Why ill never PVE Monk again...
so i have a lvl 10 mo/me. im using him 2 55, but in order 2 be a 55 i gotta get 2 lvl 20. i soloed my way up 2 10 and i decided 2 try my VERY 1ST TIME monking at the ruins of surmia mish in prphecies. i told them all b4 we left that this was my 1st time, i had a rez sig that rezzed ONCE, and i only had a few healign and prot spells. they said it was ok. the group consisited of me, a lvl 8 ranger,necro, and u guessed it the ultimate noob class W/Mo. all lvl 8 btw. so i said iv done it b4 and i culd probably lead. were half way thru the mish, no1 has gone underneath 50 percent health and im feeling pretty good about myself. all of the sudden the noob w/mo takes off while im collecting my pity charr armor and 7 gold lol. he charges off so far that his name turns gray. i thot he might be alright till we get there since he should have mending which evry lvl 8 w/mo should have. he starts taking dmage quick with no heal or regen and then he dies. i rez him and jokingly tell him thats what happens when u leeroy. (had 2 tell him what leeroy ment and the story behund it so i knew he was either really young or he is on a trial account and such a noob) i rez him and he does it again. leaves while were collecting our loot and dies. no1 else on my team bothered 2 bring a rez so i said o well. he staerts flipping on me telling me IM the noob. i was so pissed. i stopped healing 2 say something, my team dies and he puts the whole failed mish on me. i was so pissed and now were really getting in2 it. me calling him a noob and that the secondary class is there for a reason. he says he has 6 lvl 20's (all PVP we all know it). and then he leaves. i was so pissed and i now refuse 2 ever be a healing monk in PVE PUGS anymore. dont u just hate noobs like that. I am so pissed right now lol!!!
And the reason for this rant is...?
Stormlord Alex
1) Grow a thicker skin.
2) Please don't encourage W/Mo to use Healing Prayers. It's bad.
3) Proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation are your friends. If you're feeling pretty 'out there' you might even want to try paragraphs. You know, just for fun?
2) Please don't encourage W/Mo to use Healing Prayers. It's bad.
3) Proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation are your friends. If you're feeling pretty 'out there' you might even want to try paragraphs. You know, just for fun?
Moved to lyssa's fiction. Good story, but no one really cares about it in Campfire. If mods there don't like it, feel free to close

Kyomi Tachibana
Wlecome to the internet, it's pretty much full of asses, but there is the occasional good PuG, I mean, it's how I meant my guild.
Nightmares Hammer
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
1) Grow a thicker skin.
2) Please don't encourage W/Mo to use Healing Prayers. It's bad.
3) Proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation are your friends. If you're feeling pretty 'out there' you might even want to try paragraphs. You know, just for fun? QFT
12 chars.
2) Please don't encourage W/Mo to use Healing Prayers. It's bad.
3) Proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation are your friends. If you're feeling pretty 'out there' you might even want to try paragraphs. You know, just for fun? QFT
12 chars.
Albert Algorn
Well, to some degree tnel28 has a point. Unfortunately there is a tendency for players to run off from their monk or even worse draw the monk in to danger while attempting to heal them. If this player was a self respecting Wamo he should have a weak self-heal of some sort.
There are good pugs out there and people that understand that monks (1) don't have unlimited energy and (2) can't heal someone on the other side of the map...
Remember Thunderhead Keep and the Monk Strike?
There are good pugs out there and people that understand that monks (1) don't have unlimited energy and (2) can't heal someone on the other side of the map...
Remember Thunderhead Keep and the Monk Strike?

Originally Posted by Albert Algorn
Well, to some degree tnel28 has a point. Unfortunately there is a tendency for players to run off from their monk or even worse draw the monk in to danger while attempting to heal them. If this player was a self respecting Wamo he should have a weak self-heal of some sort.
There are good pugs out there and people that understand that monks (1) don't have unlimited energy and (2) can't heal someone on the other side of the map...
Remember Thunderhead Keep and the Monk Strike?
OMG the monk strike was for the win. I made a ranger and had it run there the name was I Despise Monks just to piss them off. Even though I also had a monk there and was switching between the 2 chars laughin my ass off.
Edit: Buy a hard res or don't bring a res at all. Ressing should be left up to other party members. It is a waste of a skill slot on a monk. If that helps you. Don't stop doing something because off one scrub ass hole
There are good pugs out there and people that understand that monks (1) don't have unlimited energy and (2) can't heal someone on the other side of the map...
Remember Thunderhead Keep and the Monk Strike?

OMG the monk strike was for the win. I made a ranger and had it run there the name was I Despise Monks just to piss them off. Even though I also had a monk there and was switching between the 2 chars laughin my ass off.
