Here are some concept classes idea. I'm just posting them now so I don't forget them later and to see if anyone else thinks they're worth fleshing out.
Big sword and big bow. Has skills that do extra damage or have special effects depend on the kind of creature you're hitting. Primary could be when you have a skill equipped that mentions a certain kind of enemy, you gain a bonus or something. Armor would be between warrior and ranger. Leans more toward PvE than PvP.
Unarmed fighter. Can instill allies into killing frenzies or enemies to rout. Uses shouts and spirits bolster and hinder. Low armor, high evasiveness/self resurrection possibly. Would use adrenaline like warrior and paragon. Primary: no clue.
Uses hammer and holy magic to destroy enemies. Takes the monk's smiting and warrior's hammer and fleshes the small synergy there already into a full class. Primary no clue.
Low armor, high damage. Duel wields sword, can throw them at enemies from a distance. Similar to dervish i know, but does not use enchantments or energy at all really. Adrenaline user again. Has different stances that they maintain and can carry the swords they use any combination of backhanded/normal for different effects.
I had a beserker class all ready posted here, but its been a long time so i haven't been able to find it. Uses great weapons or claws, has rage abilities.
Found my orignal Beserker class. link:
Big and slow. Has highest armor, but while equipped it slows movement speed. Would use great weapons(polearms/two handed axe/sword). Would be able to increase aggro circle and control aggro.
That's all for now. More might be added. Some might be dropped. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
Concept Classes
You may need to work on your spelling just a little bit. Please consider that before you start a thread. Oh, and concerning the topic of your thread...
the great thing about GW is that you don't need these concepts because you can do whatever you want!
the great thing about GW is that you don't need these concepts because you can do whatever you want!
Originally Posted by Expherious
You may need to work on your spelling just a little bit. Please consider that before you start a thread. Oh, and concerning the topic of your thread...
the great thing about GW is that you don't need these concepts because you can do whatever you want! |
Please post one Concept Class per thread, and could the OP perhaps go into more detail next time.