Originally Posted by Carrier of Darkness
Anet has been lovely people (sarcasm for those who can't tell) and added dungeons, sure, dungeons, that fixes the problem. The profit per hour can't even touch the toes of some of the good farming builds of the past.
New Article on Official Site About Gold Companies
Dr Strangelove
The big flaw here is that it isn't money you want, it's purchasing power. The value of money has greatly increased in the past few months, as you said:
If all greens have decreased in value in a similar way (50k->5k), that means your money is 10 times as valuable. You no longer need huge piles of cash to buy the simplest little thing. In fact, you really don't need to farm, it's possible to buy stuff simply by playing the game. Right now, the ingame economy is remarkably egalitarian, players at all levels can buy things they want.
However, that's not what you want. You want to be able to have a huge advantage in purchasing power. You want to be able to horde piles of rare weapons to yourself with little or no effort. While this is still possible, through methods other people have mentioned, it's a hell of a lot harder now because of stuff like loot scaling. This is a good thing, as now wealth isn't concentrated as heavily in the top 1% of players, making far more players happy at your expense. I'm pretty happy with this. The old days of non-max fiery dragon swords fetching 100k were not fun for most people, though it must have been nice if you were up on that high end.
TL;DR version: Learn to share your toys, OP.
Originally Posted by Carrier of Darkness
Now, I am not saying that there is no way to make gold in-game for ourselves anymore, but if you look around greens which were in the 15-50k range not even a year ago are now hardly worth 5k, sure there are a few still worth around 20k, but you must agree, hardly any.
However, that's not what you want. You want to be able to have a huge advantage in purchasing power. You want to be able to horde piles of rare weapons to yourself with little or no effort. While this is still possible, through methods other people have mentioned, it's a hell of a lot harder now because of stuff like loot scaling. This is a good thing, as now wealth isn't concentrated as heavily in the top 1% of players, making far more players happy at your expense. I'm pretty happy with this. The old days of non-max fiery dragon swords fetching 100k were not fun for most people, though it must have been nice if you were up on that high end.
TL;DR version: Learn to share your toys, OP.
Originally Posted by Carrier of Darkness
All negative opinions will be ignored as this is a rant, and no one really cares what you have to say, neither do they care about what I just wrote,so why did you read it? Reflect on that instead of complain about what I wrote.
I hope you will feel better now.

Phaern Majes
Your logic is flawed. If you buy gold for Guild Wars then "YOU ARE A LAWBREAKER!" not a "good" person who abides by the rules. *Gasp* Seriously you can't really QQ about Arena Net actually enforcing their own rules and expect much sympathy. At least not from those of us that actually play the game.
Ectos are extremely easy to farm, maybe not super profitable but they still beat the pants off 1-2k runs. Find new ways to farm or find a new game. Want to buy gold? Go play WoW, LoTR Online, Everquest, FF11 Online, or whatever games don't actively punish gold sellers. Hell if I remember correctly I think FF11 actually sells the gold themselves.
Ectos are extremely easy to farm, maybe not super profitable but they still beat the pants off 1-2k runs. Find new ways to farm or find a new game. Want to buy gold? Go play WoW, LoTR Online, Everquest, FF11 Online, or whatever games don't actively punish gold sellers. Hell if I remember correctly I think FF11 actually sells the gold themselves.
I will always firmly believe that the problem is not the game and its mechanics that allow players to obtain in game funds. The problem is the player during a time where we live in a world of instant gratification. "Why work for the gold when I can get it now?", "I want those chaos gloves now!", "I want those new designed weapons now!" is an attitude many take.
Greed and laziness are always the killers of in game economies. RMT's make their money by taking advantage of that. It's how the business began. People got tired of leveling, got tired of working for gold, and the future creators of RMT services saw that. So in exchange for a few bucks, they'd do the levelling, or gold farming for them. Hence a business was born.
If I want a high end Sports Car, you bet it'll take awhile to earn the money. If you want the high end armor, same deal. If you already have 15 sets of 15K, I see no room for that player to ever make a complaint about how hard it is to make money.
I'm currently working towards my own set of chaos gloves and yes, collecting the materials have started from scratch. Before work, I farm enough gold to buy one ecto. Before bed, I do it again. I make two ectos a day. I'm at 28 out of 75. Is it taking me a long time? Sure, but I was never under the impression that high end items were meant to be easy to obtain.
I'm sorry, but I can make enough gold to earn what I want and my play hours are, at most, 5 hours a day. (usually 90 minutes before work, 1 hour at lunch, 2-3 in the evening if I have nothing else to do).
But getting back to the quote -this isn't Anets fault, nor is it their responsibility. What's the point of buying the latest fancy weapon at 100K+50e when it does the same damage, or holds the same stats as a common gold drop? For the skin and bragging rights? If so, that's a demand players put on themselves and can never be controlled by Anet, unless they make every weapon the same skin. Of course, if that ever happened, that would just tick off a whole other group of people.
