Originally Posted by Esan
Gold sellers put money in Anet's pockets by buying new accounts. HFFF bots just soak up bandwidth. You don't need a Ph.D. in economics to see which is more deserving of a ban. An EULA violation is an EULA violation is an EULA violation.
Um: Gold sellers are illegal in some parts. Not merely against the rules, but against the LAWS of that locality. Hence i ti s A-Nets best interest to patrol and respond to reports of Gold Sellers (bot or otherwise), whether they are actively developing the game, or just days short of retirement. Similar can be said of account sellers depending on how the sale is handled.
As for Bot farming: Quite possible this is being done, but I haven't watched closely enough. And besides, in this instance, a good farmer will look rather similar to a bot -- Running out the door every 80 seconds or so.
I'm thinking if any permanent fix is to be done for bots, it will be done to the client/server interface. I haven't looked at cryptography enough however to tell if this is even possible in a reliable manner, but if it were easy it'd have been done before now.
Any other attempts to fix bots are window-dressing. Make it physically impossible to use a substitue client, sure. Fail to operate if any program is setup to 'submit' keystrokes (to the detriment of those who adore macros...) Short of those 2 things happening, bots won't go away.
As for HFF, it is a major influence on the economy inside the game. You take this out, you cut the legs out from the economy as well (Think: Less gold = 1 gold has more value. Rare-mats prices would plummet. Rare skin item prices too). Because of this, I doubt the gold reward will be removed. I don't see the faction reward getting removed -- If that were to happen it would have happened more than a year ago when FFF was running on it. I likewise don't see any justification for taking the time to nerf the xp reward.
In short: The costs of nerfing it would outweigh the costs of retaining it, and any action to nerf it would have happened over a year ago if any nerf was going to happen.
If bots can't farm this, here, they will be used to farm that, there. While I would rather they not exist, I would also rather that they farm this here than that there.