Crazy Agro AI
Is it just me or has the AI gone nuts recently?
I have noticed that recently the AI is a lot more aggressive than the norm chasing mobs and grabbing agro from where ever it can.
Before I would be able to flag and hold the ai in the agro bubble, now they will run off all over the joint attacking willy nilly. This not only applies to the henches who you have no control over but to the hero's who even when you place then on guard mode will still run off.
Here is a perfect example.
I've just joined HM Ring of Fire and Devona has run off after the musaat chasing the dwarf.
I have noticed that recently the AI is a lot more aggressive than the norm chasing mobs and grabbing agro from where ever it can.
Before I would be able to flag and hold the ai in the agro bubble, now they will run off all over the joint attacking willy nilly. This not only applies to the henches who you have no control over but to the hero's who even when you place then on guard mode will still run off.
Here is a perfect example.
I've just joined HM Ring of Fire and Devona has run off after the musaat chasing the dwarf.
Ele Mental
is her attack status set to attack, guard, or avoid combat
that may be the reason
i on the other hand are having trouble with my heros not attacking XD
that may be the reason
i on the other hand are having trouble with my heros not attacking XD
It has gone nuts.
Doing Arborstone. Carrying the urn. I call a target and Devona rushes past the called target, down the stairs and aggroes next two groups.
Plus I also have my suspicions about somebody messing up the ability for the chars to find a way to the target.
The gang gets stuck:
The same thing at Arborstone: (seconds before Devona going on a rampage)
And in Kourna getting stuck on a spirit:
(yeah I KINDA noticed that they were stuck a FEW moments too late!
Ahh - good times!
And more importantly - my characater also gets stuck all the time. I select a target - space it - and my char walks up a wall.
Doing Arborstone. Carrying the urn. I call a target and Devona rushes past the called target, down the stairs and aggroes next two groups.
Plus I also have my suspicions about somebody messing up the ability for the chars to find a way to the target.
The gang gets stuck:
The same thing at Arborstone: (seconds before Devona going on a rampage)
And in Kourna getting stuck on a spirit:
(yeah I KINDA noticed that they were stuck a FEW moments too late!
Ahh - good times!
And more importantly - my characater also gets stuck all the time. I select a target - space it - and my char walks up a wall.
Macks Mistress
I was doing one of the ring of fire missions last night. Cynn was having a wail of a time sodding off to do god knows what.
Hero AI has gone a tad silly too. I started noticing it around Wintersday but I'm not overly observant sometimes...

Hero AI has gone a tad silly too. I started noticing it around Wintersday but I'm not overly observant sometimes...
Mmm interesting.
I noticed in a vanquish last night that heroes frequently ignored my nicely balled-mobs and chose random squishy targets way infront. Thus dying horribly as they run past me.
Perhaps a recent update is to blame?
I noticed in a vanquish last night that heroes frequently ignored my nicely balled-mobs and chose random squishy targets way infront. Thus dying horribly as they run past me.
Perhaps a recent update is to blame?
Originally Posted by upier
And in Kourna getting stuck on a spirit:
(yeah I KINDA noticed that they were stuck a FEW moments too late! |
Bascially, the way it works is the AI will not move into agro bubble range of a spirit created by a mob that is not currently agroed. This means they:
- Stop following you if you walk past a spirit (sometimes they find a way around if you go through it).
- Won't move to flags in the spirits area, or that require them to move past it (instead they huddle up on the edge of its agro area).
- Will not engage in combat that requires going in/through the spirits area with groups that did not create the spirit (sometimes with groups that did, too).
This behavior has caused me to die several times because I didn't notice in time that the henches weren't following me anymore, agroed a group, died on my own, and then see the whole rest of my group huddled up with a spirit at the edge of their agro bubble. I'd rather they just not attack spirits on their own, and walk past them (like they do with Becalmed Djinns in the Kathandrax dungeon, for example) unless the group that created the spirit is already agroed.
i noticed that all my casters h/h getting in melee range all the time recently..
Case: Farming zaishem faction.
Monk + 3 heroes. Heroes stand in orderly line in front of my character (T formation which they do when its 4-man team and player is caster). IW mesmers approach; they obviously want to attack me as primary target (i got hexed, etc.) But they get stuck on heroes. They wiggle forth and back randomly, not attacking anything.
Heroes are set on "attack mode" btw, and just stand there and pick their noses, recasting attunements while those 4 mesmers recast their IW occasionally and keep me under imagined burden. Hell, i gave heroes PBAOEs and variety of skills (shatter enchant, snares etc ...) they don't use them with perfectly valid foe target on range and on full energy and with 12 points in att.
Ofc, if i call target, its done fast.
If i flag those heroes away so that iw mesmers have clean path to me battle proceeds normally: iw mesmers reach me and start wailing on me, heroes nuke them (acting essentially like they were set on guard instead of attack.).