Players often use the word 'need' to replace 'want' when it comes to items. The two meanings are not the same, especially when it comes to skins and high end armor. Guild Wars has made it very easy to obtain max armor, the 1K kind and provides plenty of merchanted drops to provide its players with enough funds to buy such armor. The elite sets are designed to be just that;Elite in it's price and price only, to please those who do want to have bragging rights, even though the AR remains the same. I believe it to be no different than a pair of Jeans at Wal-Mart for 10 bucks and the same style/color for 150 at the Levi's store.
I can't imagine elite sets being anything more than giving players something to spend collected money on. Once a player has max armor, and along the way finds themselves a good weapon set, there's not much more one needs a long the way, other than some runes to improve that. Without such "Gold Sinks" our money would just collect and collect some more with no real use. However, we humans like shopping....so we have some nice shops in various places to induldge ourselves. Rightfully so, by the way.
But, buying gold adds to the already problematic spamming and does effect economies as has been explained many times. Anet has done its best to control and limit the negative effects of it. Probably the best I've seen compared to many other games that have dozens of bots spamming at once. I applaud them for taking any and all action they've done thus far.
While you probably can never rid the games entirely of RMT bots; for as long as there are lazy players as potential customers, the operators of these sites will advertise their services.
Greed and laziness are always the killers of in game economies. RMT's make their money by taking advantage of that. It's how the business began. People got tired of leveling, got tired of working for gold, and the future creators of RMT services saw that. So in exchange for a few bucks, they'd do the levelling, or gold farming for them. Hence a business was born.
If I want a high end Sports Car, you bet it'll take awhile to earn the money. If you want the high end armor, same deal. If you already have 15 sets of 15K, I see no room for that player to ever make a complaint about how hard it is to make money.
I'm currently working towards my own set of chaos gloves and yes, collecting the materials have started from scratch. Before work, I farm enough gold to buy one ecto. Before bed, I do it again. I make two ectos a day. I'm at 28 out of 75. Is it taking me a long time? Sure, but I was never under the impression that high end items were meant to be easy to obtain.
Now transfer that into Guild Wars... vuala! you got yourself the same situation, the law-breakers (bots) still farm and get money and buisness (equivalent to robbing in D.C. case) while the good people (good people) can't get an efficiant amount of gold with the profit:time ratio. |
But getting back to the quote -this isn't Anets fault, nor is it their responsibility. What's the point of buying the latest fancy weapon at 100K+50e when it does the same damage, or holds the same stats as a common gold drop? For the skin and bragging rights? If so, that's a demand players put on themselves and can never be controlled by Anet, unless they make every weapon the same skin. Of course, if that ever happened, that would just tick off a whole other group of people.
Players often use the word 'need' to replace 'want' when it comes to items. The two meanings are not the same, especially when it comes to skins and high end armor. Guild Wars has made it very easy to obtain max armor, the 1K kind and provides plenty of merchanted drops to provide its players with enough funds to buy such armor. The elite sets are designed to be just that;Elite in it's price and price only, to please those who do want to have bragging rights, even though the AR remains the same. I believe it to be no different than a pair of Jeans at Wal-Mart for 10 bucks and the same style/color for 150 at the Levi's store.
I can't imagine elite sets being anything more than giving players something to spend collected money on. Once a player has max armor, and along the way finds themselves a good weapon set, there's not much more one needs a long the way, other than some runes to improve that. Without such "Gold Sinks" our money would just collect and collect some more with no real use. However, we humans like shopping....so we have some nice shops in various places to induldge ourselves. Rightfully so, by the way.
But, buying gold adds to the already problematic spamming and does effect economies as has been explained many times. Anet has done its best to control and limit the negative effects of it. Probably the best I've seen compared to many other games that have dozens of bots spamming at once. I applaud them for taking any and all action they've done thus far.
While you probably can never rid the games entirely of RMT bots; for as long as there are lazy players as potential customers, the operators of these sites will advertise their services.
People seem to confuse the fact that it is an easy game, with the money making process, which takes time.
Just because it was easy doesn't mean 20-1000 hours of farming is accessible time-wise, to everyone. Therefore the reason to buy gold still exists, to anyone who wants things in game but doesn't have time to farm money.
Just because it was easy doesn't mean 20-1000 hours of farming is accessible time-wise, to everyone. Therefore the reason to buy gold still exists, to anyone who wants things in game but doesn't have time to farm money.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
I don't know where to start with this except to say that you're very confused, and wrong. About a lot of things. The sheer amount of people walking around in FoW and Chaos Gloves shows that money can't be that difficult to make.
Originally Posted by Phaern Majes
Your logic is flawed. If you buy gold for Guild Wars then "YOU ARE A LAWBREAKER!" not a "good" person who abides by the rules. .
And it's not ok
Phaern Majes
Originally Posted by Stockholm
No, you are not. You are breaking the EULA not the LAW, BIG DIFFERENCE.
And it's not ok |

And because it's a self-admitted rant thread, with no care toward actual discussion and we have the pics popping up... Closed.