PvE Guild Hall
We could argue for an eternity about whether GW is primarily a PvP or PvE game. It seems to me, though, that there is absolutely no PvE point to the guild hall. Guilds should be fairly central to a game called Guild Wars. I'm looking for ideas for a PvE element to GHs.
There are NPCs. By forking out several thousand gold you can make your guild almost as useful as LA, Kamadan or KC. Is its only purpose to access your storage without being hassled by non-guildies? There needs to be more than these non-interactive cardboard cut outs.
Our guild recently got a new guild hall. It has a town in it. We argued about who owned what house. We couldn't actually go into the houses, and yet we got very possessive about our homes.
Imagine if you could buy a house in the town of your GH. It'd be your own personal HoM that other guildies could enter. You could have an open storage. Anyone with a key to your home could access it. Guildies could leave things in your house.
GH specific quests? In the Wizard's Isle you could defend your GH against charr attacks. In the Uncharted Isle one Kournan troops could swarm in.
It just seems to me that the GH is vastly under-utilised for PvE guilds. Any ideas?
There are NPCs. By forking out several thousand gold you can make your guild almost as useful as LA, Kamadan or KC. Is its only purpose to access your storage without being hassled by non-guildies? There needs to be more than these non-interactive cardboard cut outs.
Our guild recently got a new guild hall. It has a town in it. We argued about who owned what house. We couldn't actually go into the houses, and yet we got very possessive about our homes.
Imagine if you could buy a house in the town of your GH. It'd be your own personal HoM that other guildies could enter. You could have an open storage. Anyone with a key to your home could access it. Guildies could leave things in your house.
GH specific quests? In the Wizard's Isle you could defend your GH against charr attacks. In the Uncharted Isle one Kournan troops could swarm in.
It just seems to me that the GH is vastly under-utilised for PvE guilds. Any ideas?
I'd love to see some PvE purpose to the hall.
Sounds really good ^^ Even though i am not in a PvE guild, I want a house in my GH as well

If the house provides extra storage (Armour Wardrobe), then hell yes. If it's a place where you can afk in peace, then maybe.
I like storage and peaceful places

Fitz Rinley
I'm up for wild boar hunting grounds!!!
id like to be able to buy a giant ardvark statue for my guild hall.
Wild boar hunting could be weird. Mount the heads in your hall?
And an aardvark statue? Why pops to mind. It would be different though.
And an aardvark statue? Why pops to mind. It would be different though.
like in Fable where you can buy a house and upgrade it
you could put things there you wanna get rid of for other guildies so they can take them (for people with bulking storages)
and a huntingground where PvP chars can cap elder pets (wolf gets tiring don't you agree?) so bunny thumpers can have some variety in their pets
/signed definitly
you could put things there you wanna get rid of for other guildies so they can take them (for people with bulking storages)
and a huntingground where PvP chars can cap elder pets (wolf gets tiring don't you agree?) so bunny thumpers can have some variety in their pets
/signed definitly
Great idea m8
~ Dan ~
Hmm.. housing. It requires alot of work to actually be good, so i can't see Anet ever implementing it.
However i really like the idea of defending it against a charr attack. When i bought GW it mentioned ".. defend your guild hall against invaders". Now i was disappointed that it turned out to be GvG. I mean - armies trying to take it over? You lose it if they succeed? That would be SO much better. Similar to the AoC feature where you craft your own town and defend it from whoever.
/signed for that feature
However i really like the idea of defending it against a charr attack. When i bought GW it mentioned ".. defend your guild hall against invaders". Now i was disappointed that it turned out to be GvG. I mean - armies trying to take it over? You lose it if they succeed? That would be SO much better. Similar to the AoC feature where you craft your own town and defend it from whoever.
/signed for that feature
I've seen some guilds implement Player Owned Houses really good, and some extremely bad. Lets hope Anet would be smart enough to get it right.
I've seen some guilds implement Player Owned Houses really good, and some extremely bad. Lets hope Anet would be smart enough to get it right.
Not bad at all, but a bit too much work.
Specially the 'houses' thing.
Specially the 'houses' thing.
Keep in mind that you would need 100 houses in the hall for each account in guild to have its own house. Then, same question I posed to the thread about HoM entrance from GH: How would you determine what HoM you viewed for each account?
Now, I do like the additional storage type ideas, but unless all of these houses were identical (maybe change interior based on status in guild (leader, officer, member)) how would you assign who gets what house.
Also, I am in a PvE guild, we have a full hall (currently a very gay cape, working on getting leader to get rid of it) and at least I use the GH quite often. It is a convenient place for meeting to trade materials, items, etc. I also use it (probably just to avoid other players as was mentioned earlier) when I am selling items to merchant or going to rune or material traders.
Now, I do like the additional storage type ideas, but unless all of these houses were identical (maybe change interior based on status in guild (leader, officer, member)) how would you assign who gets what house.
Also, I am in a PvE guild, we have a full hall (currently a very gay cape, working on getting leader to get rid of it) and at least I use the GH quite often. It is a convenient place for meeting to trade materials, items, etc. I also use it (probably just to avoid other players as was mentioned earlier) when I am selling items to merchant or going to rune or material traders.
/signed, I dont really care for the house thing, we have a HoM. But I am in favor of pve halls and pve mobs attacking it