If i choose character like warrior that results in reserved T formation (me in front, ai in line behind me.) Battle proceeds as expected.
So yeah, something is wrong. AI pathing, Hero aggression setting.
Monk + 3 heroes. Heroes stand in orderly line in front of my character (T formation which they do when its 4-man team and player is caster). IW mesmers approach; they obviously want to attack me as primary target (i got hexed, etc.) But they get stuck on heroes. They wiggle forth and back randomly, not attacking anything.
Heroes are set on "attack mode" btw, and just stand there and pick their noses, recasting attunements while those 4 mesmers recast their IW occasionally and keep me under imagined burden. Hell, i gave heroes PBAOEs and variety of skills (shatter enchant, snares etc ...) they don't use them with perfectly valid foe target on range and on full energy and with 12 points in att.
Ofc, if i call target, its done fast.
If i flag those heroes away so that iw mesmers have clean path to me battle proceeds normally: iw mesmers reach me and start wailing on me, heroes nuke them (acting essentially like they were set on guard instead of attack.).
If i choose character like warrior that results in reserved T formation (me in front, ai in line behind me.) Battle proceeds as expected.
So yeah, something is wrong. AI pathing, Hero aggression setting.
same im getting pwned by eotn charrs can hardly take more than 2 groups of 8 when i use too can the h/h run around doing jack all
I've noticed that the offensive caster AI has gone a bit Wobbly. Despite flagging my necros and eles to a suitable point, they will run far away from their flag to stand next to whatever they are casting at. I never set up my caster heroes with touch/PBAoE skills, so I can't blame that, and I have them set to 'Guard'. I don't have this problem with any of my other heroes (monks are set to passive, everything else is set to guard).
Much fun watching Master of Whispers charge to a fiery/poisoned death.
Much fun watching Master of Whispers charge to a fiery/poisoned death.
I've noticed recently that warrior henchies have their attack mode set on "attack," so they will run over half a map chasing mobs -.-'
Anet, set them to defensive (and monks to avoid combat PLEASE)
Anet, set them to defensive (and monks to avoid combat PLEASE)
Melee H/H are just bad altogether. The best thing to do is use the two monk henchmen, a third support hench like rit in factions or para in NF, and the earth warder. Then roll 3 damage heroes and set yourself to damage. If your a monk then that messes up the plan, unless you want to smite.
All henchmen really need to be set to defensive mode. Or we should just get 7 heroes, but everyone believes that they are overpowered with their poor AI and lack of PVE skills. I guess its no wonder why everyone runs UB nowadays.

All henchmen really need to be set to defensive mode. Or we should just get 7 heroes, but everyone believes that they are overpowered with their poor AI and lack of PVE skills. I guess its no wonder why everyone runs UB nowadays.
Anime Divine
ive had this happen a 2 times to me 2 days earlier
i was vanquishing rheas crater in cantha with h/h.
i wanted to agro 1 mob of of rockhide dragon from the 3 mobs there.
and guess what my heroes and hench do run forward past me and agro all:S and i flagged them ffs.
and i was the only melee in my group i was like wtf. after the 2nd time decided to put them way back or just charge in and kill.
i was vanquishing rheas crater in cantha with h/h.
i wanted to agro 1 mob of of rockhide dragon from the 3 mobs there.
and guess what my heroes and hench do run forward past me and agro all:S and i flagged them ffs.
and i was the only melee in my group i was like wtf. after the 2nd time decided to put them way back or just charge in and kill.
Yep, especially wariors are tend to do that.
But a other thing that they should improve.. is that when you stop
walking that H&H always stand infront of you.
They should make it standard that they stand a few feet behind you.
But a other thing that they should improve.. is that when you stop
walking that H&H always stand infront of you.
They should make it standard that they stand a few feet behind you.
Originally Posted by Scary
Yep, especially wariors are tend to do that.
But a other thing that they should improve.. is that when you stop walking that H&H always stand infront of you. They should make it standard that they stand a few feet behind you. |
Yeah Devona is definitely set to Attack. Ive noticed if I Ctrl-Click a mob and then run the other way, Devona is the only one who will run across half the map to agro that mob, then run back to me, or just die
Stolen Souls
I stopped using melee henchmen soon after Factions came out...because, well...they are stupid. Same goes for melee heros, for the most part. Not much use besides running past the called target to aggro some more mobs, or suddenly running off on their own, chasing after that lone enemy as it runs back to another mob.
However, I noticed that lately the casters are acting dense, as well. I was wondering if it was just my imagination, that it seems like my heros' IQs are dropping a bit, and why Sousuke INSISTS on SFing that warrior while I repeatedly call the Monk. >_>
Maybe they're starting to rebel.
