What I think of this "fix" is that it's classic ANet problem-solving: instead of dealing with the cause, work on the effect. Pet corpses were nerfed -
(yes, nerfed, because it is absolutely ridiculous that an untamed animal leaves a corpse, but a tamed one does not)
- because of Soul Reaping problems. But Soul Reaping problems were only a symptom themselves, having been singled out by ANet as the issue behind the unlimited energy of spiritway. Instead of hitting the spirits (the cause) with a well-deserved, player-advocated, and - as I believe the OP would state - a
logical nerf of "no Soul Reaping from things that are
already souls," ANet decided to change a game mechanic in a way that had not been seen outside of the difference between preview event and game retail versions of attributes. Granted, you can't please everyone, and each nerf is bound to create a round of QQing, but there is a certain point to the argument that "this is not the game we bought." It's not something I'd trash my necro over, but it was - for some people.
Anyway, I find it incredibly ironic that the creative use of established constraints is more likely to reap nerfs than praise from the game developers. When it's something useless like Echo Mending, it gets made into a skill, but when people actually find ways of making that skill useful, it gets nerfed. True, some things actually "break" the game and make competition unfair, but the vast majority of things ANet has "tweaked" in terms of skill use did not fall into this category. Jumping the gun and "fixing" something without letting the players work out counters stifles creativity.
I think Ensign said similar and more things in his great post on how nerfs are responsible for the current state of the game, but I don't PvP much, so I don't have the link saved