2 Handed Staff
melissa b
This would be more for graphical variety.
It would be two identical staffs held together by two perpendicular rungs 25% from top and bottom. It would be carried with both hands at an angle like the slope of a triangle. Any artists want to render my idea and post here. That would be cool or thoughts too.
It would be two identical staffs held together by two perpendicular rungs 25% from top and bottom. It would be carried with both hands at an angle like the slope of a triangle. Any artists want to render my idea and post here. That would be cool or thoughts too.
the kurzick eater
unfortunately i didnt understand a word you were saying.. it reminded me of my math midterm. please send a pic, im interested yet confused =s
That would require new character animations to be added into the game, all for what... one skin? Cool idea, but very highly unlikely.
U Wanna Die
why would this have any merit on anything ever...
/notsigned for pointless suggestion
/notsigned for pointless suggestion
melissa b
if someone wants to design my idea and post here, ill pay 5 ectos to the best one.
Did I miss something here? I thought that all staves were currently two handed. Sure, half the time they are carried in one hand only, but it is still two handed when attacking.
Originally Posted by melissa b
if someone wants to design my idea and post here, ill pay 5 ectos to the best one.
Sir Pandra Pierva
theres my design
now give me ectos
theres my design
now give me ectos
That won't be a staff. Thet would be a bent stick.
melissa b
It would be carried with staff heads pointing up but tilted so staff head is up and to the right and staff bottoms are down and to left
then when fired it would be swung to side of hip with staff heads pointing forward
of course since it would be two headed two orbs would fire instead of 1 like traditional staff
Kiragi Yagami
so... its like a staff with another staff on it, held like some wonky crossbow?
/notsigned. we've got enough useless weapons. (banana scythe ftw!)
/notsigned. we've got enough useless weapons. (banana scythe ftw!)
Woop Shotty
Someone could still make a better example for 5e?
melissa b
yes feel free to make an original artistic design not a copy and paste
It would never work, it would be a hell to use something like that. It would be like carrying a ladder around.
isamu kurosawa
woo free ecto!
Originally Posted by isamu kurosawa
woo free ecto! |
I don't understand what you are describing. Can you explain better? The only pictures I could come up with to post are not staffs, but they do fit this thread I think.
Originally Posted by Alicendre
This one had made me laugh so hard
Oh wait, wrong thread.
Zahr Dalsk
thanks for the lolz and +1
Mr. G
Blue pacman with a traffic cone on his head, attacking a melting clock - with a wheelbarrow
Originally Posted by Proff
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