I would love this, it would be a cool and interesting feature.
I would love this, it would be a cool and interesting feature.
/signed - yes
I definitely can't see something this big happening in GW1. Personally, I got into the game because it has the best PvP system out there currently, the PvE was kind of a little added bonus, even though I rarely play it. I wouldn't use the whole "Houses" thing, but I can imagine some players would. I don't see how it hurts anything, so why not?
cool idea.
i like the leaving stuff in each others houses thing
like when its someone's birthday you leave them a gift in their house
i like the leaving stuff in each others houses thing
like when its someone's birthday you leave them a gift in their house

I wonder how housing would work in places like Isle of the Dead.
I wonder how housing would work in places like Isle of the Dead.
It would be funny, at first, to go to enter your guild only to fins it taken over by charr. It might bring the guildies together to help win it back. All for one and get me my house back!
You would need 100 houses if everyone in the guild were to have one. Would this be a problem? Limit them to officers? House share? We could go the HoM route (HoM should be in the GH anyway) - a limited number of houses with the interior altering depending on who is leading the party that enters.
I love the idea of leaving presents for guildies in their home (or storage) for them to discover. The trade window can kill the surprise a bit.
Your own home on Isle of the Dead? A coffin? Your own head stone? It does seem that some GHs are better suited to PvE focussed guilds than others. Can you imagine the GH-specific quests for the Isle of the Dead GH, though? It would be more than a little freaky to fight off hordes of undead swarming over your walls. Even if you win half of your NPCs could have been turned into zombies. You'd have to kill them and buy new ones. You'd have to start buying guards, form an army to keep the undead at bay. Who cares about your house when your NPCs are getting attacked?
You would need 100 houses if everyone in the guild were to have one. Would this be a problem? Limit them to officers? House share? We could go the HoM route (HoM should be in the GH anyway) - a limited number of houses with the interior altering depending on who is leading the party that enters.
I love the idea of leaving presents for guildies in their home (or storage) for them to discover. The trade window can kill the surprise a bit.
Your own home on Isle of the Dead? A coffin? Your own head stone? It does seem that some GHs are better suited to PvE focussed guilds than others. Can you imagine the GH-specific quests for the Isle of the Dead GH, though? It would be more than a little freaky to fight off hordes of undead swarming over your walls. Even if you win half of your NPCs could have been turned into zombies. You'd have to kill them and buy new ones. You'd have to start buying guards, form an army to keep the undead at bay. Who cares about your house when your NPCs are getting attacked?
I want my house lol (but some GH don't have any houses xD).
I want my house lol (but some GH don't have any houses xD).
Crom The Pale
My guildies and I picked out what houses belonged to each of us long long ago, would be awsome to actually go inside 
We would also like to see our Guild Cape actually flying at our guild hall.
We also had the idea of a graveyard for all our deleted chars :0
Another idea was an Armor viewer, you couldn't craft armor there but it would let you see what your char would look like with any armor in the game, full or partial sets.
The skill trader should sell any skill that you have unlocked on your account, its really getting to be a pain having to jump from Prophicies to Factions to Nightfall to GWEN just to purchase a single skill that you cant recall where it was located. If the skill is unlocked then its availible at the very first skill trader you come accross and with tomes you do not even need to be in that campain so there is 0 reason to limit the guild hall skill trader.
Lastly the means of posting screen shots up on our guild hall walls would be awsome.

We would also like to see our Guild Cape actually flying at our guild hall.
We also had the idea of a graveyard for all our deleted chars :0
Another idea was an Armor viewer, you couldn't craft armor there but it would let you see what your char would look like with any armor in the game, full or partial sets.
The skill trader should sell any skill that you have unlocked on your account, its really getting to be a pain having to jump from Prophicies to Factions to Nightfall to GWEN just to purchase a single skill that you cant recall where it was located. If the skill is unlocked then its availible at the very first skill trader you come accross and with tomes you do not even need to be in that campain so there is 0 reason to limit the guild hall skill trader.
Lastly the means of posting screen shots up on our guild hall walls would be awsome.