Well I encounter this problem because my guild is multinational, a few Americans and many Australians. Unfortunately this presents a problem. The few Americans do not present enough people to provide a Underworld or Fissure group, and the Australians never have enough people to do the same (we are a small guild!)
Now usually there are enough people from the combined nations that we could make a group, however we never both have favor. I know that there exists a way into the UW south of Beacons Perch, but this way is hard because it takes time to get there, and as far as I know the party leader has to have favor to get in. I was thinking there should be some method for groups like us to go into the UW and FOW. These ways would have to be short enough that the leader needs favor, or totally ignore whether the leader has favor or not. It would have to be unabusable too, so that if some country doesn't have favor, they just go to the international district to get someone with favor to lead.
I have no clue how this would work or what method we could use to implement this but I know its a feature that would be needed.
Some way for multinational groups to go to UW and FOW
Robster Lobster
Maybe if you selected a nationality for your guild that you couldn't change frequently, and everyone in the party needed to be a guild member, or have favour.
Nice idea though, I can see how that would be beneficial for multinational guilds.
Nice idea though, I can see how that would be beneficial for multinational guilds.
Nice idea, though I'm not in an international guild.
What about guilds which are European, but make the guild American? Wouldn't that mean they have favor at least 50% of the time?
Maybe if you selected a nationality for your guild that you couldn't change frequently, and everyone in the party needed to be a guild member, or have favour. |
Robster Lobster
Originally Posted by Medion
Nice idea, though I'm not in an international guild.
What about guilds which are European, but make the guild American? Wouldn't that mean they have favor at least 50% of the time? |
Well, then you could argue, what about people that are European, but set their game profile to american. Then they'd have favour half the time.
Why not simply make FoW and UW possible to enter at any time from an international district, but with a 1k base fee + 500 gold per non-favoured participant, and at least half the players from the favoured area? Something like that would prevent it being used to solo farm all the time, would discourage it without making it impossible - sure, it wouldn't necessarily be super profitable, but you could cough up the money to hang out with buddies.
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Why not simply make FoW and UW possible to enter at any time from an international district, but with a 1k base fee + 500 gold per non-favoured participant, and at least half the players from the favoured area? Something like that would prevent it being used to solo farm all the time, would discourage it without making it impossible - sure, it wouldn't necessarily be super profitable, but you could cough up the money to hang out with buddies.
And like for each member from a country w/o favor, an extra 500 gold is added on?
Makes sense to me!

We have about a 70% European 30% American split in our guild, and I think it would be wonderful if there was some way we could all do Fissure or UW together. If we do arrange such events, it is usually the American contingent who miss out, for, more often than not, Europe has favour at the times I play.
Anybody else want this addition, too?
Please, I really think this idea deserves some consideration. At least post comments.
Please, I really think this idea deserves some consideration. At least post comments.
There is a way to get multi-region groups into the UW, but there is no way I know of to get a multi-region party to the FOW.
There is a statue of Grenth in Lornar's Pass that can be used to travel to UW. You can leave from an international district with a mixed region party and use it to travel to the UW. The statue of Grenth becomes active for use when the American region has favor.
This is the only statue of Grenth in an instanced area through which you can travel to the UW. I have tried all the statues of Balthazar in instanced areas of the game and none of them offer the option to travel to the FOW.
I have not used this method to travel to the UW in over two months, so it is possible that it has been changed, but I doubt it. One nice benefit of going to the UW in this way is the possibility of traveling there with a morale boost. But the enchantment that Grenth gives to increase health regeneration gets wiped away before you arrive.
There is a statue of Grenth in Lornar's Pass that can be used to travel to UW. You can leave from an international district with a mixed region party and use it to travel to the UW. The statue of Grenth becomes active for use when the American region has favor.
This is the only statue of Grenth in an instanced area through which you can travel to the UW. I have tried all the statues of Balthazar in instanced areas of the game and none of them offer the option to travel to the FOW.
I have not used this method to travel to the UW in over two months, so it is possible that it has been changed, but I doubt it. One nice benefit of going to the UW in this way is the possibility of traveling there with a morale boost. But the enchantment that Grenth gives to increase health regeneration gets wiped away before you arrive.
Originally Posted by Rafe
Now usually there are enough people from the combined nations that we could make a group, however we never both have favor. I know that there exists a way into the UW south of Beacons Perch, but this way is hard because it takes time to get there, and as far as I know the party leader has to have favor to get in.

Activation of the statue is not depenedant on who the leader is or where the leader is from.
The statue is activated when the American region has favor.
And reaching the statue is not that difficult, you can leave from Beacon's Perch, Deldrimor War Camp or Camp Rankor. If you want to leave Beacon's Perch with eight people in your party then you need to start from the Temple of Ages and run there. Once you get to Beacon's you can change skills for the rest of the journey.
Yes, not terribly convenient, and limited to just UW, but it is the only multi-region route at the moment. If you have a party that is intent on succes in the UW then getting through Snake Dance, Dreadnought's Drift, Lornar's Pass and/or Grenth's Footprint should not be a serious challenge.
I do hope Anet offers a way that is a bit easier in the future. Hope this helped a little.
The statue is activated when the American region has favor.
And reaching the statue is not that difficult, you can leave from Beacon's Perch, Deldrimor War Camp or Camp Rankor. If you want to leave Beacon's Perch with eight people in your party then you need to start from the Temple of Ages and run there. Once you get to Beacon's you can change skills for the rest of the journey.
Yes, not terribly convenient, and limited to just UW, but it is the only multi-region route at the moment. If you have a party that is intent on succes in the UW then getting through Snake Dance, Dreadnought's Drift, Lornar's Pass and/or Grenth's Footprint should not be a serious challenge.
I do hope Anet offers a way that is a bit easier in the future. Hope this helped a little.