Edit: Buy a hard res or don't bring a res at all. Ressing should be left up to other party members. It is a waste of a skill slot on a monk. If that helps you. Don't stop doing something because off one scrub ass hole
sorry for further de-railing this thread but what exactly caused the monks to strike?
to the OP, don't take this exprience seriously. For bad players, it's always the monks fault
to the OP, don't take this exprience seriously. For bad players, it's always the monks fault
haha thanx 4 the support guys, noobs just piss me off so much. and as 4 spelling, trust me i can spell but it takes 2 long 2 go back and manually spell check, i miss microsoft word...
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by tnel28
and as 4 spelling, trust me i can spell but it takes 2 long 2 go back and manually spell check, i miss microsoft word...
It doesn't take much to hit enter when you reach the end of a paragraph.
Not so much important to gamers Tnel28, but to those of us who pride ourselves on grammar. Improper grammar leads to the local A Level Philosophy class have a right giggle over how you are going to 'tackle, abolish and teach the truth about the accurate history of the bible'.
Besides, the is Lyssa's domain, a realm of fiction and fanatsy, don't insulte the other writers.
Besides, the is Lyssa's domain, a realm of fiction and fanatsy, don't insulte the other writers.
Whether you want to do it full time or not, I highly suggest you play your Monk as a Monk until you are able to 55. Learning how to Heal or Protect makes you better at the game. You learn what ALL classes do, what monsters do, and how to deal with it. A 55 who doesn't know what the monsters he will face are using, or how to deal with them takes longer to develop. Guilds will always appreciate a Monk that can do GvG, TA, HA, etc. with them, or help people in a quest/mission.
PUGs are bad a lot. Playing as a Monk, you will take a lot of blame, even when there is none to be given to you. If your attitude towards the game is like this, I wouldn't want to be on your team even if you were playing a W/Mo that used a good build (which is rare).
PUGs are bad a lot. Playing as a Monk, you will take a lot of blame, even when there is none to be given to you. If your attitude towards the game is like this, I wouldn't want to be on your team even if you were playing a W/Mo that used a good build (which is rare).
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by tnel28
GAMERS... It's just the fact that it makes it easier to read, kk? Nobody wants to read a wall of bla.
GAMERS... It's just the fact that it makes it easier to read, kk? Nobody wants to read a wall of bla.
Learning to spell helps too.
If you guys didn't focus on .. his horrible post (okay, his post was terrible to read, I admit), you'd realize there is some truth in it. Most people who play this game are retards! Some people have no concept of how to play in a team...
Melody Cross
Originally Posted by tnel28
Sorry. I didn't realize that paragraphs and spelling was important to GAMERS... It should matter to you
Proper spelling and grammar help others read your thoughts, and better get your message across. Besides; wherever you originally submitted this thread, its in Lyssa's now. Constructive criticism is a pre-requisite.
However...your message does come across in the OP. I'd label this creative non-fiction attempt #1. It shows a realistic and frankly dark side of PuGs from a profession that has a tendency to be sat on by many. There are--let us speak frankly--players in this game who think if you are not dealing damage then you must not know how to play. I have seen this in game a couple of times when I PuGed (back in the dark ages, when heroes were a glimmer in Anet's eye and surviving THK was the how we cut the wheat from the chaff).
I remember one time when those words were typed to me almost verbatim. A warrior died in a group and said I knew nothing of how to play. I told him that I had been playing my monk for a pretty long time and that it was my main character. He then proceeded to laugh at me, and tell me how bad I must be to rely on others to deal damage for me. His exact words were ----ed, but they came across as "You must KNOW you suck if you expect everyone else in this game to drag you through all the missions." I asked if anyone else had brought a rez and--once it was confirmed that all the signets were burned--walked up to his corpse and Bambied him, typing in all chat: "Well, since YOU can't deal any damage right now, I guess that means we both suck!"
Was this a nice thing for me to do? Certainly not, and I loathe to share such a shameless expierience save to prove this point:
There are people in the world that are just plain idiots. Worse; THEY CAN VOTE AND BREED!
Now that is a reason to stick one's head in the sand...or endorse forced castration...
Sorry. I didn't realize that paragraphs and spelling was important to GAMERS... It should matter to you

However...your message does come across in the OP. I'd label this creative non-fiction attempt #1. It shows a realistic and frankly dark side of PuGs from a profession that has a tendency to be sat on by many. There are--let us speak frankly--players in this game who think if you are not dealing damage then you must not know how to play. I have seen this in game a couple of times when I PuGed (back in the dark ages, when heroes were a glimmer in Anet's eye and surviving THK was the how we cut the wheat from the chaff).
