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This is Quincey

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2008

Eight V Eight [8v8]

Hi all,

This is a repost of the guild recruitment advert submitted on 02-19-2008.

We're looking for EURO r4/5+ players who want to kick back and play HA for fun!

Myself (r8) and a close friend (r10) are wanting to kick back and have some fun in HA, and we thought it would be cool to play and help out some 'lower' ranks. We play IWAY as a laugh, and do have a few pretty good fame runs, but we'd also like to play Spiritway/Bunnyway/Scrubway or whatever.

People who flame and get way too involved with playing lame please look somewhere else, we're just here to have fun and get some fame for people who are somewhat struggling elsewhere.

We may make some alterations to some r3 players depending on how far they are to r4. But if you're unranked, please don't message me!

Currently we've 8 members, consisting of a r10, r8, 2x r6 (one has r11 on main), r5, r4 and 2x r3. We're not a very big guild at the moment, but we all get along, which is the most important thing, so you won't just be joining a guild who's members hardly know eachother...

We may play GvG, but this will entirely depend on future events within the guild... Please drop a private message if interested, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible... Thanks!