Computer making beeps?



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ok, so I made my old computer back up, but when I boot it, it gives no signal to the monitor and it makes 1 beep every 5-6 seconds roughly, and the beep lasts about 1 second roughly.

I've tried different video cards, different RAM, I don't know what the problem is, I put the computer together fine, the only thing I can think of is that I fried the motherboard.

So anyone know what that beep means?



Join Date: Jan 2007

what mobo is it? model/#'s
by chance did you smell anything? (had to ask ;-p)

if we get the mobo's pedigree we can tell/search what the beeps mean (if you have no manual)

-quick answer-
try moving/re-seating ram.


Ecs's site seems dead...


takes forever and a day to load site...



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Tried moving RAM around, didn't work.

This is the Mobo: Except it had an AMD Athlon 3200+ in it, so whatever socket that is.. I know it wasn't the Intel version though.

Also I smelled nothing no, the computer is running fine, excluding the beeps.

EDIT: I think this was my version of the board;

Miska Bow

Miska Bow

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2008

somewhere, Grinding some l33t titles

Order of the Divine WoodChuck


Your PC is backing up! Watch out!!!

Mouse and Kboard well plugged in?

Did you check the power supply ?

Depending on models long bips can be power supply or memory.

How many small bips you get ?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Sounds like your P.O.S.T. is reporting either a bad power supply, a loose card or a short somewhere in the system.

Go and reseat all your cards and try again.



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

I said it makes 1 beep every 5-6 seconds, and it only lasts roughly 1 second.

I was thinking the Power Supply was bad, but it has two of the 4 Pin power connectors, I need one to plug into the motherboard, maybe I plugged in the wrong one?

And all the things were plugged in properly yes.

EDIT: Nvm I got the right power connectors, the other one doesn't work so I know that it's fine.

Removed all the cards from the PC, It's still making that one beep, even when I fully remove the RAM too.

Miska Bow

Miska Bow

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2008

somewhere, Grinding some l33t titles

Order of the Divine WoodChuck


Originally Posted by Brianna
I said it makes 1 beep every 5-6 seconds, and it only lasts roughly 1 second.

I was thinking the Power Supply was bad, but it has two of the 4 Pin power connectors, I need one to plug into the motherboard, maybe I plugged in the wrong one?

And all the things were plugged in properly yes.
The number of bip emitted by your PC is a code indicating what the trouble is.

When you start your PC how many small bips before the long one do you get ?




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


It also depends on the brand of BIOS you have too, doesn't it?



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

When I start it, It just gives one beep right when I turn it on, then 5 seconds later does it again, and to infinity.

I don't know the BIOS, I just know its ''ECS Elitegroup'' and all.




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


Failed HD perhaps?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

It sounds like the sound my board makes when it doesn't have enough power.

Check your board again, is your main power cable a 20 pin ATX or a 24 pin ATX? All of the newer boards require a 4-pin +12v ATX rail or a 8-pin +12v EPS rail, make sure your power supply compliments those connectors!

If it is properly powered, then, perhaps clearing the BIOS? Check your manual to see which jumper clears the BIOS.

Miska Bow

Miska Bow

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2008

somewhere, Grinding some l33t titles

Order of the Divine WoodChuck


Infinity of small bips: Power supply.




Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Tried another Hard Drive and no dice.

Somehow I'm thinking its the motherboard or RAM that is fried, I guess I should go fish on some sites for that manual now.

EDIT: The power supply was some cheap thing, 300watt (plenty enough) and its a 20+4 ATX. There's also a Voltage switch on the back of it, 115 or 230? It's on 115 atm.



Join Date: Jan 2007

Originally Posted by Brianna
Somehow I'm thinking its the motherboard or RAM that is fried, I guess I should go fish on some sites for that manual now.
GL, been at it via google for like 40 min. nothing yet. and Ecs's site is...Ughhh.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

Originally Posted by Brianna
Tried another Hard Drive and no dice.

Somehow I'm thinking its the motherboard or RAM that is fried, I guess I should go fish on some sites for that manual now.

EDIT: The power supply was some cheap thing, 300watt (plenty enough) and its a 20+4 ATX. There's also a Voltage switch on the back of it, 115 or 230? It's on 115 atm.
Alright, 20+4, that means you need another 4-pin +12v rail from your PSU for your board, does it accommodate that?

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


If it is an Award BIOS it is a video error
If it is a Pheonix BIOS it is a RAM error
IF it is an AMI BIOS (which I doubt it is) it is a RAM error

The fact that you pull the memory out and get the error hints at memory also.

I understand that you have replaced the memory already and video... however, sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to computers.

Try two things for me, unplug the power from your pc and leave it unplugged. Now hold the power button on the pc for about ten seconds (that will discharge the capacitors in the PS. Then attempt to power the system on again.

