Originally Posted by genofreek
I see your point, but surely you recognize that the noble lore of soldiers uniting against the charr invasion is sort of... not the way the game works in reality. Storylines are nice, and that's part of the reason I play PvE almost exclusively.
It is not merely the storyline, it is the game story line.
But really, you're asking to forego paying for a service that, while simple, takes up someone's time. They expect to be paid for it. If you were on the other side of the deal, I imagine you'd be furious at all the welfare-riding freeloaders profiting off your blood, sweat, and tears.
I do not want their sweat or tears. But if they intend to keep preying upon their fellow Ascalons for attempting to defend them I may want them swinging from a tall tree.
It is not possible for me to be furious with those who are risking resurrection in my defense. When I have let people into the north I have not charged and have mapped out refusing payment because the taking of payment is unethical. The Free Riders (John Rawls) are those who take an unfair advantage to selfishly coerce profit from fellow soldiers because there is no just means of accessing the Northlands for working on the title.
I don't quite understand your inability to do anything else in the game, but that's on you. Your choice, cross to bear, whatever you'd call it. Personally, I can't stand to do the same thing for long. When doing HFFF I usually quit after about 4-5k because I just can't stand it anymore. Anyway, good luck.
I have 9 level 20s. The only non-level 20 is the remake of a character I would not have had to remake if the title would have been possible to achieve for those that had already left Pre and for whose storyline it fit. I have already finished all 4 campaigns with at least one character each. This is the only character that I cannot work with the others because of the refusal by people like MagmaRed to support efficient, effective, enjoyable, reasonable, and functional access to character needs. (All so that the foundation of an award for Spite may be nostalgically maintained.)
Originally Posted by Rushin Roulette
You really see to be taking this storylline far too serious... you are NOT a soldier and north of the Wall is NOT a battlefield, you are going in there alone and without an army and murdering innocent campers at their campfire... men women and children Charr. They just want to be left alone. No wonder they are pissed off beyond any reason and start the searing. You are the cause of the searing.
You think that you are so moral now looking at it from that point of view?
This is in everyway like trying to compare Bin Laden to George Washington and calling both Freedom Fighters. To both be Freedom Fighters they would have to both be fighting for something called Freedom. But one was risking personal fortune, valued life, engaged only as needed, fought standing armies, and fought for freedom – in case your education is lacking that was George Washington. The other, Bin Laden, misappropriates others fortunes, self admittedly values death, engages for sensationalism, murders women and children using women and children (while himself hiding in seclusion, runs from standing armies, and fights to impose oppressive murderous theocratic dictatorships. But because you have bought into the pseudo-reasoning that discrimination on the basis of fact eliminates moral difference you can equally say that the lone soldier or small team acting to defeat an oppressive, murderous, enemy whose intent is to enslave and eat his friends, family, countrymen, and species is morally no different than that enemy. And btw, the worshippers of the Titans are the cause of the Searing.
And as for runners in post running a level 1 to drocks... Taking it from your POV, is it moral to take a raw recruit into the middle of a heated battlefield where he has less chances of surviving outside than a snowball in hell?
Looking upon the experienced, one can say that whether you have 8 weeks of training or 18 years of training, you are Nothing more than a Raw Recruit until you leave that blood-bathed battlefield alive. But there is one excessive difference you miss. Those run to Droks will there be able to obtain the best statistical equipment in game for their defense. Those in real life will still be issued the cheapest equipment a contractor could get away with making for the least amount of money the government could spend.
Where the Raw Recruit taken to Droks loses is in the development of those reflexes and skills needed to play the game at the level of challenge expected. By the time they get to a place where max armor is needed they are substandard players from not needing those reactions speeds to survive lower areas with their already maxed armor. In real life, those that make this failure with the cheapest armor money can get away with do not get a second chance to get better. Isn’t it nice our Fantasy side has such a wonderful safety net.
Originally Posted by Twonaiver
better ways to get title than deathleveling, it sucks.
I would like to know how you are going to get through 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th levels (plus the 2,000 xp needed beyond questing) to make 20th for title without death leveling.
Originally Posted by TheRaven
Fitz, I usually agree with your posts. Most are well reasoned. However this time I think you are really out on a limb and flaming folks like MagmaRed just for opposing your viewpoint isn't gaining you many supporters.
When I chose to flame MagmaRed it will be blatant. This is merely memory of our long association of disagreement in the face of this persons intent on being obstructive to game development that would benefit fellow players and make the game more accessible and enjoyable.
I can't agree with your real-life analogies with the police or soldiers. This isn't real life. It's a game.
Moral value does not change merely because one plays a game. The people that we are and how we express what we are does not change merely because we play a game.
The quests don't have to make sense. They were placed there to teach the game to newbies and teamwork is just one of the lessons to be learned in pre. I mean seriously, would you drink an ale dropped by a flesh golem in Perdition Rock??? Most of us won't eat a cookie that dropped on the kitchen floor. It's just a game!
I actually have not asked for the quests to make sense. I asked for an additional dialogue option to be available After: 1) the LDoA title track is active on the character, and while 2) the player character is alone in the party.
Gate monkeys provide a legitimate service. Just like runners do.
Sorry, what is not moral cannot be in essence be legitimate. You will find my opposition to running has been the unfortunate side effects of it. You will equally find my support for it has been the beauty of it as a sport. ANet has failed repeatedly to create circumstances were legitimate running could be incorporated into the storyline or as a side activity.
Where else does the Pin attempt to avoid 500 intelligent active and angry Bowling Balls? A race between runners, across sea and under leaf, for faction could have been set up in Cantha. A run to warn the Princes of Vabbi of impending assault by Varesh could have been set up in Elona. A run across any number of places in GWEN could have been set up. An Underground running dungeon could have been placed in GWEN with a random max gold modifiable skin drop from any of the games for each member of the party at the end of it. With the beauty and interest in running it could have been made legitimate and interesting.
- Spend a day in Ascalon opening the gate for free for others. Ask only that they return the favor when they can.
This will not benefit those who have limited time and must because of real life be casual players, but who have every right to access the title. They should not be forced to bend over for gate hookers in order to work on the title in the limited time available to them.
- Ask someone in your Alliance for help.
This assumes that someone in one’s guild or alliance is present in Pre and must dedicate their time to being used by you to get into the Northlands. Again, unacceptable.
- Join the pre-searing.com community. There are a lot of folks there going for LDoA and most will open the gate for free for others in the community.
I should not be required to join an outside organization to obtain an inside game goal. I should be able to do this on my own once I am qualified as make progress toward the title, and so should everyone else.
Offer to take a low level over the wall and kill the level 5 oakhearts for them. Ask that he map out before you take on the Charr bosses. If he refuses then just don't help that particular player again.
This results in the same condition we already have, we cease to help 99.99999999999999999999999% of all players.