Retire certain item skins?
Fatal Fury
/not signed
i think ppl can finally afford the skins they want right now, we dont need "retired" stuf right now, theres already alot of stuff "retired" as it is
i think ppl can finally afford the skins they want right now, we dont need "retired" stuf right now, theres already alot of stuff "retired" as it is
Saint Zeth
The economy is screwed up enough as it is.
The economy is screwed up enough as it is.
on the ONE condition that new skins that EFFORT is put into like the design-a-weapon skins are released.
On the other hand, this one more way we can kill the market. Im starting to think people WANT the economy to stay bad so they can hoard their hundreds of armbraces. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer
on the ONE condition that new skins that EFFORT is put into like the design-a-weapon skins are released.
On the other hand, this one more way we can kill the market. Im starting to think people WANT the economy to stay bad so they can hoard their hundreds of armbraces. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer
dread pirate fargus
scarcity is important in the economy, it gives the hardcore players something to waste gold on while casual players will do just fine with the cheapo weapons that do exactly the same job.
also /signed for retiring the raven staff.... lol
scarcity is important in the economy, it gives the hardcore players something to waste gold on while casual players will do just fine with the cheapo weapons that do exactly the same job.
also /signed for retiring the raven staff.... lol
Voltaic Annihilator
i like this idea
hope they retire the tormented items

hope they retire the tormented items

You know.. I learned a long time ago, the best way to stop worrying about the GW economy is to just forget about it.
Be self reliant, I don't buy or sell anything with other players. I do have a few guild members that circulate items with me, but thats it- its cheap, effective, and you still get to look bad ass.
Retiring items would only really work if they didn't actually "retire" them (remove them from the game kinda like the hod sword), I think they should simply change spawn locations etc etc.
Be self reliant, I don't buy or sell anything with other players. I do have a few guild members that circulate items with me, but thats it- its cheap, effective, and you still get to look bad ass.
Retiring items would only really work if they didn't actually "retire" them (remove them from the game kinda like the hod sword), I think they should simply change spawn locations etc etc.
You mean to remove something from the game?
Yeah, whatever. Maybe it could help some 'hard merchants', but not the 80/20 players, who never buy from them, and anyways, it will never happen.
Drop rate decrease, maybe, but removal? XDD.
No way.
Yeah, whatever. Maybe it could help some 'hard merchants', but not the 80/20 players, who never buy from them, and anyways, it will never happen.
Drop rate decrease, maybe, but removal? XDD.
No way.
Originally Posted by dread pirate fargus
also /signed for retiring the raven staff.... lol
Honestly, those things need to DIE. Never wanted, still not wanted.
Originally Posted by Eldin
I laughed like crazy in real life when I realized that in GW:EN you can craft Raven Staffs in the Central Transfer Chamber.
Honestly, those things need to DIE. Never wanted, still not wanted. |
Originally Posted by ogre_jd
Eh. They're no worse than the animal-head hammers.
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Let's assume Raven Staffs stopped dropping today. What do you think a gold perfect one would be worth tomorrow? In a months time?
Originally Posted by AbalaDoon
IE. woespreader scareater. both excellent staves that are worthless now.
X Tigercat X
The economy has gotten really out of hand. Yes things are more accessable to everyone but thats gonna happen overtime with every weapon. Its just gotten to the point where things are so cheap that everything is being handed to them. The weapons ppl have don't even matter anymore, everyone has an ele sword and tormented shield (those are just a few examples). The prices need to rise to where you can tell a rich player and the average player apart.
The economy has gotten really out of hand. Yes things are more accessable to everyone but thats gonna happen overtime with every weapon. Its just gotten to the point where things are so cheap that everything is being handed to them. The weapons ppl have don't even matter anymore, everyone has an ele sword and tormented shield (those are just a few examples). The prices need to rise to where you can tell a rich player and the average player apart.
Originally Posted by X Tigercat X
The prices need to rise to where you can tell a rich player and the average player apart.
X Tigercat X
Originally Posted by Artorius.Maximus
Why? Is it that big of an issue to be able to show that you are richer than someone else? I just like to keep enough money around in my account so that I can easily pay for a set of HoM worthy armor if I choose to. There is no need for me to sit on 1 mil gold + 30 stacks of ectos (which probably isn't that much anyways compared to the super rich).
Ele swords - 30k
Obby edge - 100+200e
Everlasting Tonics - priceless
Originally Posted by X Tigercat X
The prices need to rise to where you can tell a rich player and the average player apart.
Originally Posted by X Tigercat X
people who devote hundreds of hours towards a game should be reward MORE then those who spend less time. Their will always b ways to tell the rich between the poor. Rite now the only way to appear rich is threw minipets and tonics, which is extremely sad. The fact that someone who spend hours farming a rare weapon is still poorer then someone that gets a lucky tonic drop in zaishen chest shows the kind of mess the economy is. Those that spend hours farming should be rewarded over the casual gamer. Right now everything is practically handed to everyplayer. I mean what are we sopposed to do if we have nothing to work for or any motivation. Besides anet is being smart by listening to farmers because about75% of the 2000+ he's community are farmers and are dedicated gamers willing to help the guildwars franchise succeed.
Ele swords - 30k Obby edge - 100+200e Everlasting Tonics - priceless |

X Tigercat X
Originally Posted by Stockholm
![]() ![]() |
Wild Karrde
Originally Posted by Rangers Death
I Kinda like the idea of retiring skins the games economy is plumiting just like the US economy. If you start to "retire" certain skins eg.( fellblade, chaos axe, stormbow, eternal bow) personaly i would retire this only the tyrian type because this would still let the skins be out there just not the tyrain type. This would make the price of the items go up and would make the game econmoy better.
Jaskos |
Guild Wars never had an economy and probably never will. And please dont bring you media parroting, ignorant opionions about the US economy out on Guru. Games and Real Life are two different things, keep it that way. Besides if you look through history. The economy/stock market has never had a net decrease. It ALWAYS goes up. take any 10 year period and you will see what I mean. This little bump isnt that bad and is just another way to ty to slay the current presidency. If you want someone to blame for bad economy, then blame all the workers (and yes I mean employees, and owners too but YES employees) of EVERY manufacturing job in the country who wanted to continue making shit items after WW2 just because people would buy it cause no one else was making anything cause they were all bombed and destroyed. Everyone rebuilds makes good quality items> people buy good quatlity items > US shit doesnt sell > too much money to switch over > US stuff gets outsourced > workers who didnt want to make quality now regret it.
Nows not the time for history though If you want to see the real reason our economy isnt booming you can PM me until then dont parrot retards.
Also everyone saying you should be able to make a concise distinction between the rich and the poor can go RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO a goat with your huge throbbing epeen. Division like that makes elitism thrive. Elitism is gay as hell and doesnt help anyone cept those who feel the need to have a HUGE epeen
Back on topic.
/notsigned cept maybe for ugly skins so they stop dropping.