Also, make sure everything, including the monitor, is unplugged. Even your hard drive. No usb mice or keyboards, no usb printers, nothing. Just your box with memory, the cpu, and the cpu fan. If that doesn't work, you may have a bad board.

Keep the PSU switched the way it is.



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Since I don't know how to check I'll just write down what it says.


Model NO: Rx 380k (Ky-480 ATX) ATX 12v.

DC output Current; +3.3V, +5V, +12V, -12V, +5Vsb
10A/5A, 26.0A, 29.0A, 18A, 0.5A, 0.8A, 2.0A: Total output wattage - 380w.

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


Originally Posted by Brianna
Since I don't know how to check I'll just write down what it says.


Model NO: Rx 380k (Ky-480 ATX) ATX 12v.

DC output Current; +3.3V, +5V, +12V, -12V, +5Vsb
10A/5A, 26.0A, 29.0A, 18A, 0.5A, 0.8A, 2.0A: Total output wattage - 380w.
The specs on your PS are fine. Don't worry about that. It may be fried, however, did you try anything i suggested. I am also leaning towards a bad board. ECS boards are only good for a little while and then begin to short out. I always see them crap out after two years or so.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

The specs ARE fine, I'm just wondering if she connected it to the board correctly.



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

I did, I put the 4 pin and 20 pin into the board, the other 4 pin wouldn't start it so I know I got it in correctly, and there's no other power ports on it.

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


Originally Posted by Admael
The specs ARE fine, I'm just wondering if she connected it to the board correctly.
Yes, I don't think that is the problem. The system wouldn't power up like that. The beeps are either memory, video, or power.



Riding the Gravy Train

Join Date: Oct 2005

Chicago Area

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Download and install Everest It will tell you what bios you are running.

From there you could try to determine what's going on. has a very nice rundown of all the error codes for many different bios'

hope that helps,


:edit: I'm assuming your machine posts without a problem.

Detailed system specs would be very helpful in order to aid in the diagnosis of the problem.



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


Brianna, this page should help you diagnose the problem. Just match up your BIOs and the beeps.

You can hit F1, F2 or whatever key they say to press to enter your BIOs to get the exact version which will be extremely helpful in diagnosis.



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Well, as I'm not even getting display on the monitor, I cannot enter the BIOS or anything, the comp won't start. It just powers on and beeps, that is all I get.

Infinite continuous beeps, 5 seconds between each other, seems that none of the little beep pages describe what I have, closest they come to is Mobo/Power supply beep types, and I'm leaning more towards a burnt out motherboard.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008

This is going to sound stupid, but how dusty is it inside the case, to much dust might have itplugged up and over heating the cpu instently which could be why it is not booting up.



Technician's Corner Moderator

Join Date: Jan 2006


I know this might seem far fetched, but have you tried unplugging the keyboard/mouse if they're connected via PS/2?



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

There's no dust in the case or parts at all.

And the Mouse/Keyboard are USB.

I just think regardless of anything I should get the picture on the screen to come up, something must be really wrong if I don't get that.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008

Ya, the funny thing is that if it is that screwed up that it even turns on.
you said no dust that eliminates over heating
you said you tried different video cards so that eliminates that
if it was the power supply most likely it wouldn't even turn on(atleast mine didn't)
my comp was recently corupted, but even then it started booting, well before it would get in a loop that kept restarting itself

that leaves only a few things possable
maybe motherboard
maybe the harddrive is shot
maybe if you had more compatable ram i'd say trying putting that in(if u didn't all ready)



Insane & Inhumane

Join Date: Feb 2006

Can only be 3 things, RAM, Motherboard, or Power Supply.

In a week or so I'm gonna take the PSU back and swap it out for another, can't get around to it faster than that, so I'll have to wait until then to eliminate that.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Heroes

Use the PSU that you're using on this computer :P

In my experience, if its RAM, it won't even POST. No beeping, no POSTing, no nothing. If it's the mobo, it'll screech and if it's the PSU... well it'll do what yours is doing now.

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


Originally Posted by Brianna
There's no dust in the case or parts at all.

And the Mouse/Keyboard are USB.

I just think regardless of anything I should get the picture on the screen to come up, something must be really wrong if I don't get that.
Sorry, I was away from guru for a bit. USB ports can have a tremendous effect on systems (mainly due to the way they are powered). I would suggest unplugging all USB devices on the system. However, I still lean towards the same thing I said previously (PSU, Memory, or Video.

Rarely do you see a fried mobo (unless improperly mounted and it shorted out or bad CPU).

My Last suggestion is to pull out the CMOS battery on the mobo and let it sit for about five minutes. Put it back in and let me know if that helped. I doubt it, however, I have seen stranger solutions.