I remember one time when those words were typed to me almost verbatim. A warrior died in a group and said I knew nothing of how to play. I told him that I had been playing my monk for a pretty long time and that it was my main character. He then proceeded to laugh at me, and tell me how bad I must be to rely on others to deal damage for me. His exact words were ----ed, but they came across as "You must KNOW you suck if you expect everyone else in this game to drag you through all the missions." I asked if anyone else had brought a rez and--once it was confirmed that all the signets were burned--walked up to his corpse and Bambied him, typing in all chat: "Well, since YOU can't deal any damage right now, I guess that means we both suck!"
Was this a nice thing for me to do? Certainly not, and I loathe to share such a shameless expierience save to prove this point:
There are people in the world that are just plain idiots. Worse; THEY CAN VOTE AND BREED!
Now that is a reason to stick one's head in the sand...or endorse forced castration...
I cant believe the w/mo didnt have mending omfg what a noob
I cant believe the w/mo didnt have mending omfg what a noob
Welcome to Monkdom. This is what I've been dealing with for near three years now. Being a monk requires a thick skin. If you just want a work horse (55 for farming) then go level up in Factions; it's much faster. If you are Prophecies only then you will need to stick it out.
Everything MagmaRed wrote is correct. You can learn a lot from being a healer. Being a healer or protector requires a lot of situational awareness (SA). That's why monks are great: they've got thick skins, they have a good sense of what is going on around them, and most importantly they know how to stay alive and out of trouble. These concepts will carry over to all characters you play. That's why I think everyone should play through one of the campaigns as a monk.
As for me, I can't stand playing melee characters because when you get in the heat of the moment you lose a bit of SA. Playing as a caster and ranged armored char seems to raise SA a bit because you look at the battlefield fro ma distance. I guess that's why warriors and assassins and dervish seem to go charging off into bad situations: the whole "I killed you good" mentality takes over and they jeopardize group safety.
Everything MagmaRed wrote is correct. You can learn a lot from being a healer. Being a healer or protector requires a lot of situational awareness (SA). That's why monks are great: they've got thick skins, they have a good sense of what is going on around them, and most importantly they know how to stay alive and out of trouble. These concepts will carry over to all characters you play. That's why I think everyone should play through one of the campaigns as a monk.
As for me, I can't stand playing melee characters because when you get in the heat of the moment you lose a bit of SA. Playing as a caster and ranged armored char seems to raise SA a bit because you look at the battlefield fro ma distance. I guess that's why warriors and assassins and dervish seem to go charging off into bad situations: the whole "I killed you good" mentality takes over and they jeopardize group safety.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by tnel28
i thot he might be alright till we get there since he should have mending which evry lvl 8 w/mo should have.
This is the point where I stopped reading and realized you're an idiot
Alex Morningstar
Originally Posted by tnel28
so i have a lvl 10 mo/me. im using him 2 55, but in order 2 be a 55 i gotta get 2 lvl 20. i soloed my way up 2 10 and i decided 2 try my VERY 1ST TIME monking at the ruins of surmia mish in prphecies. i told them all b4 we left that this was my 1st time, i had a rez sig that rezzed ONCE, and i only had a few healign and prot spells. they said it was ok. the group consisited of me, a lvl 8 ranger,necro, and u guessed it the ultimate noob class W/Mo. all lvl 8 btw. so i said iv done it b4 and i culd probably lead. were half way thru the mish, no1 has gone underneath 50 percent health and im feeling pretty good about myself. all of the sudden the noob w/mo takes off while im collecting my pity charr armor and 7 gold lol. he charges off so far that his name turns gray. i thot he might be alright till we get there since he should have mending which evry lvl 8 w/mo should have. he starts taking dmage quick with no heal or regen and then he dies. i rez him and jokingly tell him thats what happens when u leeroy. (had 2 tell him what leeroy ment and the story behund it so i knew he was either really young or he is on a trial account and such a noob) i rez him and he does it again. leaves while were collecting our loot and dies. no1 else on my team bothered 2 bring a rez so i said o well. he staerts flipping on me telling me IM the noob. i was so pissed. i stopped healing 2 say something, my team dies and he puts the whole failed mish on me. i was so pissed and now were really getting in2 it. me calling him a noob and that the secondary class is there for a reason. he says he has 6 lvl 20's (all PVP we all know it). and then he leaves. i was so pissed and i now refuse 2 ever be a healing monk in PVE PUGS anymore. dont u just hate noobs like that. I am so pissed right now lol!!!
Seriously though, if you want anyone to take you seriously, basic grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs might get you more sympathy. Perhaps less flames.
