff already added to them.
chrono = mesmer + assassin + minor aspects of paragon. so.. they'd pretty much be the bane of the pvp world, spawning countless noob wiki builds, and gank teams. GJ canning that Anet.
Fox Reeveheart
Originally Posted by Crimso
I think its attributes would look more like
Time shifting(a mix of the accellartion/decelleration you mentioned) distortion magic(probably the main condition causing and healing attribute) Spatial arts(all about teleporting enemies and yourself to random places within earshot no doubt) relic mastery(their main weapon a relic like a sword fast attack low damage range but 2 handed with some attack skills) Spatial arts would be the most interesting. I can think of a skill like warp shot: send a projectile at target foe if they get hit they take xx light damage and they shadow step to a random location in the area |
2 handed swords? If they are to be given melee weapons I would up their armor to at least 70. I figured these guys were 60 AL casters.
What about crossbows? That would be effin sweet. Make max damage 30 (cause from what I remember, crossbows always had more penetration power than bows, crossbows are what you used to blast through plate armor). It's basically the closest to guns we'll get in GW.
We can get some wierd stuff going like...
Name: Pass it on
Description: Teleport to closest foe, that foe is teleported to target ally.
Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
Name: Pass it on Spell Description: Teleport to closest foe, that foe is teleported to target ally. |
And the chronomancer has its lore bound to Gw:utopia,so lets hope we won't see that class.
Fox Reeveheart
Who says it has its lore BOUND to it? If its a concept class then it hasn't had its lore bound to anything yet. It's thrown back into limbo and can be brought back for GW2.
Though I hope GW1 is like everquest 1 where we will start seeing more expansions despite gw2 being around.
Though I hope GW1 is like everquest 1 where we will start seeing more expansions despite gw2 being around.
Phoenix Tears
(P)Sand of Time (Party Energy Mangement)
Prophecies of the Future (Skills about the Future - Party Buffing/ Protection Skills)
Chronicles of the Past (Skills about the Past - Enemy Group Debuffing/ Heal Skills)
Time Shift (Attack Skills)
Weapon: Staff/Wands > 11-22 Chaos Damage
AL: 60
HP: 480/ MP: 30/ MR: >>>>
Messiah: + 15 Defense when using a Prophecy-Skill
Scholar: + 15 Defense when using a Chronicle-Skill
Shifter: + 15 Defense, when using a Time Shift-Skill
Genesis: Recover 5 HP per 2 seconds when not moving
Reflector: 2% of Damage from any source gets reflected back to the Foes.
Chronos: Nearby Foes to you move and attack 5% slower, while you are being enchanted.
So would look my Chronomancer. What they are - Time Mages, which have the might to manipultate the Future and the Past and use Time Shifts to cause with them Rifts to attack their Foes with the force of Chaos that occurs, when manipulating the Time Space Continuuum.
The Role of the Chronomancer is the 3rd line Supporter, who heals and protects Party Member or Debuffs and weakens Enemy Groups.
When going agressive, the Chronomancer deals damage through repeating damage made by party members through time shifts, or uses hard pressure through AoE Degenerations for either Health or Energy.
Chronomancers are tough Supporters, because they use one of the strongest Magic Types of all and the overall tactic is best, to kill them very quick as possible, when you see one under your enemies.
They can't only repeat damage from party members against their foes, they can also heavily support Monks by repeatign their Heals.
But their Skilsl are very cost intensive.. very much of their skills cost an average of 15 Energy, much cost 25 E and also much of their Skills come with Exhaustion or some degenerative effects towards the chronomancer, when usign them.
Prophecies and Chronicles are Shout/Chant based skills ,thus can't be stripped, but only be prevented through skills, that disable the usage of Shouts/Chants, so these skilsl are a good way to shut down Chronomancers.
But that counts only naturally for skills of those types, not the magic spells under those 2 Attributes.
Weapon Attributes are: all 4 attributes like for all Caster Classes.
A female Chronomancer in their orientalic golden Robe with a golden Staff (Vaabi)
Copyright: Seung Yeoun
Headgear: Tiaras
Color: white
The Triquetra *its the name of this Symbol, really* This mystiful Symbol will embody the meaning about the Future, the Past and the Present.
(P)Sand of Time (Party Energy Mangement)
Prophecies of the Future (Skills about the Future - Party Buffing/ Protection Skills)
Chronicles of the Past (Skills about the Past - Enemy Group Debuffing/ Heal Skills)
Time Shift (Attack Skills)
Weapon: Staff/Wands > 11-22 Chaos Damage
AL: 60
HP: 480/ MP: 30/ MR: >>>>
Messiah: + 15 Defense when using a Prophecy-Skill
Scholar: + 15 Defense when using a Chronicle-Skill
Shifter: + 15 Defense, when using a Time Shift-Skill
Genesis: Recover 5 HP per 2 seconds when not moving
Reflector: 2% of Damage from any source gets reflected back to the Foes.