However, I noticed that lately the casters are acting dense, as well. I was wondering if it was just my imagination, that it seems like my heros' IQs are dropping a bit, and why Sousuke INSISTS on SFing that warrior while I repeatedly call the Monk. >_>
Maybe they're starting to rebel.
~ Dan ~
So Devona does a leeroy, what's new? I notice you haven't any flags set. Use them.
I've had that happen with Master and Devona. I was doing Kathandrax and at the Wurm with the key part at the first level, the wurm attacks and Devona went charging past the enemies we were currently attacking and started to go after the wurm and was half way down when I noticed and flagged her back. Made me go wtf.
Numa Pompilius
It's not new. If you attack a mob with ranged weapon or spells the melee heros will try to get to it, and if there's no direct route (e.g. you're on a cliff) to the mob they will try to find one, even if it means a big sightseeing-and-aggroing-tour of the map.
AFAI can remember they've always worked like that. Pop down a flag to stop her charging.
Another times the AI may do unexpected things is if you put the flag on a bridge. There's a good chance your melee heroes will run off in an attempt to get _under_ the bridge, because since there's no true z-axis in GW the henches do not know if the flag is on or under the bridge.
AFAI can remember they've always worked like that. Pop down a flag to stop her charging.
Another times the AI may do unexpected things is if you put the flag on a bridge. There's a good chance your melee heroes will run off in an attempt to get _under_ the bridge, because since there's no true z-axis in GW the henches do not know if the flag is on or under the bridge.
yeh i noticed that
when i go of to fight i suddenly realise i'm standing there alone in the front and my henchies stay behind
when i go of to fight i suddenly realise i'm standing there alone in the front and my henchies stay behind
Originally Posted by dan-the-noob
So Devona does a leeroy, what's new? I notice you haven't any flags set. Use them.
During Abaddon's Mouth, I got REALLY mad at heroes. I got a very unlucky spawn - necro + monk bosses. I was a stance tank R/W with knockdowns. I have spent about 15 minutes because THOSE STUPID NUKERS DIDN'T WANT TO NUKE MONK BOSS!! They were instead trying to kill necro, even if he had a self-heal, hex for regen and monk's healing. Thanks.
Or I noticed that Devona ignores my calls and goes after a non-squishy target...
Or I noticed that Devona ignores my calls and goes after a non-squishy target...
yeh i noticed that when i go of to fight i suddenly realise i'm standing there alone in the front and my henchies stay behind |
It's not new. If you attack a mob with ranged weapon or spells the melee heros will try to get to it, |
It sucks though because when you combine the "flag them way back" with the problem I quoted above, it's easy to get hit by that non-movement bug they have and run too far into a patrol to get back out without dying.
For awhile there the H/Hs were actually getting kind of smart, but now we're back to the Prophecies days where it's like herding cats with them sometimes...
They were instead trying to kill necro, even if he had a self-heal, hex for regen and monk's healing. Thanks. |
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by psycore
You don't think I know how to use flags? Nice reading comprehension there.
Lyssa Apate
I noticed during vanquishing Marga Coast that the H/H would run to the group of Kournans if we were spotted by a Spotter. Even with panic flags they'd still charge in and pretty much go boom.
I noticed during vanquishing Marga Coast that the H/H would run to the group of Kournans if we were spotted by a Spotter. Even with panic flags they'd still charge in and pretty much go boom.
Stolen Souls
And let's not forget those lovely instances where, Devona or Koss decides to leeroy in and aggro, you go "aw shit" *place flag*, *he/she runs back to flag, huge mob hot on their tail*.
Master Knightfall
Lately I'm seeing both out of the AI on the NPC side as well as heroes and henchies. I set my hereos/henchies way back and pull and somehow someway another mob futher away comes and enters the fray in some battles. Where all those griffons are and Avicara birds when you come out of Camp Rankor into Talus chute. My gawd everything agroed and I wasn't anywhere near the griffons.
Then in the Consolate Docks mission Kormir runs all over the place even backtracks to areas we've already been to and taken. And the hero AI for attacking has gotten rediculous. I've watched NPC's/mobs shake hands with my heroes and henchies before even anyone fires a shot and used to I could just stand there and watch the battles between the heroes and mobs, but, now they stop in the middle of the fight and DANCE or YAWN and the NPC/MOBS do the very same thing. It's almost laughable to see them stop and do a dance step and then go back to fighting.
Anet needs to take a serious look at ALL the AI lately, it's not doing like it used to and is even WORSE now than before. All this running around for no reason, dancing during the middle of a fight or not even fighting at all.
Oh an another thing Heroes STILL will not Blood Ritiual my MONKS!! This is annoying as hell since MONKS need ENERGY too.
They will blood ritiual each other (necro and elementalist) like there is no tomorrow, but, you let Dunkoro get low on energy and they act like he's not even there.