Get Vengence or Unyielding Aura for unruly pugs.
Seriously though, if you want anyone to take you seriously, basic grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs might get you more sympathy. Perhaps less flames.
Get Vengence or Unyielding Aura for unruly pugs.
So I have a level ten Monk/Mesmer. I'm using him to fifty-five, but in order to be a fifty-five i have to get to level twenty. I soloed my way up to level ten and I decided to try my very first time monking at the Ruins of Surmia mission in Prophecies. I told them all before we left that this was my first time and that I had a ressurection signet that ressurected once, and that I only had a few healing and protection spells. They said it was okay.
The group consisited of me, a level eight Ranger, Necro, and you guessed it the, ultimate noob class, a Warrior/Monk. All level eight by the way. So I said I have done this mission before and I could probably lead.
We are half way through the mission and no one has gone underneath fifty percent health and I'm feeling pretty good about myself. All of the sudden, the noob Warrior/Monk takes off while I'm collecting my pity Charr armor and seven gold. He charges off so far that his name turns gray. I thought that he might be alright until we get there since he should have mending (joke, please don not take this seriously, any healing spell would work but mending is used mostly by noobs) which every level eight Warrior/Monk should have. He starts taking damage quickly with no heal or regeneneration and then he dies.
I ressurect him and jokingly tell him that that is what happens when you Leeroy. (I had to tell him what Leeroy meant and the story behind it so I knew he was either really young or he is on a trial account and such a noob.)I ressurect him and he does it again. He leaves while we are collecting our loot and dies, again. no one else on my team bothered to bring a ressurect so i said oh well. he starts flipping on me telling me that I am the noob. I was so pissed. I stopped healing to say something, my team dies and he puts the whole failed misssiob on me.
I was so pissed and now we are really getting in to it. Me calling him a noob and that the secondary class is there for a reason. He says he has six level twentys (all PVP, we all know it). Then he leaves. I was so pissed and I now refuse to ever be a healing monk in PVE PUG's anymore. Don't you just hate noobs like that. I am so pissed right now!
Okay, so please no hate mail on my grammar and spelling.
The group consisited of me, a level eight Ranger, Necro, and you guessed it the, ultimate noob class, a Warrior/Monk. All level eight by the way. So I said I have done this mission before and I could probably lead.
We are half way through the mission and no one has gone underneath fifty percent health and I'm feeling pretty good about myself. All of the sudden, the noob Warrior/Monk takes off while I'm collecting my pity Charr armor and seven gold. He charges off so far that his name turns gray. I thought that he might be alright until we get there since he should have mending (joke, please don not take this seriously, any healing spell would work but mending is used mostly by noobs) which every level eight Warrior/Monk should have. He starts taking damage quickly with no heal or regeneneration and then he dies.
I ressurect him and jokingly tell him that that is what happens when you Leeroy. (I had to tell him what Leeroy meant and the story behind it so I knew he was either really young or he is on a trial account and such a noob.)I ressurect him and he does it again. He leaves while we are collecting our loot and dies, again. no one else on my team bothered to bring a ressurect so i said oh well. he starts flipping on me telling me that I am the noob. I was so pissed. I stopped healing to say something, my team dies and he puts the whole failed misssiob on me.
I was so pissed and now we are really getting in to it. Me calling him a noob and that the secondary class is there for a reason. He says he has six level twentys (all PVP, we all know it). Then he leaves. I was so pissed and I now refuse to ever be a healing monk in PVE PUG's anymore. Don't you just hate noobs like that. I am so pissed right now!
Okay, so please no hate mail on my grammar and spelling.
Ì don't know wether to laugh or cry.
1) ...You expect to much
2)...People are human (And that = Retarded in most of the community)
3) Well, if ONE setback breaks you... then life will be hell for you.
1) ...You expect to much
2)...People are human (And that = Retarded in most of the community)
3) Well, if ONE setback breaks you... then life will be hell for you.
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
2) Please don't encourage W/Mo to use Healing Prayers. It's bad.
3) Proper spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation are your friends. If you're feeling pretty 'out there' you might even want to try paragraphs. You know, just for fun?
at 3 - dont joke ^
over-all its just a rant against someone...no need for it just if your PO'd with someone for being annoying....ever been to RA?
get some patience xD
Originally Posted by Alex Morningstar
678910 Seriously though, if you want anyone to take you seriously, basic grammar, sentence structure and paragraphs might get you more sympathy. Perhaps less flames. Get Vengence or Unyielding Aura for unruly pugs. ...or go totally out there and take hench? never know what my happen ---------------- mods close plz its a rant not a story lol Flem
this is a pretty obvious troll.