Chronos: Nearby Foes to you move and attack 5% slower, while you are being enchanted.
So would look my Chronomancer. What they are - Time Mages, which have the might to manipultate the Future and the Past and use Time Shifts to cause with them Rifts to attack their Foes with the force of Chaos that occurs, when manipulating the Time Space Continuuum.
The Role of the Chronomancer is the 3rd line Supporter, who heals and protects Party Member or Debuffs and weakens Enemy Groups.
When going agressive, the Chronomancer deals damage through repeating damage made by party members through time shifts, or uses hard pressure through AoE Degenerations for either Health or Energy.
Chronomancers are tough Supporters, because they use one of the strongest Magic Types of all and the overall tactic is best, to kill them very quick as possible, when you see one under your enemies.
They can't only repeat damage from party members against their foes, they can also heavily support Monks by repeatign their Heals.
But their Skilsl are very cost intensive.. very much of their skills cost an average of 15 Energy, much cost 25 E and also much of their Skills come with Exhaustion or some degenerative effects towards the chronomancer, when usign them.
Prophecies and Chronicles are Shout/Chant based skills ,thus can't be stripped, but only be prevented through skills, that disable the usage of Shouts/Chants, so these skilsl are a good way to shut down Chronomancers.
But that counts only naturally for skills of those types, not the magic spells under those 2 Attributes.
Weapon Attributes are: all 4 attributes like for all Caster Classes.
A female Chronomancer in their orientalic golden Robe with a golden Staff (Vaabi)
Copyright: Seung Yeoun
Headgear: Tiaras
Color: white
The Triquetra *its the name of this Symbol, really* This mystiful Symbol will embody the meaning about the Future, the Past and the Present.
How did this get that many replies in 1 day?
Anyway, yes teleporting foes is a powerful ability, teleporting foes to predicable locations is ridiculously overpowered.
Foes should in the least port randomly, otherwise you could send them into the middle of a circle of warriors, or into the lava at some maps.
It will definitely only lead to skill less builds.
Anyway what does time have to do with moving foes? YOu can make them move slower or make yourself move faster, but time does not make them move somewhere they don't want to.
Teleporting yourself to represent, stopping time moving somewhere then starting time again, would be good to have.
And no I do not think it is logical to move foes while the time is stopped, because those foes are stopped, meaning anything you do to them would be stopped as well(no dealing damage, no causing conditions, no picking Glint up an carrying her around the lair).
What chrono's could do is buff and debuff, attack and SKILL ACTIVATION TIME(really important we get more classes to debuff and counter buff that) as well as movement speed.
But also the durations of conditions, enchantments and hexes.
I think they should mess with biology to deal their damage, vastly aging small parts of a foe to deal damage without requiring ridiculous casting times and energy costs that would be required to do the same to the entire foe.
Accelerated Infection
Hex spell - for X seconds whenever target foe starts bleeding of suffers a deep wound that foe also becomes diseased for 15 seconds.
Reopen Wounds
Hex spell - For 8 seconds this hex does nothing, when it ends that foe takes 1 damage for ever 4...3(2) health that foe was healed while the hex was in effect.
Hmmm, it could be a pretty dangerous PvPer...
Anyway, yes teleporting foes is a powerful ability, teleporting foes to predicable locations is ridiculously overpowered.
Foes should in the least port randomly, otherwise you could send them into the middle of a circle of warriors, or into the lava at some maps.
It will definitely only lead to skill less builds.
Anyway what does time have to do with moving foes? YOu can make them move slower or make yourself move faster, but time does not make them move somewhere they don't want to.
Teleporting yourself to represent, stopping time moving somewhere then starting time again, would be good to have.
And no I do not think it is logical to move foes while the time is stopped, because those foes are stopped, meaning anything you do to them would be stopped as well(no dealing damage, no causing conditions, no picking Glint up an carrying her around the lair).
What chrono's could do is buff and debuff, attack and SKILL ACTIVATION TIME(really important we get more classes to debuff and counter buff that) as well as movement speed.
But also the durations of conditions, enchantments and hexes.
I think they should mess with biology to deal their damage, vastly aging small parts of a foe to deal damage without requiring ridiculous casting times and energy costs that would be required to do the same to the entire foe.
Accelerated Infection
Hex spell - for X seconds whenever target foe starts bleeding of suffers a deep wound that foe also becomes diseased for 15 seconds.
Reopen Wounds
Hex spell - For 8 seconds this hex does nothing, when it ends that foe takes 1 damage for ever 4...3(2) health that foe was healed while the hex was in effect.
