7 hero's
why we can't have 7 hero's:
- you don't have to work together with bad players or henchies
- you can fully set there builds as a team, you can't do this with henchies or most human players.
- bad players do have a really bad team but they will get better.
- hero's can't use UB, so no teams with only UB-guys
- if there is no team arround take 7 good heroes and go
- it's possible to complete UW, FoW etc. with you heroes
- hero's can't use every skill good, like barrage so the team isn't to powerfull
- you can still play together with guildies or friends
- mesmers and sins can make elite missions with heroes and not with bad PUG's
- the game has to become harder because otherwise you would be to strong
- you don't have to work together with bad players or henchies
- you can fully set there builds as a team, you can't do this with henchies or most human players.
- bad players do have a really bad team but they will get better.
- hero's can't use UB, so no teams with only UB-guys
- if there is no team arround take 7 good heroes and go
- it's possible to complete UW, FoW etc. with you heroes
- hero's can't use every skill good, like barrage so the team isn't to powerfull
- you can still play together with guildies or friends
- mesmers and sins can make elite missions with heroes and not with bad PUG's
- the game has to become harder because otherwise you would be to strong
Originally Posted by blockkiller
why we can't have 7 hero's:
- you don't have to work together with bad players or henchies
- you can fully set there builds as a team, you can't do this with henchies or most human players.
- bad players do have a really bad team but they will get better.
- hero's can't use UB, so no teams with only UB-guys
- if there is no team arround take 7 good heroes and go
- it's possible to complete UW, FoW etc. with you heroes
- hero's can't use every skill good, like barrage so the team isn't to powerfull
- you can still play together with guildies or friends
- mesmers and sins can make elite missions with heroes and not with bad PUG's
- the game has to become harder because otherwise you would be to strong GW is set up as an interactive community. I can't speak for the makers but I assume they want to promote player-player interaction. That's why they set up guilds. Personally I would love to be able to take all the heroes I want but it seems the intent of the game is to get people to work together. I agree that most PUGs suck so if you have an area that you need help with, wait for a guildmate or friend to come online and do it together. Most areas that are tough enough that you can't do it with henchies have a good amount of real players there and you only need one more person to be able to fill the party slots with more heroes.
- you don't have to work together with bad players or henchies
- you can fully set there builds as a team, you can't do this with henchies or most human players.
- bad players do have a really bad team but they will get better.
- hero's can't use UB, so no teams with only UB-guys
- if there is no team arround take 7 good heroes and go
- it's possible to complete UW, FoW etc. with you heroes
- hero's can't use every skill good, like barrage so the team isn't to powerfull
- you can still play together with guildies or friends
- mesmers and sins can make elite missions with heroes and not with bad PUG's
- the game has to become harder because otherwise you would be to strong GW is set up as an interactive community. I can't speak for the makers but I assume they want to promote player-player interaction. That's why they set up guilds. Personally I would love to be able to take all the heroes I want but it seems the intent of the game is to get people to work together. I agree that most PUGs suck so if you have an area that you need help with, wait for a guildmate or friend to come online and do it together. Most areas that are tough enough that you can't do it with henchies have a good amount of real players there and you only need one more person to be able to fill the party slots with more heroes.
but my problem is the discrimination of mesmer and assasins, they can find a team untill the harder missions and elite missions. then there is a problem. the good teams don't want them so they come in the crapy teams. 7 hero's might solve this problem so mesmers and sins can finish all hard area's
Limu Tolkki
Originally Posted by blockkiller
but my problem is the discrimination of mesmer and assasins, they can find a team untill the harder missions and elite missions. then there is a problem. the good teams don't want them so they come in the crapy teams. 7 hero's might solve this problem so mesmers and sins can finish all hard area's
Since when good teams dont take mesmers and sins? I thought the crap ones actually dont take them... Ok, I must agree, mesmer isnt the best profession for pve. Tho pve isnt too hard and no mission or area is so hard that team couldnt take one mesmer.....
There's a 1,000+ post thread on this elsewhere...you may want to find that thread and post there, rather than rehash this in the PvE skill forum (an odd place to choose for it, to say the least)...
Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about players who do not want a Mesmer, Assassin or any specific Class in their party. Your options are to find a build that you can use to work with the group you are trying to join and the area you want to complete, or as said above, find guild members that will go with you. If your guild does not like to do the things you like to do in game, you may want to consider finding one that does.
Best of luck to you.
Best of luck to you.
what most teams want:
- tanks
- nukers
- monks
and nowadays only
- UB
- monks
- tanks
- nukers
- monks
and nowadays only
- UB
- monks
I loved heroes when they were first brought into the game. Fresh and exciting. You could fill out the missing members of a PUG team easy. Then suddenly things started to go quite, until the silence was deafining. People weren't trying to build teams any more they were H/H alone. An online game built round social interaction suddenly became a single player online game. I realised them Heroes were actually the worst thing in the long run to be introduced to the game. 7 hero's will most probably come when many have moved onto GW2 or something else.
But I suggest we have a Hero's free weekend so we can all rediscover what it's like to team up with strangers. Get to know them. Have a laugh and realise many of them are Dicks
But I suggest we have a Hero's free weekend so we can all rediscover what it's like to team up with strangers. Get to know them. Have a laugh and realise many of them are Dicks

We gonna have one of these threads once a week *sigh*
+1 in before close kthxbai
+1 in before close kthxbai
PUGging was killed with heroes. Adding 4 more won't make a difference, just make our lives easier... so don't count on it.
Originally Posted by Gift3d
PUGging was killed with heroes. Adding 4 more won't make a difference, just make our lives easier... so don't count on it.
PUGging is still going strong. The problem is the game is too easy in general. If you go to elite areas like DoA and Slavers, most people cant hench it.
Which was why ANet created Ursanway, to encourage people to PUG.
Which was why ANet created Ursanway, to encourage people to PUG.

people only PUG in hard missions or HM and most of the times UB, in the other90% of the game people H/H, and u have the peoples that can't make and easy mission, so yes the game is to easy, you don't have to work together to make it, if they make the game harder those bad people leave the game.