The other issue is Dunkoro wasting his energy healing MINIONS with single heal spells. I like him to use Heal Area when all the minions are around him but, healing Minions during a battle is rediculous, especially when my necro is setup to use Death Nova on them. Please fix this Anet. Put a very low priority heal percent on minions like 1% or 10% max and have them (the monks) save their energy for ME and my heroes.
Then in the Consolate Docks mission Kormir runs all over the place even backtracks to areas we've already been to and taken. And the hero AI for attacking has gotten rediculous. I've watched NPC's/mobs shake hands with my heroes and henchies before even anyone fires a shot and used to I could just stand there and watch the battles between the heroes and mobs, but, now they stop in the middle of the fight and DANCE or YAWN and the NPC/MOBS do the very same thing. It's almost laughable to see them stop and do a dance step and then go back to fighting.
Anet needs to take a serious look at ALL the AI lately, it's not doing like it used to and is even WORSE now than before. All this running around for no reason, dancing during the middle of a fight or not even fighting at all.
Oh an another thing Heroes STILL will not Blood Ritiual my MONKS!! This is annoying as hell since MONKS need ENERGY too.

The other issue is Dunkoro wasting his energy healing MINIONS with single heal spells. I like him to use Heal Area when all the minions are around him but, healing Minions during a battle is rediculous, especially when my necro is setup to use Death Nova on them. Please fix this Anet. Put a very low priority heal percent on minions like 1% or 10% max and have them (the monks) save their energy for ME and my heroes.
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
The other issue is Dunkoro wasting his energy healing MINIONS with single heal spells.
I love when Tahlk wastes 10 energy to use Prot Spirit on an almost-dead minion. If they can improve the AI for stuff like Holy Veil and BHA, why can't they fix other stuff like this? :/
Master Knightfall
Hey Stolen SOuls try Divine Intervention when I'm dying and Dunkoro casts it on a minion. lol
Nothing more annoying than having Devona rush in a mob even though ALL the party is flagged miles away from it. I've had this happen a few times and I don't get the AI she has... anyways, whatever it is, it's horrible. I remember having a friends' heroes running to a target, 3 mobs past us, when he had "Targeted" (I'm targeting <whatever>") and not "I'm attacking <whatever>".
Spirits seem to greatly confuse our dear heroes and henchies. They stand at least half an aggro bubble from one and stay there. If I wand it, suddenly it's all hands on deck for about five seconds; back to normal until the next spirit.
i've seen this and felt this way too recently. its really hard to just generally control the aggro nowadays.
Numa Pompilius
(h/h's not keeping up)
Sounds like you guys have a minionbomber. They lag behind because they stop to cast their enchants on ALL their minions before they go into battle. Also, that behavior may draw your healers back from you, as the necro sacrifices health.
Solution: pop down a flag. A fresh flag cancels the necros current action. Also will stop a charging Devona and make her come back.
Originally Posted by Ctb
VERY annoying. I've died and been kicked out of too many missions and quests because of that bug.
Solution: pop down a flag. A fresh flag cancels the necros current action. Also will stop a charging Devona and make her come back.
My Master of Whispers (I've taken to calling him Master of Whiskers now) has been out of control lately. I was helping a guildie with Abaddon's Mouth yesterday, and I brought Whiskers... Once, we were standing somewhere waiting for a guy to come back from afk, and a mob wandered nearby... Whiskers just runs off, out of our aggro circle, and aggro's them. He was flagged next to me, set on Guard.
I was going to post something about this but thought it may just be my imagination. I can't seem to get the H/H to attack my called targets anymore, running my necro through the torment areas yesterday I had to just sit and watch the mobs use Call to the Torment over and over while the group set off to attack a quickening zephyr spirit or two...
At one stage I ended up figting six Arm of Torments and four Rain of torments when I only had one group aggroed. so much fun....
I don't mind the less than perfect AI normally as I want to have to do some stuff myself but the past couple of weeks both the heroes and the hench have been awful.
At one stage I ended up figting six Arm of Torments and four Rain of torments when I only had one group aggroed. so much fun....
I don't mind the less than perfect AI normally as I want to have to do some stuff myself but the past couple of weeks both the heroes and the hench have been awful.
Why are you people still bringing Devona. I was thinking that by now, everyone knows she was trained by Stoneskin.
Originally Posted by Antheus
Why are you people still bringing Devona. I was thinking that by now, everyone knows she was trained by Stoneskin.
HERO AI is slowly become worse, and worse, and worse. 
Please fix anet. I can't stand hero battles anymore.

Please fix anet. I can't stand hero battles anymore.
Cale Roughstar
Good lord, I stopped using Devona ages ago. Too many deaths in the Ring of Fire finally made me say "screw it" almost 2 years ago.