Hmmm, it could be a pretty dangerous PvPer...
Fox Reeveheart
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
(P)Sand of Time (Party Energy Mangement) Prophecies of the Future (Skills about the Future - Party Buffing/ Protection Skills) Chronicles of the Past (Skills about the Past - Enemy Group Debuffing/ Heal Skills) Time Shift (Attack Skills) Weapon: Staff/Wands > 11-22 Chaos Damage AL: 60 HP: 480/ MP: 30/ MR: >>>> Insignias: Messiah: + 15 Defense when using a Prophecy-Skill Scholar: + 15 Defense when using a Chronicle-Skill Shifter: + 15 Defense, when using a Time Shift-Skill Genesis: Recover 5 HP per 2 seconds when not moving Reflector: 2% of Damage from any source gets reflected back to the Foes. Chronos: Nearby Foes to you move and attack 5% slower, while you are being enchanted. So would look my Chronomancer. What they are - Time Mages, which have the might to manipultate the Future and the Past and use Time Shifts to cause with them Rifts to attack their Foes with the force of Chaos that occurs, when manipulating the Time Space Continuuum. The Role of the Chronomancer is the 3rd line Supporter, who heals and protects Party Member or Debuffs and weakens Enemy Groups. When going agressive, the Chronomancer deals damage through repeating damage made by party members through time shifts, or uses hard pressure through AoE Degenerations for either Health or Energy. Chronomancers are tough Supporters, because they use one of the strongest Magic Types of all and the overall tactic is best, to kill them very quick as possible, when you see one under your enemies. They can't only repeat damage from party members against their foes, they can also heavily support Monks by repeatign their Heals. But their Skilsl are very cost intensive.. very much of their skills cost an average of 15 Energy, much cost 25 E and also much of their Skills come with Exhaustion or some degenerative effects towards the chronomancer, when usign them. Prophecies and Chronicles are Shout/Chant based skills ,thus can't be stripped, but only be prevented through skills, that disable the usage of Shouts/Chants, so these skilsl are a good way to shut down Chronomancers. But that counts only naturally for skills of those types, not the magic spells under those 2 Attributes. Weapon Attributes are: all 4 attributes like for all Caster Classes. Picture: A female Chronomancer in their orientalic golden Robe with a golden Staff (Vaabi) Copyright: Seung Yeoun Headgear: Tiaras Color: white Symbol: The Triquetra *its the name of this Symbol, really* This mystiful Symbol will embody the meaning about the Future, the Past and the Present. |
Isn't that just gorgeous? I especially love the half mask/helmets. And the arm do-hickys are neato as well. Now THATS unique.
And yes it could become a dangerous pvp'er, maybe it would give me some actual motivation TO pvp... which i never do

Would at least give me a second main, been playing my derv for too long. I need some kind of caster, lost interest in my rit.
Time Rip (elite)
Spacial Distortion
All adjacent enemies are hit for XX-XX damage and are hit with with bleeding and crippled for xx-xx seconds, nearby foes are hit for (less) damage and are hit with bleeding for xx-xx seconds. Then which foe ring is next (in the area? not sure) is hit for xx-xx damage.
probably too powerful. I'm not great at making skills but it sounds neat

Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
Eh, I rather prefer the concept art one. besides the armor is 10x much more unique than some measily robe...
Isn't that just gorgeous? I especially love the half mask/helmets. And the arm do-hickys are neato as well. Now THATS unique. And yes it could become a dangerous pvp'er, maybe it would give me some actual motivation TO pvp... which i never do ![]() Would at least give me a second main, been playing my derv for too long. I need some kind of caster, lost interest in my rit. Time Rip (elite) Spacial Distortion All adjacent enemies are hit for XX-XX damage and are hit with with bleeding and crippled for xx-xx seconds, nearby foes are hit for (less) damage and are hit with bleeding for xx-xx seconds. Then which foe ring is next (in the area? not sure) is hit for xx-xx damage. probably too powerful. I'm not great at making skills but it sounds neat ![]() |
Chronomancers should fit with their looks to all other classes, beign based on a medieval theme... that shit what anet made there for the chronos concept art has nothing medieval anymore... this stuff could be concept arts, if Guild Wars would not play in the medievel, but instead owuld be a pure Science Fiction Game.. but then i doubt those concepts would not be for a Chronomancer, that class would have then a total other name, because chronomancers again fit not into science fiction games, those games are again more about high tech stuff about guns, robots/cyborgs ect. pp.
last i checked time travel was pretty high t3ch.
and since when has guild wars shied away from the 0mgshineys?
and since when has guild wars shied away from the 0mgshineys?
