Blood Magic: 11+1+2
Soul Reaping: 9+1
Healing Prayers: 10
[skill]Empathic Removal[/skill][skill]Remove Hex[/skill][skill]Dismiss Condition[/skill][skill]Gift Of Health[/skill][skill]Dark Fury[/skill][skill]Order Of Pain[/skill][skill]Signet Of Lost Souls[/skill][skill]Rebirth[/skill]
Runes/Insignias: Radiants, Vigor, Major Death, Minor Soul Reaping, 2X Vitaes.
Weapon: Any death magic staff. I use Vanahk's Staff.
Essentially, the hero provides hex/condition removal with the first 3 skills, a bit of spot healing with Gift of Health, and then Dark Fury/Order of Pain for some nice adrenaline and damage dealing. Signet of Lost Souls is for energy and self healing (and because I couldn't think of anything better to put there

So far I've tested this with my Paragon with an SoR and Cruel Spear as my other 2 heroes, but it should work for any other team setup that uses physical damage as it's primary damage dealing mode. Done a variety of areas with it and seems to do pretty good for itself (absolutely rocked our socks off in Shards of Orr though).