First question:
I have started making my new Paragon's build and so far it has around 3/8 skills in it. I'm using the following attributes:
Leadership - 16 (12+1+3)
Spear Mastery - 9
Command - 9 (For my shield, plus I feel Command is better than Motivation)
First of all I wasn't too sure whether to put ANY point into SM, as this Paragon will be used to buff the skills of my party & to reduce damage etc. Do you think SM is important in this case, and if so, how many SM skills would you recommend having in the build?
Second Question:
I'm finding it really difficult to chooes between a decent Elite skill for my Paragon. I don't particularly want to give him a SM elite, as he's not there to be a massive damage dealer, he's there to support the rest of the party. I looked through the Elite skills and not a single one really appealed to me. What do you guys think would be a decent Elite skill choice for this Para?
Paragon Skills - http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_paragon_skills
Just so you know what my team lineup is going to be, just incase this makes any difference to the build, it is:
Me - Fire Ele
Acolyte Sousuke - SF Ele
Master Of Whispers - MM/Bomber
General Morgahn - Paragon
Mhenlo - Healer
Lina - Protection
Herta - Earth
Zho - Interrupt
Or instead of Zho, either Cynn or Devona (which would you suggest?

Third Question:
Do you think it'd be better to bring two hero SF ele's + myself (who is also a SF ele) instead of one hero SF ele plus a MM/Bomber? I only ask because with three SF ele's, we will be able to maintain burning on enemies, therefore affectively keeping [skill]"They're on Fire!"[/skill] up all the time.