Fox Reeveheart
And yeah what about the golems? Where the hell they fit into medieval? >_> they look PRETTY DARN futuristic to me.
Also, the art is... hmmm.... it could fit into a medieval theme but its VERY high fantasy. I could expect to see something like that in the eberron campaign of dungeons and dragons which is still medieval but it has futuristic LOOKING stuff. Its all still magic powered and whatnot it just doesnt look like its medieval.
Also, the art is... hmmm.... it could fit into a medieval theme but its VERY high fantasy. I could expect to see something like that in the eberron campaign of dungeons and dragons which is still medieval but it has futuristic LOOKING stuff. Its all still magic powered and whatnot it just doesnt look like its medieval.
Originally Posted by Pleikki
Nein Sin sounds sexyer
finally someone admits it

Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
And yeah what about the golems? Where the hell they fit into medieval? >_> they look PRETTY DARN futuristic to me.
They are not technological or futuristic, they are just a magically moved piece of metal wandering about smacking people and some are even magical enough to cast some spells.
The Asurans have a very scientific approach to magic, all the more reason for shunning technology, because their understanding of magic is already so broad they have no need to start from scratch again.
Besides if it involves enchanting glows and mysteriously floating crystals then I'm pretty sure its magical.
And as the form of magic is derived from its hidden properties, I think wierd looking armors like those would be more at place on a highly magical class than they could never be anywhere technological, tech armor looks like armor if it has helmets/Nano Controlling Units/Life Support systems those are likely to be visible on the outside or covered in the shape of the armor.
Because if your materials are not meant to hold magical strengthening well or do not need to have the tiniest hint of divine influence in them; you can pick what materials are the most fitting for the job, ending up with efficient no nonsense designs; after that you can decorate them and come to some silly ends but you won't end up looking like a margonite before they got corrupted.
Well unless you wanted to waste time and money on making tech armor look like that for trick or treating at the alium mothership.
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by {IceFire}
last i checked time travel was pretty high t3ch.
and since when has guild wars shied away from the 0mgshineys? |
Chronomancers are Time Mages "Chronos = Time"/ Mancer = Teller/Speller"
Magic needs Spells to be performed. Due to the Fact that they are time Mages, they should also look like a Caster Class and not like futuristic Cyborgs, which can float and have many strange lights on their body.
Guild wars has yet no Caster Class, which wears real wide & long Mage Robes.
All other Casters wear only short robes
Ritualists: long robes? NO!! Just Skirts and Shorts
Monk: long robes? Semi Yes, long, but none of them is anyhow wide for Female and again something in the style of the posted pictuere is no monk Armor
Necromancer: long robes? NO!! stuff there looks more like Armors, then Robes
Mesmer: long robes? NO!! Again only more Skirts, Females have some Robes, but they are not wide and very long
Elementalist: long robes? only Semi Yes for male side, female is all about Skirts again and the males could also be a bit longer.
No one of the Caster Classes yet has a Clothing Style, like seen on the picture with very long and wide Robes, which reach to the ground and which are so wide, that theoretically could wear the robe 2 persons together XD
Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
And yeah what about the golems? Where the hell they fit into medieval? >_> they look PRETTY DARN futuristic to me.
Also, the art is... hmmm.... it could fit into a medieval theme but its VERY high fantasy. I could expect to see something like that in the eberron campaign of dungeons and dragons which is still medieval but it has futuristic LOOKING stuff. Its all still magic powered and whatnot it just doesnt look like its medieval. |
The posted picture there is medieval, it shows them in an orientalic robe, which absolutely fits to the clothing style of Nightfall.
Would the Chronomancer have been implemented in NF, that could have been their Vaabi Armor, because the Robe of the picture has also something "royal", as if it would be worn by rich people, and this style is it, what the vaabi armor represents. Don't get irritated by the picture. it shows only how I think, the class should look in Vaabi-Style.. not in overall

In overall it should be only long robes, which reach to the ground, for males as females too.
Compare that picture from aboe with the vision of Final Fantasies "old" Time Mage pictures

lol, even those had wide long robes, which hit the ground nearly, for male as female. ok, this FF picture looks to the one above now more childish i know, but this one here should show only better, what I understand under long wide robes ^^
Originally Posted by netniwk
IF they made chronomancers,they would look like this;
*snip* the design by Anet,not some 7 year old anime girls with pope hats. |
GW is not based on any actual time since Istan looks antique while the Kurzicks have this big weapon which I don't remember the name, and glasses. So I don't see the problem.
Phoenix Tears
that would be at least quite good, when anet hopefully changes then the weird shit with their arms and legs, which looks, as if someone would have chopped them into pieces, because this has again nothing humanlike and looks too futuristic, This concept pic with these chopped arms and legs looks far mor like a concept for a new race, other than for a new profession